Vivianne Westwood |
Mon. January 16, 12:19
What we have in resume? There are some fields where the changes are moving along. Some others are still showing the effects of corruption.
A strong segment is growing: the concrete realization of acceptance that the animals are as well: BEINGS! With Rights to Live among our civilization.
Well, it is good though! On my behalf I do continue being Vegan and trying the most I can to eat Raw Food. No dangerous chemicals or processing food with fetus in it or refined food in my kitchen.
In the public scenario: Corruption is still there. False flags are still there. Misinformation still the daily bread among the corporate media. Politicians and leaders still hanging out the badge of Lies. Governments still are not listening to the higher space br@therhood. The journalist JulianAssange is still in prison paying in dark walls for just doing his job right. GESARA still not working out. Social Networks still in the hands of clones manipulated by the Elites and DS. DS still sending the dogs to do dirty jobs. NATO still looking to explore another time what we call WW3.
The C19 is still be used as a tool for the Elites' plans to depopulate the planet. The rich is still getting richer and controlling the masses with the same elements of numb and distraction. Still new persons are showing up here or there to play the game of the right leader, but they get exposed. Still the Truth is called "Conspiracy Theory". Etcetera, etc. Etc.
In the ET narrative, they still processing the codes to fit their plans to the small brains of us, so we don't frickin-out.
In the arts, a bunch of new artist are moving around. I do my small contribution to the field with illustrations, drawings, digital art and oil paintings.
4:50pm Saturday 21st January 2023
in the name of a great paradise residing inside the imagination of the brain, the scientists located in some remote area of Siberia had an unexpected visit from a benevolent race of ITs. the visitors apparently dressing and looking like regular tall humans, according to the group description, had activated inside the brain of these scientists a "Paradise Code" (PC) connected directly to parallel or to same time spiral projections unable them to visualize in 3D terms different possibilities of existence
within themselves. the group called the PC when in reality is just an inner code in the humans that is just being activated, given the person the capacity to connect with himself in a NOW time to another NOW times of himself and also -this time with the astral body, to parallel lifes of the self in real moment. according to their report, the human brain has the capacity to extend the links of reality into different realities from this third dimensional stage of life.
---WEF, what that stands for? it could be: WorldEliteFuckers or what ever thing else comes to your mind. is where the rulers of the world system gather to continue and/or activating new or old ways to keep under control the whole planet. or at least the whole western civilization as it exists. a survey in Twitter showed a different opinion of more than 80% of the results going against the WEF as used to draw the future of the human race. in this forum they manage to set the directrices of war, economy, high technology corporations, health control, weather control, food control, UFO info control, money control, etc.-control. meanwhile in other parts of the planet, like the Arabs, Africa, Russia and Asia; they are opening new ways to buyers to pay their purchases without using the dollar as the monetary transaction devise. wonder what the Latin American countries and Europa are doing, just following the US imposed rules of fear-control over themselves?
---in the line of Free-Assange, some Latin countries put their voices together to make clear to the US government that they are pro-freedom of the journalist JulianAssange. meanwhile his wife and a bunch of freedom friends, including NoamChomski are supporting gatherings and meetings to send messages to the UK and US to release JA from prison. it is also heard on the rumbles of the rivers rocks, that CIA is trying to set up a complot to kill JA.
3:22pm February 25/23 Saturday
well, Hello!, out there in the wild fields of the system, is still a war, a year of war. well, it seems that since the Cabala's plans to exterminate 70% of the population with the Plan-Demia didn't worked out after all, their plans were exposed all over the planet. so they started to support this little war in Ukraine to create a WWIII. those guys are really amazing, always on the search for ways to destroy: Search&Destroy... There is also a hidden plan they like to accomplish sometimes in the near future, it is to create mass-fear among the sleepers that watch and follow the news of all media, with the idea of an ET attack to the planet. implanting then the Blue-Beam project, they try to began the plan sending their air forces to destroy flying object made and controlled by themselves, and used the social media to tell that their air fighters destroy an UFO to protect America. well, all awakened ppl right away told thru their social networks how fake their story was. and i guess it catches the curiosity of some of the sleepers that are not yet 100% awake, to react otherwise and know the real game of the cabala. so, this president of that country started to support NATO, i mean, to intimidate their members to support a WWIII against Russia, so the sheep Europeans leaders just follow and start making sanctions against Russia, but... they forgot that China is also in the map, so those two guys are now together against the silly westerns that pretend this war can be win.
What is behind the interests of this modern wars? it is all economics my friends, they need more economical power to rule the system. the war corporations are desperate of power and money to create war that increase their economics. what happened in the north ocean of Russia where the gas pipeline goes through Europa? well, it seems as those same guys send their CIA dogs to create destruction and to blame it to the Russians. wow, what a waste of money and what a load of hate in these ppl.
Back in the years it was a coup in Ukraine, and who was behind the coup? yes u are right my friend, the same bad guys, so they installed instead a soldier to create power and since this country is in the back yard of the Bear, they wanted to increase the Biological Labs to who knows what a perverse plans they had in mind, so Putin smelled the dirty game and invade the country. well, is obvious.
We don't support or like wars, we are pro PEACE and harmony always. We don't support any government, we just a group of journalist expelling the Truth around. that is why we want to see Julian in freedom, bcs it is an Unjust Act Against all Freedoms and against the group of journalist of the free world. Against Life itself and against::: LOVE.
In different fields, life moves around and ahead, it seems as the Sun is still transmitting the solar energy charged with more electrons that are influencing all humanity one way or another... myself i am going through times where those light codes are making me very fragile inside, i hold on the life forms i know and couple of days later, i am alright. but is been this way since the last year... so changes arrive to my awareness and make me move or act differently, more gentle, more truthful, more loving..... but life around is full of draconian humans that had this inherit behaviors of the old patriarchal society, so, that means many of them have this macho attitude still to diminish what is sweet and lovely, it is amazing to see with own eyes their behaviors against anything different from what they inherited. in times i just feel a lit bit sad or sorry about them, but there is nothing else to do about it, but just act as u know is best for self and ignored them... hoping that showing your different approaches can make them act and think and feel different. those guys are really very insecure in their ways, they have this big mouth that spells loud and with security ways of mini-destructive actions of living and acting, but their insides are fragile and full of insecurities. they in times, try to copy different moves, in a positive way, but i am not sure if those changes are grounded at all in a strong thought or feeling... anyway, sometimes i believe is a matter of balancing your inner male and female energies to dance together in harmony.
What ya guys think about the earthquake in Turkey and neighbored...? there are three opinions that i heard::: one is the by the logical ppl, they say that the earthquake is a natural emotion on the tectonic line that passes through that area,,, well, they right in big way... another group of observers say that it was the action of the HAARP... sound also reasonable.... another way it is that we don't know, we just know that it happened and we should do something about the innocents ppl on those areas, like the TotenHosen in Dusseldorf, they throw a free concert yesterday live in a hall and live in the social networks to collect euros to aid those other ppl in need, i heard they collected more than a million euros. kool guys, thank ya.... there is also another group that think that is part of a long plan to diminish the population made by the cabala.... idk yet what is the truth of the event.
Sunday, Feb. 26th 2023, 6:52
We, the collective of Independent Journalist for Freedom from the 3DMatrix, (IJoF), got this observation today::: ok, one the guys saw this young woman walking somewhere in the forest, all of the sudden, a reddish squirrel comes out from behind a huge tree and looking at the young woman's eyes he stare with his hands moving towards her. the woman gets down and closer to the small animal, opened the bottle of water and on the cup, pour some water and reached out to the reddish new friend. the animal come closer and starts drinking from her hand. the view of the whole picture is just beautiful and amazing, the delicate movements of both beings is not just sweet but also powerful. the IJoF observed the video made by our colleague, and got this idea::: lets just pretend we are a neutral observer Algorithm robot programmed to just do observations on the 3D planet Earth... the Bot observes and
records the action of the woman and the squirrel, the info recorder is been watched by the developers out there (somewhere between Lemuria, Pleiades, Arcturus, Sirius and Andromeda), that are also watching the outputs of their bots, they see the woman and squirrel together in a lovely performance. suddenly these guys get a message, a voice message from Earth, is one of the IJoF dudes sending a question to them, it goes like this::: "See guys the video?, does the woman interfering with the free-will of the squirrel? or does she just share the abundance of the material products here with another being?"; the guys up there somewhere in the space of this galaxy and neighbor Andromeda, got together in the conference room in the Moon... Free-Will is the main subject, they talk for several minutes and observe the video again and again and read the question from the dudes again too. they report the conclusions to the higher realms of their collective. the Higher Realm receives the input from the developers of the observer bot on earth. He-She reads the conclusion of the developers, it
says::: "is the woman in that video braking the Universal Law of Non-Intervention on the Free-Will planets?, seems as she is helping another being belonging to a different kind, our question also goes to::: it is OK for us to help or cooperate with lesser beings as the 3D humans on their development of their evolution?"... the Higher Realm gather together all the gods out there and they are still thinking about it, if letting go of that Universal Law or not. It seems as that law is a little bit unfair when the beings of 3D systems are already reaching out or whishing for a higher stage... back in IJoF office, we are also thinking that our human race is in a stage of evolution, where we can have more access to FREE higher technologies from the Light sources in order to advance our humanity in general to a better world and Life.
who to find... where to find that... the who and the where are not meeting together right now... every one is pulling to their own side, or... there is not a who and there is not a where at all... the idea that exist a who & a where, is an illusion that enjoys to create some habitat of their own in some part of the imagination of a being pursuing the mysteries of be in a isolation of W's (who & where) by default... the same being that approach the internal feelings of the desires melted in sensual dances of the Yin and the
Yan knowing that that is the "critical" point where the inside male meets the inside female. it is so mysterious as the secrets of a sexual life of a nun. there is no W's in that video-game, bcs the entities that perform the internal dance, are the same of the individual that pursuits the secrets of isolation due to the particular own discoveries that his-hers is a different human or a different person as those found on social events in the nearby town. in conclusion, there is not a who and there is not a where. (segment found in internet, author: unknown)... now outside is snowing again.
Monday, March 6, 2023
at this time of Life, i wonder if i should care for dates and clock-time anymore... alright, that's it!... anyway, i was in Berlin the other day, looking for a street poet of the underground scene, i found him after couple of hours looking in skateparks and so on... he is a skateboarder with an angle for poetry, i recorder this sort of a exchange of words between both us and a couple of other kids from the skatepark:::
- so what up man
- not much, he said, I've been searching for a door, but i am not sure if the door is to get out of this or to get in into another that.... anyway is the same thing... same door... same surf...
- what u mean bro, i said in my street German dialect
- man, see, there are doors, invisible doors that can drive u insane if u are not listening... he paused
- listening? i said
- ja man, the doors have high vibrations that need to be heard for those that are looking for doors... i mean bro... there are doors that can take u out of this reality, but u need to accomplish first many things to be in that level... and there are other doors that can open the door that is inside themselves of thosethat look for answers... or for definitive changes in their realities... anyway... -he jumped out and into the empty pool and started to ride the curves, his long dreadlocks jumped up and down when he come up to the top of the edges... then one of the kids said something while we were looking at the empty pool::: - who knows if the door opens or not, the balance of this reality we call life, is a carrousel of changes... today i can feel a lit bit down bcs of the assholes that create wars or those other assholes that kill and torture animals... but who cares, that is what always happens in this bs reality bro, no one cares.... -then other kid, a black girl with shaved head goes rapping:::
- bro, as far as we know,
the pigs are controlling the microphones,
so the only blahblah we heard
is the old song of the propaganda Nazis
all of the sudden the whole scenario of the park was a rap stage were all the people there started to say something about dirty politicians and dirty corporations and all that shit we know from the darkness...
Anyway after couple of hours, i went back to the sofa in that community house where i stayed for a while, and crash, it was late /or too early in the morning? idk...
Friday March 10, 2023
Hi, today we probably want to swim inside an ocean with many variant of colors... i said probably, bcs u can also add or delete all or any info u want... this is a digital conversation... inside the Net, anything is possible and... impossible. Somebody called that ocean with different names or colors::: one of them could be Fanaticism, another is exaggeration, another is paranoia, another is conspiracy theorist, another is dramatism, another is to be a promoter of grounded fears from the perspectives of a future, another is the common total blindness from some facts, another is apocalypse, another is... there are so many ingredients in the pallet of the artist... Human Beings are very sensible and insecure when it comes to analyze feel or talk about a different "coming future", why is that?, most humans normally behave around or in something called by the general ways of conversations::: Safe Ground. when this SG moves a little bit in a direction unknown, the human has this tendency to feel deep inside a big FEAR, bcs that human doesn't see or can not control the new arriving perspective of a change or of something unknown arriving, seems as the HB is not programmed to deal with it... the new visitor fear become the new driver of that human consciousness and bcs of that, the mind and the body of that human, arrive to a different shore, something the human sense as a aggressive formation of many things that can destroy their comfortable zones, those that the human was before so used to... what happens when a human live in a geographical area that all of the sudden becomes a war zone? the chock of the unprecedent reality been hit by death and explosive sounds of destruction all around their lives, but it seems as that makes this same human strong enough to handle in a way or another the fears of a different sudden death of their environments and families... a chock, a surprising sudden chock could make a human strong enough to survive... what is the difference between those two humans? while the other just worries about climate changes or political insecurities, or economic collapses or if the future is save enough to have children or not... seems as ppl around the ages of 35 are not capable enough to handlethose fears or insecurities... why? they probably grew up in electronic environments where the superficial easy going of the surface of the ocean they surf is just pink enough like that the tv shows, "News" and Commercials they watch can shows to them the::: WAYS... anyway the effect of an unexpected destructive anomalies that can disturb the reality of that human, one that the human is not been educated to face, has a devastated impact in that human being (HB). for example::: the HB is been educated to accept natural death after years of sickness or of an old age, as normal. suicide is also being take it as a possible exit to leave an undesired reality, war and legally kill another human is also normal for them. Many questions arise in this ocean of colors, one of them, could be::: is to have children a base or a ground to a safe "future", it seems as the HB had forgotten its own past experiences as HB... lets see him on those times when they used to live in caves facing many "unexpected" dangerous situations. those tough times through the times of their evolution where dangerous and it was the name of their daily lunch menu... well the delicate sounds of feeling of a new generation seems not right connected with the DNA of their own process of evolution in this generations they are representing at this moment of history... Here we don´t want to introduce alternative perspectives to see these issues of the new HB. why? bcs it seems as those HB processing this new fears from their future, are at the same time, HBs not connected enough the the whole integral ingredients of their human evolution soup. meaning that if a HB is not been able to search deep enough inside themselves the reasons of WHY something "strange" is moving around them, then this HB seems as they have a lack of something really big -in order to see the whole picture and so on, making them unable to ADAPT to those new realities that are formatting inside or moving their grounds. In other points of view, will be interesting to study, why we are used to the word::: Apocalypse. where do we inherited from? from the same ppl that put together that book they call the Bible? should we now questioning the same ppl that putted together that book?...idk... u do your own conclusions... it all depends of your convictions and your believes and what kind of inputs u were exposed to in your cultural environments.........
saturday march 18/23
a blues is ringing bells in the back of an atelier while an artist is looking inside the gates of natural human sweet desires for the key to satisfy the flesh of imaginations on a canvas with the look of theeyes searching for beauty and the brush of colors in his hand spilling illuminations and wishful hallucinations of dreams all over the air while a lover kisses his innerself slowly to attract the nymphs inside the invisible reality that abides around the atelier and inside the muscles that drive the orgasm of the arts with the new vibration of Love inside the bones and within the secrets of Earth´s Soul. the normal procedure of actions feed and lead by the river of normal procedures of thoughts, could be a chain of reactions that on times, could complicate the reality of a Human. the change involve in the twist of the thought towards the Light spaces of abroad or ahead images from positive inputs, could illuminate the path of that Human into new realms of their own reality.
the fields of inner perceptions, had escalated the boundaries of imagination inside the perspectives of the Arts, yesterday the artist were not choose by regulations of the media, bcs in those time, everyone was an artist. the times changed through the ages and ppl got involve in different activities depending of the stage of surviving on the background of their homes. and artist became the few. parallel to that, the chief of the small communities got involves in obscure activities due to commands coming from the tribes regional small leaders called king on the later days. so managers arise and with them the
developments of the economies got in a wrong direction of the causalities. emerging the big differences that nowadays appear as the proletarian groups working class that only works, watch the news and expend their salary in the good created by big corporations to satisfy desires that already had been indoctrinated by a program of education from kindergarten into the universities, pitifully the ppl had also followed the indoctrination in the arts, and the new artist went to school to "Learn" how to paint, how to draw, how to color, how... who owns nowadays the strings of the indoctrination XXI century? a company named BlackRock, but who owns this corporation? the most shares belong to another corporation named Vanguard, and who owns Vanguard? this one is a private investment firm that together with the other one, own all big pharma, big media, and just about everything else u can think of! they have ownership in 1600 gringo firms, and control over $9 trillion in assets. the 1% owns more than the 99%. 82% of all earned money in 2017 went to this 1%, somewhat like a massive company store. Vanguard is linked to many of the oldest, richest families, including the Rothschilds, the Orsini´s, the Bush, the British Royal family, the Dupont family, the Morgans, Vanderbilts and Rockefellers. so, who owns the
bank that gave u a plastic card? where u deposit trustfully every month all of your proletarian salary? who owns the shopping malls u and your family go shopping every other weekend and holidays? the hotels? the radio stations? the universities? the school system? the health organizations? the UN? the, the, the... the list has not an end... and who say the galleries? the museums? where the gallerist went to school? to learn what kind of strategies? do u still eat at macDonalds? u still drink coca-cola? do u know what is inside the dark liquid of that drink? do you know if that chain-food owns desvasted lands in the Amazons where they can cultivate some of the products they use for their hamburgers and potatoes? did u know that who ever goes in jail that is called a "terrorist" is actually only a terrorist for the Vanguard & Co.? when in reality the one in jail or six feet under, is or was just another hero for Freedom and or a Prophet. did u know that they can twist also the weather? and create what we call wars? and bring some line of the economics into bankruptcy in order to by cheap shares in get them back into track after that. do u know who does the best propaganda in the world? search deeper dear... who has underground facilities to do satanic orgies where they sacrifice children and drink their blood? did u know that this rituals had a begining in the Jew communities long ago? did u know who stablished the land for the Israel? did u ever wonder why the criminals from the 1% never hit the ground and never go to jail? do u wonder who owns the politicians and the law system? well the list can go for ever, but back to the caveman who painted the art they observed inside caves or on big rocks, where are the new artist of this times? who decides the directrices for the new art? anyway, think about it, or delete it!
do u own or think of buying an e-car? think about where to plugin to charge the battery, is that place getting the power from the Sun or from the Wind? or it is just from the electric company? if this last one is your answer, makes no sense to buy that e-car. otherwise is like trying to screw the fossils and install the power owners of electricity, wonder if the 1% is now trying to own electrical companies so they can control the e-stations of the future? dont know why they can not think of the clean energies as a benefit also for their pockets, instead they just pursue the same Search&Destroy paradigm they love most against humanity.
Domingo, Marzo 26 del 2023
i had not idea that MarlonBrandon directed any film in his life, well, just saw this old Western where he plays the Rio character::: good script, good acting, right actors, nice spaghettis color, 1961, "One Eyed Jacks"
Domingo, Abril 9 del 2023
Saw this old film from 1993, "The Peanut Butter Falcon" with this guy Zack Gottsagen a film by: Lucky Treehouse, good sensible sweet and positive script by: Tyler Nilson. ***Recommended***
friday 14 de abril del 2023
...from the deep nakedness' of Truth to the infinite limitless of eternity, the clarity of my Mind and the beauty of my Body join forces with my Souls light to produce a higher level of Consciousness inside the integral force of my Being. Within this Force remains in peace the Universal Truth that pours constantly a fountain of Life into myself. I that in there that applies to all of ya as well.
Monday 12 de Juni
... from the other side of the Truth, on the verge of negative energies rumbling around the humans minds. There, only the Higher Self is in charge to dissolving the dark side of the thoughts.
Couple of questions:::
-What do Nomads have in common with Birds?
-Are we Angels in human shape?
You can think that u have some talent within the arts, or in any thing. Your friend or your lover can tell you that u have talent. Some of the ppl u know might think otherwise. But, after all, in this system of our society, not always talent is enough if u don't get connected with the proper agencies, Dealer, etc. After all, the system manage those strings.
In some life's...
What is the meaning of boring?
What is the meaning of success?
What is the meaning of being introverted?
What's the meaning of solitude?
Would that be like "Hundred years of Solitude" by García Márquez?
It's our successful life a parallel representation of the decadent thought of our illusion on what life means?
Is being introverted a failure of represented life in social events?
Is being bored a failure of our illusion of life in XXI century?
Is antistocking a new symptom of avoiding others for our living in the same building with other people, or walking in the same Forest with some ppl around, or swimming naked in a nude beach, or needed to go to work knowing that there are ppl around that u don't even want to see? Is all these just an antisocial effect for the diploma shrinks? ... let's change the subject.
Is Kurt Cobain right on what he's saying about the animals and the humans?
Are animals like partners in life in this planet?
Are they here to teach us Love 💕?
Is Nature in general a compliment for our development as higher beings?
Why all of the sudden we have again million of questions, instead of millions of Euros?
What would you do with a lot of money?
Would you expand your mind atrocities into a reality thinking is the right thing to do?
Just look at what the Elite ppl do to our planet and to our selves. Is that the similar things u want to do with lots of money?
Think again, and again and again.
... here is what some body do when negativity is approaching his life:::
Some others send his Higher Self to deal with negativity.
Is negativity a natural factor inside human minds?
Or is perhaps negativity an outside element that wants to interfere with our peace?
In anyway it comes from a mind in distress. There are many minds that live around criticism towards other ppl. And in a way, that is a root for the spring of some negativity.
So... When the Angels or your HS are dealing with negativity, are they confronting the source of it or the vehicle that create it...?!?
Too many questions and little cash in my pocket.
No matter what, the waters from the rivers are always finding their way back to the ocean. Some go on the surface. Some remain inside earth 🌍🌎
...ppl like us, we navigate rivers of unknown destinations. Our boat ⛵ not always finds the right winds to sail.
... emotional decisions could violate unknown destinations or known connections. The art of being able to wait a little longer to answer a question ❓❓❓ or a message in social network, might avoid negative interpretations of an emotion sent too fast.
... the memories of some relationship from your past, can satisfy a moment of the day, keeps you company for couple of minutes while a song displays the dance 🩰 of a gone scene that might extends itself into the fields of a imaginary eternity.
... some others can not 🚫 fall asleep as fast as they wanted. Sleeping 😌😴 is like charging an e-car or an e-bike. If u don't do it. It won't run. Go to sleep 💤💤💤
...a comic, an animation or a laugh can be extensions of your inner child trying to tell you that life is not as hard as u think. It's just an amazing adventure.
Friday June 30
Sometimes she comes
in the shape of Rain,
and soaks me in.
Sometimes she comes
in the shape of Snow,
and paints in white my flow.
Sometimes she comes
in the shape of Clouds,
and I dance solos with the Winds.
Sometimes she comes
in the shape of Mist,
and whispers of a Loved she missed.
Sometimes she comes
in the shape of a River,
and naked we love forever.
Sometimes she comes
in the shape of Oceans,
and we play with Cetaceans.
Sometimes she is nuts,
and I breathe her to my Candlenuts.
Sometimes she is happy,
and I bring her inside my Tipi.
Sometimes she Thunders,
and I feel like Riders.
Sometimes she scattered my Soul with Lightnings,
and we know we're gods.
And sometimes...
we just be there.
And that was it! Thank y'all.
..."Einen Tag lang, einen kurzen, glänzenden Tag lang war es ihm gelungen, die einfache Kunst zu üben, die jeder Grashalm kann. Einen armen Tag lang war hatte er sich selbst geliebt, sich selbst als Eines und Ganzes gefühlt, nicht in feindliche Teile zerspalten, er hatte sich geliebt, und in sich die Welt und Gott, und nichts als Liebe, Bestätigung und Freude war ihm von überallher entgegengekommen." , Hermann Hesse.-
Mittwoch, Aug. 2nd. del 23
Just wanted to share a small like. There are three Animation I recently found out I like nowadays. What do they have in common?... U tell me if I am right or wrong:
* Malo Korrigan & the Space Tracers
* Cowboy Beep Bop
* Futurama
On the three of them, characters fly on Spaceships. Two of them do deliveries sometimes and are heroes fighting dark forces. The third one is a Body Hunter, fighting also against the dark forces.
Kool uh?
Donerstag, Aug. 3rd. del 23
...also, there are three animations that don't use common human languages:::
* Grizzly and the Lemmings
* Shaun the Sheep
* Oscar's Oasis
Freitag 4th del 23
Atrocities of the Mind, that repercute on the surface of the body. But the sad story is that the sequence of events are storage in the Cloud of the Moon, where the Universe is checking out the pictures of that present for investigation on the evolution of the human race. Bad News my little readers.
Anyway the design of the Dreams is in reality something different than the reality of the desired dream.
If u have to get a dream of changes where you are the Hero of the story and the leader of your Dreams, then u need to be aware that probably that dream needs centuries to become real, or u might need to incarnate thousand of times again and again and again...
But there is Hope, you think so. U had learned that hope is the last thing ya loose... I don't really want to laugh at these ideas of greatness. I just have to say that the plans for humanity and the planet earth 🌎, are not circling around u or your Ego. Probably or perhaps u can have a small change that will make you feel you are in control again, but be real and truly perspective of the equation is that, that would be one small step in your slow progress of evolving in this life path u had chosen to be in, and it's nothing or have nothing to do with your "dream".
Saturday, still August 12, 2023,
Hip hop is on the background, that happens bcs I am a music lover, sometimes I can listen for long time any music, when I am saturated by the Tunes of my choice.
I heard this woman on the Social Network, she asked, why should I have to work, instead, I will love to just lay on the sand beach with my tits out for ever... And that, again, make me questioning, why I am still doing those jobs, just to pay bills? Wtf... when do I have the balls to Stop that? Maybe I ended up living under a bridge in Prague. Hehehe. Or on a beautiful beach in Portugal?
Still August, the 14th, Montag, 2023 still
... there is a switch in my perception in this precisely moment, I looked outside the window, and the forms of the tree, are expelling some sort of information with what we call::: reality.
Outside the perceive images are what I can call, my perception of reality. But it seems as subtle as it can be. It moves, even those rocks in my reality, move, all electrons inside the rock and the tree, are moving. Even what I call, my reality body, moves. Inside everything, even me, there's an electronic dance of electrons.
Now, when an electron dances, it generates a relative speed that is equivalent to the known mass of the objects, and if it vibrates to certain frequency, it can transform into elements of light, leaving the carbonic constitution of the elements inside, dancing into a new tune, called sílice crystal. Saying these, I can relate very much to the idea of me being a part of a higher software, playing my part, as a 3D imagen of a program we can call::: Life. So, I looked at everything again, and I can feel the interconnected link via those electrons we all have. If I am able to develop this in a deeper understanding, I might "disappear" from the eyes 👀 of some others realities, and I can appeared in some other ones as well, and perhaps with the possibility of going forward and coming back into those other previous experiences, as if I was a density
traveler. It might has to do with solar upgrades inside the DNA. And that subtle sensation of soft weight of the body, can be the new song that my cells are dancing.... Connectivities of perception.... Transformation of the matter, to adjust immediately to the different places to be at.... U can probably arms around a tree, or penetrate inside it to have access to the information storage inside the tree. The fluid that lubricate all those actions, is Love itself. Somebody can called this Quantum Reality, and the AI info is collected from the whole galaxy. Then I can feel that I am a Galactic Dude. Happy and hahahaha. And I am manifesting my New Reality here and now, to altered not just me myself and I, but all around this Central Europe reality where am I situated geographically on earth 🌍.
Tuesday, 15/23
In the process of unlearning all the false information the elites put into our system with their manipulated educational systems, one of them has to do with this planet, the inside earth. There is inside a whole civilization of advance beings living in 5D environment. I once had this dream when I was a kid, been walk down into Telos, by two persons. Nowadays I am trying to connect telepathically with some body down there. I get that feeling that once i am there, I might have to go into a process of getting an upgrade in my body and mind. Well, I might share that experience afterwards here. So stay tune.
Saturday, 19 agosto del 23
... the amazing and greatness of human behaviors are seeing on what they do or how to react in real life, also it's reflective in Social Networks everywhere. They created these environments for their actions in many different scenarios. And they're all beautiful and charged with a particular creative individuality not matter what their choices are. A big ingredient in most of them is fun. They smile from sweet smiled moments to spontaneous acts of Joy. For some sweet reason, I can picture how the ETs br@therhood is loving us so much, no matter how primitive we are in our creative motivation.
Sunday evening, Aug. 20th/23
...last evening of my little vacation from work.
Short poem::: "When the Flowers become women, the lands of men turned into Earthly Paradises."
Translate it from the original in castellano::: "Cuando las Flores se vuelven mujeres, los campos de los hombres se convierten en Paraísos terrenales."
Freitag, Aug. 25/23
Last night I went through one of those moments when I loop a song for intermittent seconds, minutes and probably almost an hour long. My Soul was sending me input about that song that I need it to assimilate on the spot. At the same time while I am listening the tunes, I play some game on the phone. Why? I guess the mechanics of playing a game doesn't interfere the 🌊🌊🌊 waves of the mind at move.
I remember from the movie Taxi Driver, with Robert de Niro, when silly but beautiful girl tell the guy::: "u are like a pusher and a preacher", when he was approaching with his direct narrative the woman on the dress.
At the end of the song, the writer says::: "There's lotta wrong directions on that lonely way back home ", which sounds to me like the poet refers to home as a spiritual destination, to the Lord.
My intervention to the metaphors words of the poetic lyrics, brings me to the observations of how many homeless ppl we see in big cities?
Those men and women riding the wrong directions of a System of Doom wild wave that pursuit the destruction of many valuable beings, whom their Souls send them here with a very special mission but the Moloch strategies brought them down into self destructive choices. Sad poems living under bridges in Prague, or on the evenings sidewalks in Stuttgart, just to mention a couple. And the issue here is that those normies just looked at those pilgrims with disrespect and hate. Violating the course of life in an Universum with many different ways to grow up, like life on Earth 🌎🌍.
Anyway, the name of the song is::: "The Pilgrim, Chapter 33" by Kris Kristofferson. Here they're:::
See him wasted on the sidewalk
In his jacket and his jeans
Wearing yesterday's misfortunes like a smile
Once he had a future full of money, love and dreams
Which he spent like they was going out of style
Then he keeps right on a changing
For the better or the worse
Searching for a shrine he's never found
Never knowing if believing is a blessing or a curse
Or if the going up was worth the coming down
He's a poet
He's a picker
He's a prophet
He's a pusher
He's a pilgrim and a preacher and a problem when he's stoned
He's a walking contradiction
Partly truth and partly fiction
Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home
He has tasted good and evil in your bedrooms and your bars
And he's traded in tomorrow for today
Running from his devils, lord
Reaching for the stars
Losing all his loves along the way
But if this world keeps right on turning
For the better or the worse
All he ever gets is older and around
From the rocking of the cradle
To the rolling of the hearse
The going up was worth the coming down
He's a poet
He's a picker
He's a prophet
He's a pusher
He's a pilgrim and a preacher and a problem when he's stoned
He's a walking contradiction
Partly truth and partly fiction
Taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home
There's a lot of wrong directions on that lonely way back home
And, what's what we feel? When they lost their way back "Home" searching for the Shrine up in the Stars??? Loosing all they loved along the pathway?
Sunday, 🌞 10th of September, 2023
... what is your Passion?
Are you happy now?
The questions come and go, with out a fix face to answer it to. Our "universum" had become very wide open to expand communication, and also very short or very close to decide our next steps, so to see it, with all the technology that nowadays we use.
The network can take us inside spiritual Universums, and some minutes later, we see ourselves around the same room we slept last night. With all our feelings and thoughts moving around looking for a window out there.
So we changed from asking questions or sharing thoughts with stranger-friends in social Networks everywhere, to answer or face our decisions within ourselves inside our silenced moments many times at week.
Do you know your Passion?
Are you happy now?
4:17 pm
October 19th
"Solo" is the name of a film, about this Surfer dude that broke up with his dream girl... Sometimes we can feel Solo. Many times we loose an opportunity with a girl.... How many times do we feel pain?.....
Viernes, 27 Octubre
The Ballad Of Lucy Jordan
The morning sun touched lightly on
The eyes of Lucy Jordan
In a white suburban bedroom
In a white suburban town
As she lay there 'neath the covers
Dreaming of a thousand lovers
'Till the world turned to orange
And the room went spinning round
At the age of thirty-seven
She realised she'd never
Ride through Paris in a sports car
With the warm wind in her hair
So she let the phone keep ringing
And she sat there softly singing
Little nursery rhymes she'd memorised
In her daddy's easy chair
Her husband, he's off to work
And the kids are off to school
And there were, oh, so many ways
For her to spend the day
She could clean the house for hours
Or rearrange the flowers
Or run naked through the shady street
Screaming all the way
At the age of thirty-seven
She realised she'd never
Ride through Paris in a sports car
With the warm wind in her hair
So she let the phone keep ringing
As she sat there softly singing
Pretty nursery rhymes she'd memorised
In her daddy's easy chair
The evening sun touched gently on
The eyes of Lucy Jordan
On the roof top where she climbed
When all the laughter grew too loud
And she bowed and curtsied to the man
Who reached and offered her his hand
And he led her down to the long white car
That waited past the crowd
At the age of thirty-seven
She knew she'd found forever
As she rode along through Paris
With the warm wind in her hair
And the songs continue to disappear...
But, I came back from work and found her eyes staring out to the horizon... Searching for me... even through the confusion of the world 🌎🌍, I try to found a way to knock on her door. Invisible Gate of the thousands gods she went through in her past life's...
She looks as she is dancing her inner Peace in a harmony wave of hums...
I know that sometimes in this planet, things can become a bit Sad... Our actions can probably lead us to blind corners of unwanted situations. Neil Young wrote this song and the Cowboy Junkies sang it in the right pitch of the live of the Story of those lyrics...
Look out, Mama, there's a white boat comin' up the river
With a big red beacon and a flag and a man on the rail
I think you'd better call John
'Cause it don't look like they're here to deliver the mail
And they're less than a mile away
I hope they didn't come to stay
It's got numbers on the side and a gun
And it's makin' big waves
Daddy has gone, my brother's out hunting in the mountains
Big John's been drinking since the river took Emmy Lou
So the powers that be left me here to do the thinkin'
And I just turned twenty-two
I was wonderin' what to do
And the closer they got
The more those feelings grew
Daddy's rifle in my hand felt reassurin'
He told me, "Red means run son, numbers add up to nothin'"
But when the first shot hit the docks I saw it comin'
Raised my rifle to my eye
Never stopped to wonder why
Then I saw black
And my face splashed in the sky
Shelter me from the powder and the finger
Cover me with the thought that pulled the trigger
Just think of me as one you'd never figured
Would fade away so young
With so much left undone
Remember me to my love
I know I'll miss her
That's it folks! Like he said...
... just think of me as one u'd never figured...
... remember me to my Love...
November 6th 2023
...I took my bike around Zurich and after a while, near a small bridge in a yard near a lake, heard somebody crying, I stopped, let the bike above alone and went under the small bridge. Thought I might find more ppl or a couple in arguments, but no, it was just a young fellow alone in between 16 and 20. I looked and waived my hand a bit, see if it was ok for him and as he agreed that I approached. I walked couple of steps towards him and sat next to him. He got some curly brownish blondish hair, a black hood sweater, big wide dirty gray pants and red sneakers. I said hi, are u ok? I felt like my question was so stupid. He said hello in a young age voice between kid and teen. Can I help you? And he said to me: I am very confused in my life and I feel I don't want to live any longer, I said what happens. He said just broke up with his boyfriend. I said your boyfriend?
He said yes, I am a transgender girl, and look straight into my eyes with those big blue balls searching if I was going to put him (or her) down. I said, is ok sister, that happens to many ppl. She said, yeah but I was in love. The guy paid for everything in my transition from a regular feminine boy into a girl with a special gift down stairs. She looks at me again searching... But I said, is ok, I understand, u can try to go back to your bf and fix everything out. She said, that's the big issue mister, we were living in Berlin and went on a road trip, we stayed in his caravan and last night after I discussion we hardly slept and early in the morning, he took off and leave me outside and alone with no money at all. Just my backpack. The clothes I am wearing are his, mister -she said, and continued, I don't know anyone here and I am afraid what danger can bring the night. My brain was spinning around, saw the whole picture and I felt that now if I leave that girl alone, she might find a way to kill herself... Or perhaps she was manipulating the opportunity and told me that story to get some money. Idk... Suddenly I think she felt my thoughts, bc she said in a very spontaneous way, no worries mister, I'll be ok. Thanks for listening. I said and do u have family or friends somewhere? She said, mister, my family didn't accept my new gender so I took off to the streets in Amsterdam, a year later I meet Hans in Berlin and, you know... She cried again. I said, hey sister, no worries, are you hungry for a breakfast?
And I tried to put a nice smile 😊 in my face. And a miracle happened all of the sudden, she smile back and her face took a 180° transformation look, she looked amazing and full of life again. Inside myself I was still doubting about her story. But anyway I was happy she changed for the good. So, we went outside and walked through the park for a while, she told me stories about a cat she had back at her parents house, and I was listening in joy, feeling like a kid in some ranch or farm in Holland. (To be continued).
17 November 🍁 Fall
The Trees are getting naked, is Fall.
The Snow is painting the trees on white, is winter.
The Flowers 🌺 are coloring the Earth 🌎🌍, is spring 🌱 again.
The Sun is warming my skin, it's summer.
And what transitions are my body going through in the seasons of the earth?
Night time...
Just saw this incredible animation film::: Heavenly Sword 🗡️ based on the video game. Recommended!
5:20 am
Monday November 20th
"Russian Fury" is the name of a film. Actions in war in WW2 between Russia and Germany, mostly in tanks. Involves a romance. Despite the fact that it is about war, it has an angle of sweetness and well written script. It shows more the strategy of a Russian hero to deal with the Nazi power.
Anyway I am not 🚫 pro war, just to bring out the point that Russia defeated the Nazis back then, and Russia is fighting again against the Zionists Nazis in the field of Ukraine. The Nazi agenda back then was financed by the Cabal bankers and of the warmongers Regressive elites of the west. After they lost the war against Russia, the key leaders of the Nazis went to the US where the regressive organized their headquarters and the Cabal created some three letters agencies in the US and internationally in the west,
to control the governments of other countries, and can ya guess who were the first directors of those agencies? The key heads of the Nazi power. Anyway, nowadays as the Zionists lost the war influence with their propaganda agenda using their media, they created another battle field, Palestine. To destroy their ppl and own the land that has gas resources.
December 10th
The fields are empty
Los campos están vacíos, la cosecha pasó y la nieve cubre la vereda de un solo color. Es la metodología de las estaciones, llegan... Y se van. Hay un sentir de gozo cuando llegan. Es sutil el cuando se despiden.
Las noches llegan
Las mañanas aparecen así no más
Y las canciones del pasado y del presente se juntan para almacenar quehaceres de fondo.
A veces la monotonía de esos quehaceres se dibujan en el rostro barbado de un poeta solitario, mientras la nieve continua coloreando los árboles. Se me olvidó hacer un hombre de nieve en el patio trasero.
Los sueños nocturnos se vuelven lúcidos y el cuerpo astral termina diseñando psicodélicas formas en las noches frías.
La gente del poblado pareciera que vivieran en otra dimensión, o será que es el poeta el que se aleja de ellos?
En el silencio nocturno, los oídos pareciera que escucharán grillos que cantan en la lejanía, pero no, son los zumbidos del viento de otras vidas paralelas que desean hacer un eco a esta realidad.
El rostro puede dibujar momentos transitorios, a veces el espejo silencioso habla más que los pensamientos.
Las epopeyas terminaron su jornada hace años, ahora los reyes de los mil y un pecados capitales, están preocupados creando guerras donde masacran niños y hospitales.
Las aves aún vuelan
Las ballenas aún nadan
Los leones aún rugen
Las abejas aún laboran
Los árboles siguen recibiendo mariposas
Las flores aún están produciendo color
La grama es aún verde
Los topos duermen
La osa inverna
El viento susurra cambios
El sol cada vez está más grande y blanco
Weinachten, 12
...is raining, not a storm, but a soft one. The tree wakes from that week of snow ❄️ and is smiling again. She knows in couple of weeks from today, might snow 🌨️ again. She is naked, all her leaves felt awhile ago. I got a cold, so my mood is a challenge to be normal, it helps me to slow down and think about somethings though. Birds that come to the 🌲 are happy that I left down there some seeds for them to eat. On the distance, a Crow, dressed in black like always, he jumps and walks like a duck, and drink from the water 💦 pools on the concrete garage entrance. Pink Floyd is on the background. And my observation mind is bringing images of the same crow one million years ago. Same raven, same rain, same trees, same air, same seasons, same colors, different feelings?, Probably same primitive humans with less technology.
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