Journalism | Silent.Echo in a Consciousness Trip
CONSCIOUSNESS TRIP BIO of FlorezArts view ART from my last works view some of my Photography pix <some are edited> read some of my writings <many need more editing> theBlog poems, everybody! DO YOU WANT TO JUMP to year 2022? ( click ), or Go to year 2023 ? Or stay here.... chronological journey of... indigo guy Helaku: WARNING: "Explicit Content" and scroll down when it bores you!.... hehehe👍 ¿what are the perspectives of a change? what are the perspectives for a change? the diary of Sunny-Day (Helaku -ancient name)... an indigo regular guy searching for the gates to enter a 5D Matrix within his consciousness, one that he is not even sure it exists at all... Helaku left his home from to fly over the virtual universes within... into the New Earth. And these are some of the process through the days as human living among illusions: 2017 august 26 2017 11:11 in this year, it always seems as if i don't live around anyone...