Journalism 2022

2022 Hey, welcome to this blog:
( if u like it ... refresh the page often, since i keep on adding WORDS and stories .... and editing )... Perhaps u don't know, but I heard that there are downloads to Light-Workers, Conspiracy theorist, Animal lovers, and these kind of "insane" ppl around the world...
💧 💧 💧 💙 💧 💧 💧put a SMILE on your face, hehehehehe 😁
what else is new?
on the subject of writing, nothing.
on the subject of extraterrestrial agendas? the dark energies continuing with their agenda of taken total control of what they call their property: earth and the solar system... so what!!! they been doing it for centuries and we still here, hehehehe
on the subject of the other ETs, not much, channels informing of soon arriving. But .... be aware human. the luciferians also have similar agenda using the religious agenda of the second "coming". so.... be sure of what side u r .... like it .... or not!!👽 👽 👽 👾 👾 👾
"i didnt come here to make money, i came here to make a difference": R. Stanley
everything must change. all things are in perpetual mode for changing, thanks to this universe we are living in ... it moves constantly. so: i change so fort, yes. but .... within the changes come new things. and before the changes appear, we are probably afraid of many things, unknown things. ...... we are not 100% sure if we take the left road or the right path. take the right hand road, doesn't need means is the correct decision. after all, any decision u make, it will be - in the normal order of this universe, the right decision!!!. and that probably can give u a sense of confidence after all, knowing that any decision will be the right decision .... well, not always, ... but since u are smart, place ourselves like an Eagle from an above view, and see that they are all right decisions ... but from within yourself ... it includes a whole lot of diverse influences / ingredients ::: like your free - will of choices, your level of evolution, your attitude and frequency that u are emanating from the actions and the thoughts of it. ur self - confidence. the way u slept last night, the ways u eat, etc. so, is not that simple.
but. be sure, to visualize some strategy... a new strategy behind or before u make a choice: is to visualize the end results ahead in case u choose the right hand choice or the left hand choice. visualizing is very important. to see ahead of the choice, what it will be the development of the action and possible consequences or results. and also to take in consideration: before making a choice ask ourselves this question::: is the reality u are in, your real video - life and is it asking for the new choice? is the decision going to be beneficial for u and for those around the planning idea? are the facts of your NOW in proper position to make a change?.... well, these dilemmas ( and more ) are what a i call: human life on earth. so enjoy while u here. is the only chance to be alive in 3D format. i heard that we might probably will be moving to a different stage of perception ( those who want to ). those who wants to stay in this plane of experiences, will re - incarnate again, is their choice ... some of those who want to go beyond, go for it ... those of u who want to just died and disappear, do it ... choices, free - will. beautiful .... so either u take the rocket to the unknown, or stay put! 💧 💧 💧
Friday 1 April 2022 19:08
my enemies are / my own mistakes / my own shadows / my own decisions.
my enemies are my own mistakes / my own shadows / my own decisions ( ??? ).
do not look outside. need to look at every moment within yourself. and see that it all relates to the same progress of the planetarium system of things... a funny and contradictory thing, is that there is a beautiful planet out there - every single day, but the status quo of the system is just going the opposite way. goes in different - direction. seems as the direction of it is: self destruction. i woke up today thinking that i got the power to write against the status quo. why? thought that will help destroying the 3D matrix of things now. where we are as human race ..... - those that can see: and seeing it, are sick and tired of how everything within that system is painful. everything within that system is sick, everything within that system is against that system is against the human nature of balanced nature. so, should we?

💧 💧 💧 around us, had been always heroes that face that Goliath of destruction of the system of death ... they are the propagators of LIFE. they are our own heroes... tenacious ppl against the machinery of brutality ... they had and have the courage of facing that Goliath with their own WORDS, no matter what!!!.💧 💧 💧
some of them, are still behind bars...............................................😒
Ross Ulbricht ( born 1984 )
15:00 Central Europe TimeSunday, 3 April 2022
what to write when nobody reads?
why to write ... is this the only human primitive way of communication?
when is the right time to write something that has deep content?
which of all options is a good content inside an essay?
do you want to become a civilized human? well, seems as all or most of the functions we use, are in an automatic pilot that triggers fast according to old codes....
how can i write something that makes sense now?
when that now doesn't really exist, ... since it is up to our individual understandings, that we can react to certain situations or people.
then why bother?
we bother, bcs is a matter of sharing.
why sharing is vital or important?
guess is also a part of the programming inside our DNA.
sometimes it occurs to you, that you can make some radical changes inside yourself?
remember at the beginning of this blog - it was already too long ( ( ( i had to break it into this second part for year 2022, it was getting to heavy - in many aspects ) ) ), the narrative is going one direction. the direction of my own observations. leaving out, everybody else. isn't that a little bit self of me? or you?
who knows. remember that nobody really ... reads!
💬 💬 💬 ¿What are the perspectives of a change?
what are the perspectives for a change?
👀 👀 👀
well, the changes, the radical changes that could bring this old paradigm down to ashes remain inside yourself. some of them, are: TRANSPARENCY ... dedication ... commitment ... discipline, etc.
what? what are u talking about now? ...talking about POWER
it is a transparency that needs to abide within your cellular system and in connection with your Emotional Body. but we can talk about this in another time.
bcs now, i am going through lots of changes, and i need something different. i need to write. just write, without going a certain direction, or making some kind of sense to whom ever dont reads.😜😜😜
is an eye, is that your eye? is that my eye? is it someone elses eye? who cares really. an eye is the visual realization that we can see. but, literally, we have limitations in sight. limitations in observation. limitation in imagination. limitations.!!👫👫👫👀👀👀 i can use my imagination to think that i can fly over a different dimension, just like that, with the click of the mouse. i pretend i am able to do that. and so, i submerge myself into that ocean, infinite ocean of the imaginative ideas, ideas that many times have this congruent point of meeting, but i cant tell exactly, where that point geographically is. since the gps for that, is not yet been build.
well, one thing is sure: the change, needs a variable that can expands in certain directions. that variable has elements of decision not yet made. a decision doesnt comes alone. a decision carries out a lot of traumas and anxieties and malfunctional information within the cellular system, that it makes impossible for the human, to take the right decision. at the end: any decision, is valid, since the charter of truth and reality beyond those points, can assimilate all answers as valid. for that thing called: free will. so, what ever you do or say, is valid. even if i am not resonating with it, or i am not agree with it, i also, in pro of supporting the freedom of free speech. dont take me wrong, bcs at the end, this so call freedom of speech, is also a primitive understanding of the human reason. that it can leave us all in the same path at the beginning of this story: there are only few perspectives valid, on a change.
that reminds me of a photograph i took a while a go in Prague, called "Blurry Caravan" you can see it on the Picfair website. is not a big deal at all, but that exactly is the the point of this brothers and sisters, we can see only blurry "realities" we call: REAL. and does it!!!. ...nothing else matters, like the song. moving in parallel a lit bit, there is this old saying that goes like this: "the end justify the means", if u ever used it, is part of the automatic pilot reaction written inside your cellular system, and it belongs to the owners of the banks where u have your money kept as "safe". ...think about it, if u can. a lit´bit deeper. and behind the veil of innocence. bcs innocence is a also a tool.
....distraction is a big element used by the matrix 3D architects. it can leads or into arena sports, a poker game, porn, sensual games of attraction or war. they couldn hold the c19 factor for too long, so they decided to create a war game. is call now, Ukraine. for how long? how do we know that answer, is up to the players ... one side installed in that country many Biological labs, and the other side finds out, and is going to get a hold on them ( some think to free Ukraine ), bcs: they are too close to their borders ( the BioLabs ) ( they think ). and guess what, the manufacturers label says: made in USA. what a coincidence. ( the western - media wants to blame everything to Russia, and love to make of Putin a monster, when in reality.... is a different story that it will come out soon or later ... heheheh ) ... freedom of speech
💧 💧 💧
Thursday 7 April 2022
sometimes i have to remains myself from stopping doing some things, then i keep on pushin´ myself into doing other stuff, bcs i sense i have to give spaces to whom i am: the writer, the artist, the human... to the love of myself and i. ,,, so i jump out of the discipline of every morning learning Czech language and IT stuff. and go back to write something, go back to send a poem into a contest. go back to read some new article about a writer. then i go back and write, but i know that i dont have now... yes, i dont have now the inspiration to write a new novel or a new story. i just write poems, and this kind of confession ( journal of a journalist heheheh ), in a blog that is hidden, since nobody knows it exists. it is fascinating how i write in here, bcs, if nobody is reading it, then i feel like writing inside my skin about anything i want to. hehehehe.😹 😹 😹
since these words of all this blog are supposed to register my transition from 3D into 5D - allegedly, then i assume, i should dedicate some time also, to penetrate into the veil, unknown - veil of the kosmic communications ........... uhiiiiiiiiii!!!!! hehehe but so far, i have to tell you a secret, it is a secret of the sun and i, a love story i have with Sun nowadays. it begins like this ::: i wake up in the mornings, and after a little gratitude communication with the Universe - Consciousness ( inner - measurement ) TAG1>, i open the wide big window of my room .... the sky is full of clouds. the sun begins to rise. couple of trees are drawing dance - steps at front. the wind domains the whole territory. it passes and everybody, or dance, or do some traveling. north to south, west to east. ......i begin doing some stars with the body and at the same time releasing quantum energy in waves of blue color inside the body to heal. to heal whatever is passing through the changes that the new codes and frequencies are feeling ( or getting ) from the sun (SolarFlares). so the sun comes out from behind the trees, and i start gazing at him, and we dance again, like every morning - when clouds allow it , and we dance again, and he places little dots of lights inside my cells illuminating the "Partiki Grids" ( somethingings smaller than the electrons ), and my being starts to tumble in gratitude. and i remember those geometric - mathematical - structures inside Morphogenetic Fields that govern the forms of manifested evolution of biology and consciousness, and i look at the reflection of the sun in my visual illusion of a skin, and i found it good. and i see the shadow of my body and the sun around, and it feels beautiful. and i make a dance out of this sequences, and it comes out magnificent. why? bcs the shadow looks like a being from a movie saying: "No, do not take pictures of me, please! ..." hehehe.
ET shadow |
👽 👽 👽Thursday 7 April 2022 12:33
yes, brothers and sisters.
At that precise moment, the intangible within that human being who thinks and feels, realizes that the gap to the 5D is breaking down in that internal dialectic dialogue of 4D insights of the human perceptions. and.... which are those laws that need to break away...¡?¡¿ they are different, they are in fact, parts of yourself been activated as u realize that the changes within, are a part of a systematic production of new cells, invaded with a solar fraction of the naked brother Sun, waking up inside your body............... pure Crystal Clear magnetic quantum particles that can make your carbon body starts to feeling dizziness and other things. normal br@thers.
viernes. finally is friday. 9:11am april 8 2022
i still cant believe it, when couple of days ago, i thought i was on 2020. dates are inappropriate!.
last NEWS br@thers: it seems as the electrons are spinning faster and faster everyday, more and more, making the atom inside each cell, feeling like releasing all unnecessary info, or traumas, or bad stuff of any kind. leaving the inside of the cells, without any blocks from the Emotional Body. that means, the body in that stage of cleanness or lightness, can perform in higher levels of transmutation.
saturday 11:24 april 9th 2022finishing winter
now i see the truth behind Silent.Echo = there is not a Truth. there is no truth. every word or action is just a proximity with another reality. the encounter of yourself with your self as a twin in a parallel reality, sounds pretty bizarre. but it happens. and is unstoppable. so be ready. it has to do with the synchronicity of your 15 chakras and the 15 chakras (((or 12? idk, for sure 7 are inside the body, the rest are outside... some down, some above your head))) of yourself as a parallel twin. here i might add something, not as a teaching, bcs, I am not a teacher, and I am not a saint, I just pass info from one side into the other, like a journalist. i make a lot of mistakes and i am still have my senses all over the body feeling stuff... u know. it goes: are we feeling we are alright? do we still like to proceed and judge or criticize others? well. i remember those words of Ieshua to a crowd of angry people: "he whom has not sins, throw the first rock".... they all walked away with their head under their tail. and Ieshua went to the "unfaithful" woman::: go your own way and sin no more.
what all those words means? are we guilty? are we shame? are we the ones to blame? is alright to feel that your life is clean cut. but, are u able to dedicate few minutes to an introspected analysis of your actions and words of that whole life u can remember?, do u think everything is Crystal Clear? did u contribute in a way to the death of an animal? did u kill a tree? did u hurt animals? did u hurt other humans? with words, thoughts or actions?did u know that in order to elevate your consciousness u need to clean the atom inside every single cell of your body, for the cell to be Crystal Clear? do u think now that CC is just the name of a rock band? are u shame of some actions in your past? did u play sexual games or over throw your naked body in front of other eyes just for a "dirty" fun? do you think that sex is not sacred, but just a natural expression of the body? did u kill someone? are u feeling guilty again? are we good? do u like kinky words in conversations and in the videos u watch? and u think everything is normal? u judge a killer in jail, and u think u are a rightful person? do we / they feel guilty? ... well, enough of these non sense. enough of dirty dancing, enough of kinky shit, enough of killing, enough of "the ends justify the means",enough of selfishness, enough of ... and also, enough of feeling guilty, no more feelings of shame, nor sadness, not remorse, no not no. all that was the truth behind Silent.Echo, there is no truth, only u yourself and you. Indigo Helaku is thinking he could be some one special for the "" gods ", but he is just a regular guy, well, at least he is not eating hamburgers at macShit. but he still feels sometimes guilty of mistakes of his past, not really his past lifes mistakes, only this one life of him is already good enough filled with tons of mistakes and mediocrity. can u see the path to be ahead of yourself Crystal Clear? the electrons are spinning faster and faster everyday as u are reading these words. the brother Sun is still sending frequencies over the 70Hz in the Shumann - Scale of solar radiation into this solar system,now as we speak, and that seems to be the scientific explanation of why our cell´s electrons are spinning faster and faster. well, the good NEWS, is that this will clean the atom, as it releases all darkness we accumulate through the years with our Emotional Body. and that emptiness of spaces inside our body, will make u feel good. lighter, clean, and opens space for the crystal new u!!!18:18 Monday April 11, 2022
if I add the mathematics of numbers here: 18 + 18 + 11 + 2022 = 9 + 9 + 2 + 6
Om A Da E, Patum ah...
16:31 Wednesday April 13, 2022
the Pattern of Humans, fill with these small blocks of dimensional complexed beautiful interconnected liaisons of energy from the 15th dimension all the way to the 1st one.
19:23 Monday April 25, 2022
POETRY !!!! ... poetry, everyone!! sometimes the direction of consciousness goes and hits the shores of the great and subtle beach of the verses. read some HERE to take a break from all of these stuff.
12:07 Friday April 29, 2022
53 years later after the concert on Haven of The Doors, later in a sunny afternoon after those events, i saw the movie of J.Morrison in a recorder studio said something like this: " "I am a sensitive intelligent human being, but, with the soul of a clown that always forces me to blow it at the most crucial moments...." "...a fake hero... the show that the gods play on me..... " radical? nooooo?. idk, saw the movie. who cares and who knows. idk!. right now there are no gods, those gods are in silence. watching the movie of the human beings been transformed according to the wishes or will of every single one of them. the bottom line of the creation, is to become a co-creator with the Source -of your own fricking reality. using the lack or the abundance of your own imagination. 53 years later of what, an agonizing society changing slowly from the patriarchal of evolution into a matriarchal of the same evolution. that wont led ya into any good conclusion or objective reality that might make sense to itself. but only helping destroying the inner selves in a different way or with different colors. at the end. idk again!! never went to a concert of The Doors, but saw DarbyCrash on a gig in some club of L.A. and they both carry the same symptoms of a clash of the Titans of this society.they both kill themselves, they both ride the audiences into an ecstasies' of oblivion outside the realms of reality. a reality already gone but surviving on the echoes of parallel malfunctioning of life as an hologram of a collective. idk, is not a valid answer mister. u need to know the advances of the Now. the patriarchal still owns the filaments of control, the matriarchal runs down the urbes of the planet trying to control people and things for the benefits of their own. they think they right, and those above with the strings of the system, think also they are right. meanwhile more sensitive and intelligent humans keep on dying on the streets of the cities in the name of insanity. the health institutions call them sick, cuckoo's nest, mad, while they really are the prophets of these times. but the system knows how to kill people in masses and their phrophets too. and know also how to train more professionals into the ground of the world to select those that they think are crazies and those that are good followers of orders. idk is not a valid answer mister. we are here to change that destructive collective of patriarchal and matriarchal men and women with desires of control. thing is that they dont know better. some are just following sketches of education planted by the other group. others are following sketches of ancient cultural protocols of leadership over sheep with no brains of their own. in either way, idk is not a valid answer mister. what is the soul of a clown? that is the issue. a clown entertains the surrounding crowds one way or another. in truth, the crowds in a large percentage, dont know the profound meanings of the performer. so they get into an ecstasies' of sexual attractions or mocking dissociations or just follow the energetic power of the show. and all these ingredients are the causes of elimination of a performer. he/she can goes into the fields of suicidal tendencies easily. cuz they know that the crowds dont really understand the profoundness of the show. of the concert. of the moment. i dont know the dialectics of these times, i just try to follow the signs that show up in front of my life screen. some might be wrong, some might be over groovy or over complicated to understand right away. i do my best, the best i can. to find the meaning of a path, invisible path of life. did ya ever asked yourselves: where is my ecstasies'?
i dont believe we live in the eve of destruction though.
J.Morrison in 1969: "Rock is death, not longer believes... poetry!" is he was in a way predicting the arrival of punk? the performing of D.Crash? but of course, after and along the years, media interfered and called everything::: rock music genre. who is Darby Crash? here is a link to something i wrote about him. Sad thing here is: those sensitive intelligent guys, need to go into excessive use of drugs or alcohol to balance their inner visions, and ended up been crushed by their own weight of their dreams or vision. the PAIN, is the answer brothers and sisters, the pain that the performers are feeling, the pains of the whole silent society. the pain of dont knowing the truth, the pain of being an slave of that system. the pain!. "break on through to the other side"
"when the show is over, turn on the lights"
are those phrases saying something to ya? same words are written on the walls near J.Morrison´s tomb in Paris. graffiti brother and sisters, graffiti is all it is.
10:42 domingo 1 de mayo 2022
remember a band named "Dead Kennedys"
remember also "the forbidding tapes" about the dead of Marilyn Monroe. the suggested arguments said that the Kennedys order the death of MM, seems as she knew "a lot" of something. paradoxically, both of them later were also eliminated by DeepState, because..........
anyway is not my business this type of conversation.
17:44 friday 6 de mayo 2022
what about if i say to ya: that Jesus of Nazareth was never crucify? that he ascended directly? that the crucifixion tale is to manipulate humanity for these days on waiting for a savior so the dark ETs can come down and pretend they are your magical saviors? it is all a matter of holographic, are we ready? heheheh. i am just a journalist. passing news from one side into the other side... freedom of speech.
i thought of writing something right now. but i am not sure, if it´s to kill time. or if i really have something to say. later!
18:01 lunes 9 de mayo 2022
moving around
searching for not a specific or particular thing
but, moving around. around nothingness and fullness. feeling a rage, small little rage of disappointment again. against nothin in particular. against nothing really. bcs things are actually, the way they are. in the invisible and the visible world. -or realities.
so, the sun passed through the day. the day went by. i am watching the evolution of my life, in parallel with the evolution of the surroundings. the evolution of the outside world, seems as it is not evolving at all. the same sun, the same nature, the same animals, the same birds, the same many times going to drink water. the same air to breath, the same .......
on the inside, is another story. evolution pass like crazy winds in winter. blowing desires of not desire. blowing ideas of not idea.
storming tornados of realities that still remain on the inside.
is an inside job i have. the body resist the tsunami of ideas, the storm of changes, the vitality of new worlds passing through me.
finding out new stuff, new stuff brothers and sisters. and you know what are the consequences of that? to find out that the brotherhood above of the draconians and annunaki, are doing good and want different shit. why i said brotherhood of those guys? bcs, if we are all ONE, One with the Source, then they are a part, an important part of this duality-creation. even if they.... for me: they dont know better.
and exactly that!!, hurts me inside -it shouldnt be that way, i should be all smiles and full of joy, but some of those guys are moving in retrograde of the speed and directions i am moving, and that bring sadness inside ME. because what they doing, is destroying something i call LIFE.
obviously for them, the retrograde of those lines, are also life for them. contradictions bros&sis, is the real ingredient of these polarities.
12:53 martes 10 de mayo del 2022
this following test, is some stuff i wrote when i have the time in the metro. here it goes:
"insignificant momentum where one lives like life is a rhapsodies of life and death.
Breathing an air that is even an illusion of the same holographic moment. We came alone with nothing, and naked. And we are alone as well now. The deepest issues everyone of us have, are for only you to resolve them. Because we are alone. Born in a family nucleus, Later moved around and experience the different social backgrounds. But knowing, for the referral of that social environment, that we ended up in this experiment, alone. If you died, you will experience that, alone. If we transfer the body into higher density, you have to do it alone.
Beautiful sky, sweet clouds passing by. The green of nature coloring with life the planet. Yellow small wild flowers resemble the good side of the coin. Sun illuminating all. Humans going for and back into their labor´s routine. Everything is perennial. And me, I just observing.
Alone is the name of the trip. But also it is beautiful as always.
No complaints, no regret, no guiltiness.
As an observer, i might be able to change the quantum perspective of any reality in front of my hologram.
I dont really need to interpret those subjects at front, since i can sense their energies. I dont need to change anything, just influence them in a way that could be more cooperative with their own environment.
Most of the time just by observing, if i can make them uncomfortable, they might change themselves for their best. With respect! i might be also just looking, measurement something between the observed subject, or determinizing their quantum status.
Life and death had become not much as a pattern of measurement since many humans had decided to walk that line not more in straight direction, but they had chosen an spiral of time and space.
After reading stuff from the Amenti series; my brain goes::: life is so complex. Nothing is just simple -not even those yellow wild flowers. i looked through the window, and see this woman walking slowly her child on the sidewalk, very simple action and probably enjoying the nice day. Smiling with the kid and probably telling the kid a story of simple arguments.
Another lady pass fast by them. She is coming from the store, did some shopping and hurries back to her kitchen.
Simple actions, simple effects. Another woman, an older lady comes walking from behind, very slowly, back there, she is probably remembering past event of simple things. Everything there in the picture, is simple. Everyone of them with their natural normal simple human issues and also projecting the good times. Everything is just -apparently, 1+1=2. And that´s it. simple equation. Meanwhile in the invisible worlds, 1+1 becomes probably the 11 density itself."
12:15 viernes 13 del 2022
i move sometimes in the realms of those artist into music and literature, those that couldnt handle the shit life around them. couldnt hold and stand the smell of humans dancing in their lovely society. i move in time around those parallel worlds of the death one, visiting them, honoring them. learning from their arts. i visit MMonroe, ACaicedo, JHendrix, KurtC, etc. they are not my idols, i dont have any. i just pay them respect, bcs i know how hard is to be around those people that love the status quo... many of my old friends, die crucify by the drugs that the system used... to destroy those generations.
8:53am saturday may 14 of 2022
saw this video in Twitter about the israeli police hitting hard against some palestinian men that were carrying up a coffin with one of their death ones in a funeral. the sad impression of these actions, is the fact that it shows the low frequency of humans still vibrating on earth nowadays. sad to realize the low stage of evolution inside our collective.
changing the subject away from sad human events, i try to figured out my steps into evolving around this step of raising up my consciousness when my feelings and thoughts had been hitting hard by expressions of lower vibrations. how do i deal with this? listening to different videos where a person is trying to explain in a profound way, the programing of this hologram where i am involved with actually the whole
human race and the whole planet and what ever is inside it, animals rocks, nature, ETs, cabala, police, politicians, musicians, poets, rebels, sleeping sheeps, etc. she is explaining in an intelligent way and with cosmic wisdom, the how we are all part of the same patterns of existence. like the collective consciousness in general, we created it just the way we see it right now. if we see hate or love actions, they are all part of our program inside the matrix of events. and that hate and love is -whether u like it or not, is inside everyone of us. question, or new questions is::: how can i be a part of changing all of that from happening?
we are flying pretending we are driving a motorcycle that apparently we are in control of it, but many times, that control is not understood as it should be.
they said in 2076 this planet might exploits if we dont change the directrices of what hate and love unbalanced structures are playing the game of not be in balance. The Source is watching this human video of us playing been in control, but failing every time we try to fall from be in balance and harmony.
it is difficult to know that we are ONE with the people we have label it as: "those we dont like it" just because they are "ugly" for our taste, or not in our level of communication or levels of understanding, or any other level, like: just bcs they dress differently, or have a different haircut, etc. where to begin doing changes? good question!, the work begins: INSIDE yourself. getting aware of our thoughts that will lead us into those ugly actions of aggression against another human, another plant, another animal, another idea, etc.
15:31 domingo 15 de mayo 2022
brothers and sisters, when i watch movies (all and of any genre), i just feel like a little kid, a small spectator... when watching actions moving up and down in the spectrum of phantasy. inside the motivations of the imagination. that one, is one of the ingredients i have born with, imagination. so my outside reality
becomes like an arm of something that is happening but in real contest of events, is not happening at all. is just an illusion that i am involved with, since i am a part of a programmed matrix, i am just a piece of that game. but inside my imagination, i am a hero and i become, or better say: i become a part of the heroes that are running and saving lifes and killing enemies... the phantasy of all that is something i can trust more than the reality of my matrix programming inside this platform. after all, i can not trust people inside the matrix, but i can trust very easy the characters inside my movies, inside the movies i watch.
the agony of having a formal job... the routine
the repetition of schemes
the time wasting doing what u dont want...
(if u love the formal-job u doing, just bcs it pays your bills, then something is wrong with your brain, might be at sleep!)
and the worst of all: knowing that when u get home, that little time u have, is mostly to rest.
like a good parcero (bro) of me told me once: i am just working as a slave on a payroll.
question is: where are your dreams?
where is your power?
are u growing up a son or a daughter inside the same schemes? to become in the future another survival human?
what is wrong with us?
how long are we keep on repeating the same rituals of surviving?
why we play endlessly the slave rolls?
obedient sheep of the field of society? sleeping brains of the matrix?
foolish people of... that are playing the games they gave us?
definitely, we are just a part of that matrix program
definitely, we are stuck in these small jails of surviving.
i am sorry, so sorry for those, for them, for us...........................
the differences of love
the differences of genders
the differences of thought
what do i know about differences? if i myself and i are only, a: total difference.
differences of corner stones
differences of views of time
differences of how to use my time
thinking or not thinking about how to change something
or... enjoying, just like that: my time?
is my time with other humans?
is my time alone?
...-not solitaire, but just, in my own
that is the real freedom! to love my time with myself. loving myself all the way, to feel the real love of
a human. the love as a human. the universal love of what we here, why we are together in this mess of thoughts and ideas, in this hologram of a reality that is mostly imperfect!
what do i know? do i know anything about anything?
i am sorry, but u are asking the wrong person here. i do know nothing!! period.
only short sight thing i can do, is to watch at my own reality. mess up or interconnected with everyone else. interconnected with the flowers
with the lions and cats
interconnected with the sun and mars and venus
interconnected with jupiter and pluto and saturn and the other guys
interconnected in a web of LOVE
that is all i know for sure.
so when some painful thing happens like a war or a racist shit, or a violation to human rights, or a rape, or a child abuse or an old person treated like lower human, or the death of an animal in the hands of a human, or the transmutation of a tree into a table or a door in the hand of a carpenter or a farmer, or the mistreat of a
worker by big corporations, or whatever shit happens out there.
do i feel pain? do i feel hurt?
what do i really feel?
is anyone out there listening to an indigo guy crying out the pain of injustice?
is there really any more indigos out there?
or it is a false hope. and all these waste of time and words, is just a failure. one more failure in the list of my failures.
thank you life i choose. thank you me. well, you are not welcome my little brother, u are not really welcome, bcs now. u have to put your shit together. now!!
7:39 monday May 16th
all these stuff here, even the little things, are valuable. in a way, for the path of consciousness. why that? bcs the elements as small as drinking a lot of water, are so important for some part of the self. the self is divided in 4 big sub-part:
the consciousness
the soul
the mind
the body
drinking water is for the body, helps the body distribute the new "incomes" into harmonic dissolved substances inside every cell of the body. there are billions of cells to feed up. there are the mother cells that keep on creating new cells, all those small details, are very essential for that part of the self. as it accumulates info inside every cell, and the cell helps the DNA getting the upgrades that it needs to evolve, and so on, bringing the body into potential scenarios of transformation. well.
then, as the body is connected with the mind, receiving info and input from it, it helps the mind to be in healthy shape in order to cross the paths of changes. the changes are another essential protocol to take in consideration nowadays. the changes are those moves that will bring ya into understanding NEW stuff, new paradigms, to understand the vital procedure of letting go old unnecessary info ya have inside. placed there by the dark forces from ancient times, in order to control yar moves, yar thoughts, etc. the new inputs come to the mind from the soul. your Souls is the one connected with the spiritual realms. it has a purpose and it knows it well, it sends the info to the mind, and this one send it to the body. the body needs to be fit 200% in order to survive the changes, the new inputs. the Souls is connected with the wholeness of creation , in all levels, in all parallels, in all dimensions, it knows exactly what its doing here and now, your mind, really needs to listen to it, in order to be in tune and tone with that wholeness.
then it comes yar consciousness, is the one that creates the patterns of existence of your hologram body and physical reality in this 3D adventure. there, ya can change anything, or evaluate the pattern situation, transform it, upgraded, make it more complexed... change it! this is where the powers of MANIFESTATION happens.
be aware, dont be square! do yar own research, i am just a journalist in the fields of an INDIGO mission. is not an impossible mission, is REAL.
12:43 tuesday, 17th 2022
gotta go to work, again.
what are the options of a good job?
well, it all depends of u, only u. are u doing what u love? or u are surviving the: paying the bills only.
did u go go to uni and college and now u think u doing the right job? congrats!
...the soft corner of that, is that, it all depends of what u studied. remember, not everybody is lucky enough to make it into superior education. or been able to finished it.
for me, seeing ppl going to work, or seeing them doing or fulfilling their task, their daily tasks, is like seeing the beautiful development of animals doing every days functions, birds singing, animals in the jungle performing their surviving moves, hunting each other, whales crushing the oceans in their daily dancing moves singing their songs, dolphins laughing and cruising around, etc. is really touching and beautiful seeing ppl working. not matter is they are performing under any circumstance. the labor they do, is really appreciated by the whole universe. times will come in the future, where things might be better for all. performing arts and crafts and expending more free time with themselves. will see.
did u heard that are countries where people work 3 days a week only, and the country, anyway, is one of the most civilized in this planet?
how many hours a day u need to work in China?, in the western countries is 8
do u feel that, that suits ya?
are u happy about it? well, another view, is that we aint got any other choice, we dont know better...
when are we, as a collective, will be able to see all humanity, happy about the jobs they do?
is these all a spam?
a phishing?
is a trojaner?
is a RAT?
is a malware?
is cyber hacking a crime?
are they hacking the poor people? or the slave-workers?
NO, no way. they are hacking big corporations, those that slave us, those that treat us like animals and things and as a number. so, why are u in the side of those corporations and support them, as buying their products and food supplies? tomorrow, they tell u: i am sorry, but we decided to let u go, we dont need u anymore. bcs our company is in need of cutting personal out.
do u ever got fired from work? how many times?
how many jobs u went through your whole life? since what age are u working for the system?
working is beautiful though, is just if it doesnt loose the balance of the human dignity.
i am not talking about you!, just look around the planet, see what is going on
i know u also are looking for the bright side of the money u get: to have fun, to enjoy the delicatessens of food, to go places, to buy stuff, and the entertainment...
but, is it really worthy? i am just trying to push the thoughts into imagining a different reality, good for ALL!!
any way, that is it for this conversation!
appreciate the job you are doing, very much, bless it!!
lets talk something else, even more complicated. are u VEGAN?
18 2022
yeah, but i am not going to talk about food or eating animals.
actually, that is a personal trip.
a personal trip that has to do with the individual level of their own evolution, that is it!
5:52 am friday may 20 2022
check these sentences i copied from a movie:
"you had / have so many goals you never finished, many dreams you didnt follow"
"you are living now the worst of YOU"
probably like: "if nothing else matters"
"you are capable of everything, bcs you are so bad at everything"
"you do things you can normally dont do, like in a movie"
NOTHING ELSE MATTERS, interesting this point. here are the lyrics of that song by Metallica:
Nothing Else Matters
So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters
Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words, I don't just say
And nothing else matters
Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know
So close, no matter how far
It couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know
I never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words, I don't just say
And nothing else matters
Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters
Never cared for what they say
Never cared for games they play
Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
And I know, yeah, yeah
So close, no matter how far
Couldn't be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
No, nothing else matters
uh? idk ..................... what u think? i remember heard inside my mind these words: ACCEPT THE PROCESS, TRUST THE PROCESS. accepting what it comes to u in a day of "bad news", is practicing the trust u can put in the / a kosmic process of things, for your better upcoming of events around and inside yourself.
the connections inside the web of interconnected process of u and the whole cosmos, is amazing. is almost, or better say; INFINITE. u are connected with the Source of everything, and all forms of creation; say planets, stars, galaxies, black - holes, suns, any creature like animals, plants minerals, invisible things, humans of all colors ( ( ( even those u dont like ) ) ), ETs of all kinds ( ( ( including the ones into dark processes of evolution, like they said: Darkness = backs process ) ) ) some process are going or moving the opposite direction of LIGHT, and is OK!
all that interconnectivity is LIFE itself in its best show. is the show of LOVE represented in a visual and invisible ( ( ( for us ) ) ) - life <TAG1> forms of all kinds. and i can say: all that together, is LOVE. do u like it?
they say, i am a writer and a poet, just like Fritz the Cat. uhi .... what was it with the cat ?, well, everything we know ... girls, drugs ( ( ( heavy and soft ones ) ) ) <TAG1>, music, arts, sex, love ( ( ( human love ) ) ), animals, more drugs and alcohol, motorcycles, thrips, death, actions, adventure, chiks, dudes, bands and gigs, power plants , fast cars, spirituality ( ( ( or what we thought it was ) ) ), rapes, hookers and bitches, easy girls, drug dealers, cops, religions ( ( ( ) human´s ), friends alive and friends dying, all kind of flowers, psychodelics and been unreal, strawberry fields and shrooms fields, distortion of reality, social distortions, suicidal tendencies, poems, guitars, parties, running away from home, scaping all realities, cats and dogs, snakes and dragons, guitars and drums, quitting formal studies, entering the university of life, ufo sightings, dreaming,
exhibitions, parents, families, living in the eve of destruction, apokalipsix now and everyday, games, neighbors, public transportation, shamans gurus and all those crazies mf that blindly trying to control the "spiritual "sheep's, libraries, books and many more books, brainwashing tv, condoms, orgies, police cops pursuing you as criminal of their laws, intoxications, dangers, cuckoos nests, movies, consciousness of being confused by the status quo, boulevards of broken dreams, writing whatever comes into mind, drawing crazy things, playing just for fun, camping a lot, hitchhiking ( or how ever is written ), been robbery by normal thinks, stealing things just for fun, feeling sick after drinking a lot, fights a lot, gangs, learning how to fight and martial arts, away from realistic chic's, eating junk food, throwing up,mountains deserts and beaches, shitting anywhere, smelling like shit, been fuck, rebel against everything, almost get shot, almost died in a drugs trip, saving a friend from killing him-her-self, dont understanding the politicians, dont like it the lawyers, walking a lot, traveling a lot, getting naked a lot, smoking a lot until u get sick of it or it kills your body(((what ever comes first))), suffering a lot since nobody understands shit of what u do or say, heartbroken again and again, smiling a lot, going and moving with the flow of the universe, feeling sexy, been horny but with good intentions, masturbating a lot, fucking around a lot,
everything WAS in excess, crying a lot, sleeping a LOT, pretending u are on top of the world, have the most powerful confidence in self, dont take shit from anybody, dont give a fuck about any shit,,, bcs... nothing else matters, revolutions, billar-pool, extreme sports, infidelity's and i dont f¨*ckin´care.... that was life the Fritz way....................................... but that is not the end of everything. life continues after Fritz recovers from those wounds and gets back with the girls and like always: BEEN KOOL!!.
saturday day off from work 21th of the 5th month 2022
u gays wanna talk about shrinks?
well the questions is, what shrinks, apocalypses, suicidal tendencies, conspiracy theories, work, spirituality and what ever else we try to discuss here, has to do with elevating your consciousness? probably nothing, but also, probably a lot. i am watching now a movie, called Josephine Doe ... there, there is a book called: Boy´s Book of Modern Travel ( illustrated ), looked in the internet, found nothing. well, it seems as Jo is just an imaginative friend of Claire. at the end, after dealing with "realFamily" and ppl, she had made the best choice: be friend again with Jo. good choice Claire, since in real Life, those imaginary friends, probably are br @ others from parallel worlds of ourselves, and the shrinks dont know that. hehehehe!
7: 54 sunday morning at home May 22 2022
SoldiersOfWar ( (( humanWars) ) ) the deficiency of keeping a society tide up around LOVE, had made us all been around what they call WAR, the soldiers for those wars, had been picked from the young innocent kids from early ages. wash Brain their dreams and idealistic purposes in the world, and placed inside them: the patriotic dilemma, the protect your country, the love your country, the enemy always attack us, the killing to keep a peace, the power of destruction. then those kids go to wars, listening rockAndRoll as loud speakers spitting out the sounds of their brain been stoned with drugs ( ( ( as a part of the process allowance ) ), in order to kill enemies. the hate input in their brains is activated with their weapons and a strong feeling of selfishness to make them feel powerful and that companion of "Belonging to a group" so they feel confidence.violation of human rights everywhere, violation of minors, violation of women at war, violation of lands, violations of whatever is possible. then after those conflict, we see everywhere, veterans suffering the consequences of those wars, affecting in those same kids their internal functioning in life. they only have one thing in their mind: I am a WarHero, i protected freedom and my country from evil, i did the right thing, and the hero medals inside a nice box, their uniforms, their flag and the cemeteries, and all their families around the same thing, etc.they only have one thing in their mind: I am a WarHero, i protected freedom and my country from evil, i did the right thing, and the hero medals inside a nice box, their uniforms, their flag and the cemeteries, and all their families around the same thing, etc.they only have one thing in their mind: I am a WarHero, i protected freedom and my country from evil, i did the right thing, and the hero medals inside a nice box, their uniforms, their flag and the cemeteries, and all their families around the same thing, etc.
and that is what that human now will display for the rest of his short life on earth. the dreams he born with are now gone, everything else was deleted, and now is a different person. a person that belong to the system. and follows. then after 50 years, of working for federal agencies or whatever is there, and the learning of shit like top secret stuff, see weird thing been done, etc. after 50 years, I decided to come out to the public and be a whistleBlower, and make little videos about UFO, ETs, dirty jobs of the governments in overseas countries, the dirty top secrets of annihilation of the human race, and become hacktivist, etc, but whatever they said, is now at this date, still: "conspiracy Theories". the media hidden them, the media hides everything. the reason: FEAR. fear and control of the planet. that is the hidden agenda, control. and so, our kids into military, had lost their normal flow of light energy of the universe, a sad song to play. every little soldier fall in combat, is a brother lost inside our own organic system of life, and we feel it. and we also suffer that same situation, since We are all Connected. sadSong, isn´t? 8: 32pm Cz saturday may 28 2022
finally someone has the courage to talk about being VEGAN?
does anyone want to talk about the false flags about global events?
is anyone interested to discuss the reality about ETs coming to "save" you?
well ... three fascinating subjects. most of them inside of what the media calls, Conspiracy Theories.
why do we eat ANIMALS? it has to do really with cultural heritage ?, collective manipulated education ?, and world orders to keep humans under the control of the dark forces that want to control this planet??. the three subjects from above are really interconnected ... wanna know more about why we kill animals_ check out this website > > > > > > > <TAG1> <TAG1> theCube, tells u the TRUTH about it. ............try in your spare time to check this website about the wrong info about those spectating ETs from different planets coming to save us a a collective race...>>>
SaveUs?, in higher more intelligent civilizations, they know they dont even think about eating an animal, it is for them, as if u going to a restaurant to eat a piece of another friend, like the hand of your mom, for example. it is completely inconceivable. but people goes into supermarkets and by animals frozen pieces or part of animals ready to be fry, live animal to cook alive, blood of animals to drink. etc. and actually i am not talking about here about those from the
World Elite, that drink blood from children... uff yeah. if u didnt know about it, better research that internet of yours. but anyway, back to conspiracy theories and veganism and ETs, an animal is like another part of our creation, we are in this business together, even with trees and rocks and the water, and the clouds, and the air u breath, etc. we are a whole unity dancing the ballad of love of creation in this realm of a planet called Terra. a lack of respect for other creatures, keep us eating the sisterhood of the animal Kingdome. anyway, there are also a bunch of people that follow voices on the internet that talk about the coming of a new era and a bunch of spaceships coming to protect us from "evil". when in reality, that evil resides is inside ourselves. the first step to begin a step forward is by looking inside yourself, clean the house first, then u can look to the outside garden see how u can contribute with the reality of this matrix 3D.
there is no way out, they said. we have to finish the "job" we came here to do, then, only then, we can move forward inside our journey.
6:34pm sunday may 29 2022
...if the habitat is not sufficiently favored or nurturing, the cell is choosing
INMORTALITY, in other words, self efficiency and self management.... going from evolution... to revolution... 100 billion neurons for human... only 15% activated... they are all connected... we posses a gigantic base of information to which we dont have access to... using 20% after control of our cells and others, we can control matter.... this sounds like sci-fi... question is: how much percent %%%%%%%%% of your brain capacity are u using now???... on the other hand, if the habitat of the cell is comfortable enough, we choose procreation. in general lines, seems as those two are the differences we see in the behavior of humans nowadays. some searching for immortality and others procreating. trust your path, believe in the process... the hard way, when looking into immortality, is that it could bring some humans into living out of the system and therefore, having difficulties to adapt to their ways of living. while the procreators, are "happily" find in malls, supermarkets, in the stock market, in houses, in public events or whatever other places... it all becomes a way of communication between the cells... u can communicate with any cell within this UNIVERSE... question now is, are u willing to do it? or are u afraid of discovering new stuff..... hehehehe.... humans base their believes in their "uniqueness" like if there are no other different forms in this universe (((not talking about more different universes)))... actually there are not existence of numbers or letters (((as we know them))) in the universe, only in our planet or perhaps, in less civilized environments within this galaxy... unfortunately time is the only prove that gives existence to matter, so believing or accepting time (((as we know it))) will keep us into been a part of these existential life forms...
without time, we dont exists... that is the proof of not need of a mathematical law of a normal logic equation to validate our existence... we were taught that 1+1=2, that is all we need to know, when in a real reality, 1+1 is never equals 2... human is not an unit of measure!
if one move in the fields of infinity, actually u can be seen as invisible... moving fast enough, in order to vanish. but u only vanish from the eye of the 3D beholder, in reality, u overcome this reality, and jump into higher realms... hehehe. there are so much knowledge in there and out here, but for sure is one thing: human kind is NOT ready for that. human mind nature, only bring us instability and chaos... INGNORANCE is the one that brings chaos, not knowledge. therefore: humanity is living in a state of ignorance, such, that it is not even perceive it, is subtle as the wind. the facts of procreative life and being satisfy with its procedures, keeps the mind of the beholders in a comfortable and ignorant state of mind. using happily their 10% of the brain, not more. is enough and it feels comfi enough to be at it, satisfying their minimum aspirations.... beyond that, are at sleep all the information about our existence as humans and as creatures of this and other galaxies. as well as the information of GAIA itself. we are all CONNECTED. that is the beautiful song of UNITY. do u like it?
6:16am tuesday may 31th 2022
u know what is funny? that actually none reads this diary of helaku, the indigo kinna normal guy. and the good part of that, is that in other realms, i am considering this monologue just a diary of my journey through the verges of evolution- hehehe. now, i like it!
talking about the evolution of consciousness, i might have to do a turn on the angle... a turn into the realms of the
Subconscious mind and the involving of it in
Quantum physics... quantum physics is helping discovering that the subtle steps taken by the subconscious mind, if educated in the right way with the proportions of manifestation ...and the changes of frequency in the reality the mind and the body are living in now, is important to considered, the elements of transformation that can be added into the subconscious mind to alter the reality in this 3D. is quantum reality. a lit bit more scary when u are thinking that it it can remove your comfortable zones in a way or in ways that it could make u feel like u starting to getting "dissolved" within the air u are breathing. well actually u can not be dissolved, but u starting to feel huge amounts of transformation in your body and mind, and in the realities u are manifesting. it happens that, the subconscious mind is the one that affects the reality here, not your mind, the mind is only operating in the logical aspects of the information manifested in 3D, the main info input is coming from your higher self, in the realms of your consciousness.

10:12 am
Wednesday june 1st 2022
energies, br @ others, from self experience, i found out that if one creates a flow of negative vibes inside the thoughts or the feelings, towards a situation, an action, a person, a job, a city, a community, a group, a belief, an animal, a region, a social network, a kid, a tree, a relationship, a conversation, a politician, etc. the bond u have with that conjunction will transform itself slowly or fast enough - according to the input of energy was placed in it, and ya´ll see the results sooner or later. on the other hand, if the input is a positive vibe .... u know what i mean.
there were sometimes a dilemma between the concepts of how much u can help others ... this due to the fact of not going to interfere with their freewill, their karmas, their own consciousness development, their level of understanding, the evolution of their character .... etc ..... is your help into the economics ?, advising ?, telling of new things ?, sharing? correction of "mistakes" ?, pointing out different guidelines ?, offering yourself as a tutor or a protective stereotype ?... a guardian ?, etc. there many more types of help, question this first: are u ready to be of a help? are u clean inside in all aspects ?, are u straight forward with the idea? did u heal inside yourself all of your traumas first ?, did u do already your shadowWork? is your energy clean and pure? how are your vibes? is your frequency high vibrationally? .... well,now think this: why u think those what we call ETs are not here mingling on the surface with us already, having fun and be a part of our development as a human race in an open way yet? think twice. is it our grade of evolution as a collective ready? is the collective united in some way? are our billionaires thinking all the way into ... into been inclusive in their projects, with all the human race? if all of the answers were a NOT, then u know now if helping another human is just like that, an easy task ( ( ( ) energy talking ) ) <TAG1> <TAG1>... i am not talking about the volunteering ppls doing social outreach into the most weak spot of our it our grade of evolution as a collective ready? is the collective united in some way? are our billionaires thinking all the way into ... into been inclusive in their projects, with all the human race? if all of the answers were a NOT, then u know now if helping another human is just like that, an easy task ( ( ( ) energy talking ) ) <TAG1> <TAG1>... i am not talking about the volunteering ppls doing social outreach into the most weak spot of our it our grade of evolution as a collective ready? is the collective united in some way? are our billionaires thinking all the way into ... into been inclusive in their projects, with all the human race? if all of the answers were a NOT, then u know now if helping another human is just like that, an easy task ( ( ( ) energy talking ) ) <TAG1> <TAG1>... i am not talking about the volunteering ppls doing social outreach into the most weak spot of our society.i am not talking about the volunteering ppls doing social outreach into the most weak spot of our society.i am not talking about the volunteering ppls doing social outreach into the most weak spot of our society.
2: 48 pm Thursday 2 June 2022
...i see women with their kids ... nurturing them, taken care of them, been their guardians, their tutors, 👪 their friends, their: Mom. been a mom is a full time job that can last for years and years. those women are so dedicated to what they are doing, they do it with a gigantic love, the love of a mother. they are all over the places with their kids, they have to also play with the little ones... the little one doesn even know what is in the mothers mind. what can possible troubles her, she got an immense responsibilityof protecting this new life on earth, and she is taking it very seriously. many things are passing through the mind of those women, the main issue then is their men. not all of their men honored them as they deserved it. we all know how men behave in general with their women, with their kids. obviously there are many exceptions though. now, when i woman falls in love with her man, right before the rituals of sex arrived, a magical transformation occurs inside her body, not just the butterflies running wild, but the energy of gestation and procreation stars moving inside her body asking in her unconsciousness the call of a new born baby ... it is inevitable, the cells have the program inside them, in the DNA ... she can rejected it according to their education or their traumas, but the sensation of that feeling, is there! and its beautiful, marks the continuity of the human race ... when it comes to their bodies, the woman still has to deal with their own protocols of beauty and vanity. dignity is something they know how to hold on it ( ( ( ) naturally ) ) <TAG1>. they are always trying to be seeing beautiful, no matter what. is easy to know in what mood a woman is ... by the way they dress, by the way they are holding their hair, by their silences and their ways of how to express themselves ( ( ( ) their loudness ) ) <TAG1>: their ways! they still need many hours to prepare themselves in order to go out to the street. their clothes, their make up, their accessories, their lines, their curves, everything needs to be perfect. the colors and the shapes, everything. then, and then they need to put together their kids. then the house, then help their man, then they have to go to work, then... cooking? they are always "protecting" their home, their family their man, their belongs ... we men should be more loving with them, they are very special, they are great humans, even with all their mistakes they are almost magical, their abundance of smiles and JOY.💋 ... even with all the defects they have and errors ( ( ( which is normal about us humans ) ) ), and "protections" that they can build around them, even with their big ego and FEAR to almost everything, but also their strength to carry up anything, their endurance, their care for almost everything and their tendency to share...the stuff they have to deal with ( ( ( that stuff they never share with men but only between them girls ) ) ), everyday, is nothing compare with us guys.... a mom can die for her son / daughter .... a man can kill for his wife .... is our human condition in this wild style primitive kinna life we perform everyday... because is a society that: kills and get killed by themselves. we lost our harmony. we lost the higher principles ... we still perform acts as 4000 years ago... where now killing and dying for it is normal ... in our most violent country of this planet, where a kid can buy a gun on a regular store, then kill all the classmates and teachers, is normal. not approved by their laws, human primitive laws, but ... our laws are in a basic word, kill in order to be in peace.... contradictions of a primitive race... and for how long? is this all we know and have ..... about elevating our consciousness? do we really know anything about it? we lost our pace eons ago. since we were made to be primitives for ever. slaves for ever .... but all of the sudden, in the last years, some humans with an indigo code inside their DNA, started to change themselves and began to change their surroundings. so we now have this commotion of contradictions, bcs, not everyone now, want to be a zombie in front of the tube drinking beer. for ever .... unfortunately the war game continues as usual, nowadays, we have the war in Ukraine. the root code of a war, is to provide facilities for the interest of the few.
5: 28pm monday june 6th 2022
...the future of our species ... somebody was planning our future .......? ....... not mine..... NATURAL EVOLUTION is failing us .... human are still in hard life and conflicts .... if we are going to survive, we need a force .... where is that FORCE coming from? from within? do we really know what is that means? ..... a force that can prevent conflicts before it started ..... is a nice story, but lets skip to the part where they kidnapped us ..... they need it the children ...... some of us are just clones ...... compromised ones...... to the service of the ones above us ...... we, that after short period of time, we can pass away( ( ( how long is the human life spam? ) ) ) ... it was their reasonable explanation ....... they lie to us for centuries .... meanwhile we fight and kill for them..... who has the key to the "unknown" secrets of the universe? ...... are they really inside us? ....... when an "inside us" is just a sac of confusions and errors, and in a hard way to put all new ideas in order ..... and worst, to make it believe it is not in the inside of the imagination or the world of the ideas of the mind, but in the matter outside our projected body........ why? why not, so far all special kids are suffering the consequences of maladjustment to this asshole system of the humans .... the system of those humans that control the status quo...... they still thinking that we can lead our species into beyond this current limitations..... but YOU, ( ( ( ) meaning each of us ) ) <TAG1> <TAG1> .... but they think, we need them to do this .... to be sure that all the sacrifices are or had not been in vain ... let's finish what we started it.... but i might think, that i can finished it, without them ...... are we our own gods?... AND IT IS NOT???.... do we have the power to finish this mistake for the good ??? ... do we have the power of changing anything beyond ourselves???.... are we even able to change our selves? ....... or we just: DIE tomorrow and that´s it !!! .... fascinating the silly simplicity of ourselves .... and worst, most of our humans are very content with what is happening, or they dont even know it ... how more problems exist in the galaxy? are u worry only about your own little problems? hahahahahahahaha ...... dont make me laugh now, cuz from that, i can understand ..... see? what it is said in the beginning here?: ..... natural evolution is failing us.💧 💥 💤 💤 💤 humans are killing other humans, they kill animals too and trees, in order to SURVIVE ... but there is something in humans, something special in humans, something... SECRET, something worth protecting ... that is why .... we can not just disappear, vanish ... probably we are lesser gods in progress .... dead one?, human dead can NOT be our ultimate goal .... the last frontier is unknown from this point of view ..... but the sun will rise up after this storm.... and we will see the results ... a transcendence!!!
is there any reckoning out there? ...we are on a JOURNEY... we are born, we live and we died ... according to the rules of blind and unguided evolution ... as a result, as species, we are simply not equipped to survive what comes NEXT... it is TIME for us to take control, about our EVOLUTION to push past our narrow IGNORANCE, and VENTURE OUT into the wide unknown, where we will DISCOVER our true POTENTIAL. I SUSPECT THE halo WILL PROVIDE THE KEY... ( ( ( Take it from the series "HALO"... 👀 👀 👀HOW is it so close to our reality???) ) ) ... much has been LOST, and there will surely be more SACRIFICES to come .... but i believe our species will soon spread its WINGS... and soar to NEW HEIGHTS, that we will rewrite what it means to BE HUMAN ... that we will achieve... TRANSCENDENCE.💙 💙 💙
7: 16pm thursday june 9th 2022
guys, u know what?, humans have alot of good creative stuff though... one of those good things, is their perennial sense of HUMOR... man needs to surface many layers of accumulated stress inside their nervous system, in order to find out the great qualities of HH: HumanHumor!. even, when it turns a lit bit dark or into the mocking fields, it is great. just roll down the scroll of the social networks to see their humoristic jokes in instagram or twitter or fb... it´s hilarious!... seeing their (and those of their animals) informal posts, their routines videos, their photos, their arts and memes..... is fun man.... then u switch off into the news or into those in talking political shit, and you can see the difference of two kind of humans: those having fun while they are still alive, and those making their life misserable and trying to convince others that life if hell... but it´s not brothers and sisters. have fun. (((WARNING: product to sustain perennial if used with responsibility)))😆😜😹😺😻😸

8:01am friday june 10,2022
guys, i have to share the impressions i felt with a movie that i saw last night. first, ya all know, that i am a
cinephile guy. meaning i watch a lot of movies, since i was a boy. this last night movie, is call:
MOON, it turns my reality into thinking of myself among or in between the
kosmic reality. in the movie the guy is hired to stay in the moon for 3 years under a contract. but the airspace organization from earth
cheated him bad. u should one time see the movie to know what i mean. (((there are platforms in the internet where u can watch movies for FREE)))... anyway, what made me think, was the fact that the WHO AM I question, in this case, got twisted in a bizarre way. what if we are just CLONES? or Caged-Animals?.... i have already the ideas of us as real collective of holograms from our our collective consciousness... is reincarnation of the soul in body-shapes really exist? or is just a game used to makes us not to be aware that we are just clones or beings of inferior level all caged. maybe we just have a looping program inside the DNA of the neurons, that keeps on playing giving us those sensations of: "home, relationship, good-will, harmony, love, balance, security, family, dead and then coming back again or not coming at all, etc" so we can feel the/a boost to keep on going, when in reality, there is an
invisible web around earth that blocks the real time reality communication with the higher realms, and keep us repeating actions and adventures and paradigms and stupidities, and functions and thoughts, and whatever is with us.... but, it is NOT REAL, since the real-time reality is way beyond the NOW we think is now happening with us..... bizarre brothers and sisters. i can be a clon. a clone programmed to be a mediocre artist, with the ideas of believing i am the best in what i am doing. when that idea and also the stuff i do, is just a program inside my DNA to keep me busy, and
unable to see the REALITY out there!!!
what is really going on OUT THERE? WHY WE CAN NOT KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE universe AND THE cosmos? WHY ARE WE SO CUT off FROM THE COSMIC COMMUNICATIONS? why they keep thinking we humans (as a whole, not the few they have contact with, but WE ALL) are not enough to be in their same level of communication? we might be very primitive in a lot of ways, but there, them out there, should at least try to communicate with us, even with lower levels/patterns of communications....... guys, i´ll give u an example: you know cats and dogs and pets... right? what if they were totally isolated from communicating with us humans?............. is the same feeling br@thers, the same thing. they have us like in a cage, totally uncommunicated in solitary confinement, caged, in solitude. then obviously now i see why most the humans are thinking we are ALONE in the universe. not wonder. they are treating us less than animals. like inferior lesser beings with no rights to be known the "shit" outthere......... that
invisible web around earth, is like a blocking antena and it needs to BE CRACKED DOWN NOW!!! here i thereby set a demand of human right before the council of the galaxy,
to stop treating us like caged animals. we deserve better.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!👽👽👽 argggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... ufffffff!!!!
today, those friends that i do activism with them, dont expect me to show up at the metro station, i dont feel like seeing any human right now....... is not that i am depressed or any wrong thing..... is just that i am a lit bit PISSOFF with.....................................
1:13 pm
how strong ya think Bender is? his job is to bend... hehehehe
is a crazy robot, he started talking about BlackJack and hookers -when in the Moon, he was a part of the delivery team of : PlanetExpress
the moon for the XXX century people, was just a damm piece of rock, while for the XX century people, was a romantic place for adventures. (((according to Fry)))
noise-hole = human mouth
guess who drinks alcohol to lubricate his system, and smoke cigars...? only Bender Rodriguez.
i always wanted a pet = Bender talking to allowing Fry to be his roommate
it happens that Bender lives in a place of 2 cubic meters size. but his closet: is the size of a human apartment, actually, is where Fry moved in. now they both are roommates, hehehehe.
later i can come back with bender and fry stories.... (since i am also a fun of comics)
now i might say something important: if i considered myself a Biohacker, also a Hacktivist, and Webhacker, and whateverhacker else more about it.... there is something important to mention now:
many people in the world eats normal, meaning they eats breakfast and lunch and dinner and all those munchies in-between.
according to the world´s leading biohacker HelakuMatrix (who is this guy?), MEDICINAL-CLEANING-DIET is:
*do your own research in the internet to get deeper into the subjects*
1) fasting once in a while (give a break to the liver & gladdblader)
2 ) clean your system once in a while, meaning, use natural ways to clean your body from anything. meaning, u can - when fasting, do a cleaning by taking first in the morning a cleaning combination of OLIVE - OIL cold - press ( one spoon ) and mixed with 2 spoons of LEMON freshly squeezed. u can do 24 hours fasting ( minimum ). u can also do juice cleaning - fast: like eating only apple juice all day or grape fruit all day..... ( research the internet for more info ) < < < water fasting is more efficient > > >
3 ) have a VEGAN diet everyday.
4 ) try avoiding eating REFINED food from big corporations
5 ) try avoiding ALCOHOL, smoke and any DRUG. ( especially those from the drugstore )
6 ) if u do Power - Plants trips ( weed, shrooms, ayahuasca, don pedro, etc ) be aware to do them in a sacred way. 7 ) optimum is to have in your diet, a lot of RAW food.
8 ) main components of your diet are: veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, grains, dry - fruits, syrup, olive - oil, lots of WATER, sun, vitB12, and rest a LOT.
9 ) have a life of BALANCES, meaning be in harmony with everything and every one.
Sunday June 12, 2022
i heard that u wanna change the world? is that for real? how u wanna do it? telling your friends thru the social networks: this blah or that blah like a preacher? well, how many of them are ready to listen? in a way that actually they can change their ways or their lifes or whatever - - - for real? ........ i dont think u can count them with one of your fingers....
are u the black sheep of your family?.......... ...💧 💧 💧 ............. do you know this guy BlixaBargeld? an underground street poet from Germany whom plays also in couple of bands, a writer as well ... here find some of his writings > > > bliXa ...
3: 53 monday june 13th 2022
"Valerian and the City of the Thousand Planets" is the name of a movie br@thers... at the beginning, they show the Pearl People. living in a perfect planet, until.......... some militar human showed up with the signs of destruction...... heheheheheh sound familiar? well in earth is about the same thing..... people living well and in harmony, then a militar mentality shows up and wanted to slave any one...... then comes destruction, and that´s it for the paradise....... hehehehehe.......
- my heart belongs to a man whom erase his playlist for me.,..... hehehehe (a woman that demands her man an important priority.... Her!)....
"unless u make peace with your PAST... u wont have a FUTURE..."
Laureline: "...u see... that´s why i dont wanna marry u, bcs u really dont know what LOVE is"
"this has nothing to do with love..."
"that´s where u wrong, love is more powerful than anything else Valerian, it breaks all rules and laws, and overpower any army or government, just look at her, for one second put on her position... she lost all of her ppl and her child, and she is willing to FORGIVES.... that´s REAL LOVE!, is the trust u place in some one else.... i thought i can be that some one else for u...."
"... u are... i´ll die for u"
"i am not asking u to die for me, i am asking u to TRUST ME...
what would u do or feel, when life on earth (beautiful and every thing fine though), slowly becomes
BORE. i mean......... u start to feel..... that everything is slowly turning into a repetition of things or actions or words, or whatever........ and that what u doing now (even if u are comfy enough or happy about it)...... is
NOT ENOUGH!!!...... then u begin to see in your mind, or inside your imagination.... or wherever, a
PORTAL, light colorful portal......
u imagen yourself crossing it through, and be able to jump right away..... into or inside the Galaxy or different galaxies, or::: what about: different realities....... or parallel worlds or higher dimensions......
all at will...... or going through
TIME..... ?????? uh???????? thru
ETERNITY???. well brothers and sisters, that is exactly what i call to
HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! traveling thru space... hehehehehehehehehehehe...........
11:02am tuesday june 14th 2022
so... what ever happened to all those conspiracy theories and prophesies and channelings, and many more studies or revelations..... about the apocalypses of earth or just the human civilization...... is it going to be soon?... or just a long long soon again...... well, any way. i was checking, just checking in case things happened and i didnt notice..... (((sometimes i write stuff, idk what it is)))
......since i am opening a new virtual company, yes brothers and sisters, is call:
RobotCorpLu..... <<<or RobotCorpLux>>> hahahahahahah inspired by the naughtiness of BenderRodriguez. here is the logo for u to enjoy it. 😅(or criticise it)
..............well br@, if u make it this far reading, means u are there (or, here?). congratulations!!!, and u just won a pair of tickets for u and a friend to go to Mars. i am not paying for the ticket, hehehe, mr.ElonMusk will put u inside the next rocket to mars-republik..... he asked me to find volunteers, someone that could stands all these chatter and keep on reading..... since they need ppl that can stay long periods of their lifes, practicing perseverance (long trip to Mars),😹😹😹 not offense, is a complement to enhance your powerful personality........... anyway, the RobotCorpLu is going to design fun-ROBOTS, just like that...... digital-robots. ya might see in the nearest future, some of the new designs.
if u want, at the end of this page, u can add
YOUR COMMENTS....... WOW, and tell me if they are cool, if they suck, if they need more work, if they just out of place and i better change my job...... hehehehe dont be shy.,, well, me myself and i are considering if all this yapyap has anything to do with elevation or upgrading of my consciousness at all..... uhmmmmmmmmmmmm.💭💭💭. good point...
well guys, this model is the first:
BOT1. what it does? it is made to play with spiders. drinks oil like Bender, etc. just to have fun! (((well, Bot1 has some small issues, but i just dont feel like fixing any of that, let´s better wait for next proto-type)))
NOW, how many of ya guys believe in the existence of extraterrestrial cultures.... seems as the wikileaks releases a new paperwork about them. (((but how truthful is that info???))). search the internet guys and find that out for yourself.
"Love and a .45"
Starlene & WattyWatts conquered the traditional stealing from convenient stores deal. and didnt get caught in the process. i remember other movies where the tough couple survive the harassment of the cops:
"Thelma&Louise"... when a couple decided to go against the status quo and robber their convenience stores or kill assholes in between jobs, then i have to say: yeah!... i am sorry if u are a cop or your parents are.... i have nothing against cops, is just, that in the movies.... they are really a pain in the ass..... they are like a stone in a shoe...... obstacle of freedom for those thirsty of it....💀💀💀... (((
cops and military are instruments of protection hire by the millionaires to protect them from the revolution of the masses against their interests) ) ) u might ask me: what is it that u like about ElonMusk?, well br @ others, is very simple: he is the black - sheep of the billionaires...normally a millionaire hangs - out with liars like KlausSchwab that have such advisors in charge of manipulating our reality, like Dr.YuvalNoahHarari ... seems as these type of persons, are the new voices of the DeepState, or Cabala or whatever name they have. their purposes of stealing us, is very clear. and EM - at least, that is what he says, goes in opposite direction. truth or not???we dont know .... "u will recognize them by their fruits" - - - anyway, i think that the wives of those guys like the illuminati and so on, never said to them: "hey just dont do anything stupid today, alright?" feeling FREE, br @ others, is the whole ecstasy of the NewHuman ... pursue it, NOT MATTER WHAT!!!
Wednesday June 15 2022
there was this cop in a park, his name was Tobias. the park was a children's park or playground with games like swings, spinning wheels, seesaw, carousel and other things. Tobias was a sort of cop like Nicolas Cage ( with the kids ) in the movie "It Could Happen to You"...... is hard to find a good cop nowadays, most of them are sliding in different - directions, sad, but is ok, is their karma.......
and here is a pic of BOT2 from the RobotCorpLu. Bot2 is a billionaire and a warrior. with viking toys at his service. hopefully it finds some negative elements among the millionaires that need some cleaning. hehehehe. you know that this is a comic version of reality, so hold yard horses and dont hesitate. nobody from the RCL will get near to you, they dont really have either the power tools or the money to even get close to yar premises. those guys that move the strings of the world as we know it, might have some special encounters with higher beings from any ET land, and these ppl for sure know what time it is ... billionaires and millionaires know of the term GESARA ( ( ( but are they scare of it ???, cuz they think they might loose control over the masses ) ) ), and know perhaps that the world monetary system might change to QFS......... but i dont wanna talk deeper about this now.
7: 42pm
17th june 2022movies, bottles & sisters, they all are up to the taste of the viewer .... my taste is very wide movie - wise ... nowadays i saw couple of the new movies, and sadly i have to add, that the money invested in those films, should be better be used to help people in need of food or medical attention, or helping animals in bad conditions / situations, or fight corporations that kill trees in the name of progress. 👀 👀 👀
i have to say, that i denied my appreciation to movies i considered a waste of money, bcs of the script too boring or the director too lost in translation from what the main idea was..... bore.... bored..... last one from batman, TheBatman, and the NorthMan... take in consideration my frustration to see a depressive movie of batman........ i am a fan of batman-movies and comics, but that movie was very depressive, including the acting and colors, just like the Nirvana song in the beginning, remember that i like KurtCobain and i am with him in his choice of taking a suicidal pact with his soul..... and NorthMan the same thing: bore.... and i am a also a strong fan of viking films.
on the other hand, saw this film:
Morbious, expecting nothing, and i really got involved with it. good stuff, perfect direction, and the script was made to open a sequence of part 2 or maybe also a part 3. trilogies are working out in good ways, like money-wise and giving the audiences some moving and colorful distractions from reality. they include a new special-effect in Morbious i havent see it in other movies..... there are also, a bunch of other new releases that i just couldnt handle to see each one, more than 10 minutes, and after jumping over it, one really find out that their quality is really poor in almost every way. cant even mention the titles. I might watch also topGun, later i guess. i might let u know the impressions from it. ...there is also something funny about films: if u watch bladeRunner2049 first, then watch BR version from 80´s, u might get very disappointed with the 1982 version. BR2049 is worth to watch it many times, like Valerian&theCityOfTheThousandPlanets. i watch Matrix probably 126 times. and the rest of the "quatrology" for more that 10 times each. another movie worth of watching many times is the trilogy of KillBill, same with PulpFiction...... i can also watch animation and different other genres... any movie. even movies from the 40´s and 50´s.... 60´s and 70´s.... (MarlonBrandon, JamesDean, BB, SLoren, RWelch, AQuinn, SMcQueen, CEastwood, ChBronson, etc)... i remember one i like it: ZabriskiePoint. i also love to watch good stuff from alternative genres, not just HollywoodShit........ like JLGodard´s stuff, Antonioni´s, WimWenders, XavierKoller, JLBesson (almost all his films), Coppola, IdaLupino series, GuillermoDelToro..... watched some WoodyAllens movies and to be honest i dont like his stuff, even though i liked his film: MidnightInParis..... love TimBurton films very much, is been a while since he has no new movies.

TerryGilliam, Almodovar of course, Fellini, for me the best of GiusseppeTornatore: CinemaParadiso. RScott bcs of Thelma&Louise. Metropolis of FritzLang. some AndreiTarkovsky. Polansky stuff. DavidLynch. of course DenisVillenueve. QTarantino some super great others not really but all of them: FUN. RobertRodriguez. i used to have fun watching Chaplin. SKubrick. JCameron. DFincher. SergioLeone. OliverStone. GeorgeMiller yeah yeah. SamMendes directing the some of the last JBond movies. the Wachowski brothers(sisters). there are many good directors of movies following the Hollywood style with many films (but with not projection to see them twice)..... in Animation i saw many times movies like the sequences of HeavyMetal, many from Manga stuff (MovingCastle, Animatrix, Lupin, DragonBall, TriGun, Akira, CowboyBeebop, FinalFantasy, etc). Bolt, Oscar´s Oasis, Futurama series, Snoopy stuff, WildThornberrys, SamuraiJack, BigHero, FritzDerKatze, HowToTrainYourDragon, Shrek, theIronGiant, Persepolis, Coraline, KungFuPanda, IceAge, TimBurtonsAnimations, Brave, TinTin, MegaMind, RiseOfTheGuardians, Dalmatians, theCroods, Lilo&Stitch, HotelTransilvania,
HALO the series (& the video game), etcetera....
saturday june 18th 2022
"JourneyOfHope" Il Viaggio della speranza... great film. life is like a viaggio della speranza. (((sometimes, bcs many times, u need to control the destinations)))... there are also films where ppl put a lot of money and they knew what to do with special effects: like MadMaxFuryRoad, 1-2-3-4Matrix of course, BladeRunner2049, Interstellar, the trilogies of LordOfTheRings... there are many other films made that way, but they felt into the oblivion of getting a bit bore, bcs the director didnt know how to deal with so much info from the script (in theory, since idk 4 sure)...... there are also a bunch of good films made with low low budgets and had great results, not just money wise, but giving the audiences a good satisfaction..... are now a bunch of good pix from the universe, like takes from other galaxies around..... (modern telescopes)
...........about music, it is important for the frequencies of the body inside, to listen whatever u like, but be sure the tunes have harmony...👄❤👅💋💓>>>> Julian Assange might be deported to the US, the government that wants him death💀💀💀.... Anonymous of the world are concern about this, his wife will fight all the way to avoid such a bad decision from those governments. thing interesting i saw in some of the social networks: a woman says: I dont want my body to be the TOMB of a death💀💀💀🙊 animal....... makes a lot of sense.!!!
well, saw that movie i told ya, TGMaverick, well, seems as i felt same way as when i saw TP back in the years. even i dont support war in anyway, as a film lover i enjoyed the movie, not a movie i would see twice, but is ok. a lot of aircraft - tech. good simulation effects and so on..... among normal humans, is a f * ck to get old. u can see in this movie the attitude of the young blood with huge disrespect against the experienced. talking about getting old age, is also sad or frustrating, for me to see the degradation of the human body against time ... sickness, weakness, lost of many good things, etc, etc...... i dont wanna talk about this subject now, do your own research and change your old ways...... 9: 03pm
lets change the subject ... let say something crazy, way over crazy ..... those guys u love or / and discriminatory sometimes, as ETs .......... they are really: OUR ANCESTORS.!!! there are many blogs and websites talking about this ..... nobody is listening ..... now i can heard it also in a movie..... MOONfall....... i recommend this movie.... has something special in it ...... hehehehehehe.......😹 😹 😹
1: 18am
woke up call ..... from space.... 💙 👽 💚
Sunday 19th 2022
the consciousness, not the planetary consciousness or the collective consciousness of the human beings stationed on earth ...... but your consciousness; in order to become reflective and communicative in ( this case ) with other consciousness in low level resident planets, she materialize a form with the planetary patterns through a process of an holographic projection of ( apparently ): flesh .... first she picks up a soul, now, the soul, can be any soul from those available in the "" "market" "", meaning those in or passing by with a volunteer - contract to an experimental journey in a 3D planet with binary characteristics ...... so, now we have a consciousness with a chosen soul.this couple duels in the spiritual levels of the created universes where she is been traveling momentarily. the soul picks a mind with certain characteristics, that will be implanted in the hologram of a human body. and .... voila: that´s is YOU with your personal characteristics and individual tools to develop ( if u want, bcs u have among many tools, the free - will ) the experience of 3D planetary primitive journey. ...on another or a different sector of the created universes ( visible and invisible ), there is a central consciousness we here call God, or Spirit, or Father / Mother, or Source or whatever name u want. its a central consciousness that provide energy, creative energy to the created beings in order for them to co-created "stuff" (among other things). in order to travel through this trip easier or in more complicated ways -as u want.... hehehehe....., the beings stationary temporally in different dimensions, use that gift, to co-create or materialize forms or tools or other beings (((together with the energy of the central consciousness)))...... lesser humans like us, dedicated to materialistic performances (some of us bcs we dont know better) choose to create reflections of material projections in different levels and with different characteristics, like: social services, items (of any kind from a simple pen to a rocket ready to kick space), projections of activities like manual works or unrealistic jobs, or slaved kinna performances. etc................. art is the top performance a human should be doing, is the healthies form of experiencing life on earth nowadays. (even if it is underestimated or manipulated by those performing acts of war, acts of social positions in control of other humans, positions of rulers, bankers, the media, etc..........)..........

beyond the arts, should appear a wide range of choices that a holographic 3D human can do.... but that is for u&yourself to find out....... now we see in movies, many people project this kind of theories or whatever u wanna call it, in plots with interesting characteristics; like Matrix and MoonFall.... etc......
we mentioned before, a central consciousness that provides energy.... well, seems as this central consciousness, is intra-connected with all type of a wide range of different other consciousness of the created universes out there, visible and invisible. this central creator of energies, since is inter-connected with every single consciousness, we can say that we are all interconnected. that is why u can heard from other source, expressions as: WE ARE ONE.... etc.....
on the naked eye of your own perception, what do u see outside..... nope, not your room or your cat silly, go beyond your human perception.... practice the observation thru your intuition around the possible patterns of the world...... what is moving?
beings (bros&sis) from different planets?
organic robots?
space and non-linear time traveling?
eternity perhaps?
walking out your dog is nice, but can u start thinking about going with the dog into outer space? is that too difficult for ya?...... ne...... nein...... nope...... no..... if u let go attachments from cultural heritages and the folkloric paradigms that the educational and media system implant in you every day with manipulated education, the tv or any other ways....... then, u might experience the how to use of your original IMAGINATION!..... yeah brothers and sisters...... the imagination is taken EMusk into developing ways in how to rocket into Mars in couple of years...... he has discipline and motivations to do that (congrats to those guys in SpaceX for the brilliant union of ideas, their efforts, their results, their designs, their tech development and research, etc. we just hope they dont become like NASA hiding secrets from us when they get to meet ETs out there👽👽👽).....

but not everything is pink-color here..... the idea is great.... but a huge question to take in consideration now should be: are there already beings like us living in Mars? underground? or in places that the human eye perception CAN NOT SEE? or detect with their instrumental-technology?....... well, somebody should ask
CoreyGoode about space traveling, and not with rockets, since the regular kinna guys that call themselves astronauts, are those that went to the "moon" (fake news hollywood gringoland style?) or those in space now doing upgrades to devices near earth...... if u want to go into space with your dog, cat and friends, think about materializing first your own UFO...... yeah br@thers..... one that is not fueled with all that stuff rockets use now. check it out what they use by the tons of quantities (pretty weird stuff and chemicals, but it works into pushing those ships into space hehehehe).... components are (among others):
liquid oxygen and Hydrogen
gas (sometimes explosive) (((&how much pollution goes into the planet???)))..... is.... like comparing an electric car with a fossil-combustion-automobile.. those ingredients are very similar to the ingredients u find in corporates food nowadays..... hehehehe
while (((on the other hand, since many planets are doing it this way and other better ways)))... if u can materialize a design of your own UFO, (following the right ways to do it) something that runs only with
your own THOUGHTS!!!.... is an organic devise connected to your mind..... simple technology...... do u think those higher levels of technology use complicated stuff as humans nowadays use?......
NO WAY...... (ALL THESE is just a project humans with special characteristics are working on it, since nobody haven see any one doing it in public places).... actually, in different human-spheres within our planetary circle, there are also more technologies hidden as top-secrets from the public.... (((
REMAINS ME OF NicolasTesla AND THE QUESTION OF: WHY THE SYSTEM KILLED HIM AND AVOID/HIDE HIS TALENT IN SCIENCE? BCS HE ALWAYS THOUGHT ON THE BENEFITS OF THE MASSES? AND THE ECNOMY OF THE TECHNOLY USED?))) ...........and another question could be: where or why this highTechs became possible and visible in the last 30 years? (phones, computers, hardware and software, IT-stuff) bcs they get them from ETs?..... making deals and using reverse technology...... why they hide the technology...... we all know why..... also there are some other humans that are already connected with different planetary-friends, whom they share with them their technology....
but, if the human-engineer thinks as: we are ALONE in this universe, even in this SOLAR SYSTEM, then i have to say it: THEY ARE SCREW!!! sorry, but..... as we see it in Twitter, some interviews asking to an engineer: "how u going to change the weather of Mars?.... we nuke them in both poles".... is this answer civilized? is this answer sound cool at all to ya? is this a peaceful approach to start a space traveling journey?...... idk..... for most of the normal humans, yes is the answer........ now u wonder why we are all screw up in this planet-homoSapiens-system..... not wonder...... any way, i am just a JOURNALIST in this equation.
i recommend this movie from GuillermoDelToro: PacificRim, well done!. but the second one PR-UpRising.... ne..... i dont know if the second movie missed GdelToro as director or what..... also there is a (big or small?) factor (among the many) that influences a lot in the plot and the realization of the scripts into great sequences of images, and that is the acting and the charisma of the actors.......
june (still june) 20/22
got a dream.... saw this: <oktober provoc nove>, what it that means?, in a mix of languages, could mean: "October new challenge"
anyway, seeing this movie: "LeavingLasVegas" <1995> a story of a hooker and a writer that needs to drink until he dies... is a little bit sad...... a writer................... a hooker.................................. a real love story inside the parallel ruins of our system...... she needs to survive and
stop being ALONE.................... she needs a real friend-company, she can use him to keep her going...... he, he just wants to died..... everything in both past lifes, is f*ck........ life for them, is f*ck..... nothing to say about that, i can not go on and pretend to preach of futuristic scenaries........ ne...... life is just what u see....... what u got....... that´s it........ do you have a better life? good, great, fantastic...... enjoy it..... take good care of it!!!..... dont blow it away............ dont die on the side road........ or in other words: dont kill yourself for living........... love is beautiful and very supportive💋👄...... he lets her go out some nights to sale her skin for money, and she lets him get drunk until he dies......... anyway is not an optimal life, but i am connected with those in desperation of killing themselves with a suicidal tendency-ride and i am also connected with those selling their skin to the highest bidder....... why am i connected with them? very simple brothers&sisters: bcs
we ARE all ONE!!!!!!!!!
and i can feel their trip and pain also..... from here, from the distance......... from my journalist "stupid" kinna life.......... bcs, if a just write like a journalist, means, that i am not out there...... i am just here...... observing..... touching the connection we all have, and feel it....... and it is raining outside my balcony..... and the trees are calm and enjoying the rain..... the rain is pouring little drops of liquid-love into my building and into the small park at front of my windows...... and it feels ok.... but, also: sad--------- for the sadness that occurs in our planet....... to our human race------------- that´s it! bcs out there, in the oblivion of that world, shit happens a lot............................................<<<<<<<>>>>>>>
...the trees are in joy with
the wetness of the rain, the grass -like always at any weather, is singing its favorite song..... the wind pass and dance the togetherness song with both of them, and i am happy to see this opera of nature (((bcs they are <the elements and nature>, performing for me, for us...... that makes me feel as a part of the whole togetherness))), it only happens in this planet and right now in this Galaxy. it is a privilege to be alive, just to see and feel these beings in motion. it was worthy to come and incarnate as human... just to see the dance in motion of nature..... gracias, Danke Schön, merci beacoup, grazie, thank you. that´s all...... 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
june 21th 2022
...the chances of a change are still pumping inside the heart of the poet..... he drives the ship of his creativity around the oceans of a vast universe, he goes beyond the limits of the near visual effects permitted to be seeing..... he looks to the right, then to the left... up..... down.... sees no other space vehicles..... only his ufo is cruising the colors of the new environments permitted for him and his race of beings, to survey, to examine, to look around, to inspect and enjoy.....

up from now, not everything will be as it used to be. things are different. the long spaces of hard matter had become softer... the sun has a twin on the horizon. the perspectives of observation had become greater, in proportion of what ppl can see and feel. the wetness of the rains are still resonating inside the memories of earth. earth is still the home left behind. but also the home to come back sometimes. the body can switches from holographic illusion of soft and fragile matter into the powerful shape of light shining like a sun when walking around other places.
lot of things... 1- we dont discuss
politics... they are going
different-directions...... 2- we dont analyze what the
media does... they also go
different-directions.... 3- we dont talk about corporate
religions... they choose since long time a
different-direction....... 4- we dont measure the sizes of manipulated schools and universities under the label of
education... bcs they go
different-direction......... 5- we dont observe the moves of the global
military forces playing war games... they also play in
different-directions....... 6- we dont weight the volume of investment of those with tons of money... they are going in a different direction as well.... besides, they own all of before five numeral from above.... since they are walking in a
different-direction..... 7- we dont like to watch the food multinationals in the how they make their human-foods to sale in supermarkets..... they cook in a
different-direction...we dont mention the scientific society, since they just follow the rules given to them in how to proceed in any subject..... same with the WHOorganized health mafia, etc, etc, etc........ all are playing HiddenAgendas.
i dont have a preference for a perfect "direction". i dont draw the guidelines of the directions.... those above directions move according to personal interest, or the benefits of the few..... if u are reading this far into this blog, u know, sort off a kind of direction available here..... but they are not my direction, are the direction of the vicissitudes of LIFE... one can navigate the changing vicissitudes going from left to right, from up to downs, one can only surf those waves..... sometimes the tide is high, some other times are even higher, like that one in the movie: PointBreak. and, in times, the waves are calming down, the surface of life is so calm, that the wind sleeps on top of the waters..... LOTofTHINGS br@thers. a lot..... we watched more than 1000 movies, or more, and counting. ...most of them, we dont even remember the titles.....
remember, "we have company".... is a good line when the "criminals" see somebody in their tails......
one important detail here is: please define the word: CRIMINALS..... remember guys who invented these terms..... like: terrorist, weapons of mass destruction, hell, sin, bankruptcy, success, the end justifies the means, forbidden, loosers, a matter of national security, covid, and thousand more we use everyday or heard a lot on tv............. many of those words are used by our "leaders" when the business comes to create a false flag or a manipulation of the masses, or changing the words in an "important" book..... but we dont draw the guidelines here..... we are not the assh*ole who killed BillyTheKid, or the one who killed millions of Buffaloes.... or those judges running in desperation to create a bill against
JulianAssange... or cops following protocols on how to disturb peoples peaceful days.....
all UNJUSTICE must fall down now, is their time to be vanish it out from EARTH. we reclaim now our freedoms back. or how many more years are we going to watch Palestinians been harassed by the brutality of the systems?????? how many more centuries we need to see people living under a bridge?????..... how many more humans need to die in difficult circumstances????? how many more animals need to die in the name of the food corporations?
lets be like ASTROBOY and do the good fight....... and how do you&we pretend to do this_______????????? hehehehehehe,..... 💫💫💫perhaps,,, the powers, as the powers of AstroBoy (figuratively) are INSIDE of each of us........ turn yourself into the realms of your imagination (inside your MIND) for a moment, and pretend u can IMAGEN (visualize), a better world for all of us!!!!!!!!!! is it that too hard to do??? the only tool for CHANGES is LOVE!!! 💙💚💙💖
miercoles 22/6 2022
22 is a 4
2022 is a 6
June is 6
14:49 is 2:49pm = 6
numbers move in synchronicity with purposes or ideas. but now i might want to expand into
SOUNDS.... your inner equilibrium can be affected in positive or negative way by an inner emotional-thought...... is a ringing inside the EAR, like millions of crickets singing, related to an unknown source from unknown origin with incoming information and store them inside the DNA???...... a study of the science of sounds is been developed for years by expert musicians and scientist in that field. there is a movie that touches this subject with sensibility:
TheSoundOfSilence (2019):
"this is an universal law i discovered in the scientific community..... there is a trap inside...... one always is excited with what we are looking for, not bcs is there, but bcs one desperately want to believe is there........ be careful with being obsessives about something...... human behavior -as sound influences the ways ppl connect to each other...... the influences of sound that have in ppl lives..........
<Sound Patterns & the Urban Experience>........ inner sounds that guide ppl through the city, unconsciously, but is there...... [surrounded by colors and forms and smells and feelings]..... every part of the city has its own atmosphere....... is impossible to disconnect sound from the collective state of mind..... it affects the ppl........ there are rules guiding ppl behavior (invisible)..... how u trust yourself among the city? are u immune?..... i am not immune, but
I CAN HEARD IT...... i am not agree with u, i can be in a very noisy environments and i can control myself and be peaceful..... Silence is not empty, but immensely full..... i dont feel like my life is writing somewhere or anywhere; i feel that i have a lot of choices i can make........" =well, interesting movie for a quite day, if is raining, better. is u are alone, better, if u have a potential lover there next to u, is perfect.......
...if u used to live in California or u are living there now, this retro movie might interest u as a good piece of old music retrospective. "
EchoInTheCanyon" (2018), with lots of vintage sounds from the beginning of rock tunes that influenced many new musicians..... some yak it up, but short and necessary to tide the film together. back then, chemistry happened and inspired others chemistries from around...... the power of music is undeniable..... i can play the game of life to win......... a
collective of ideas meeting together....... visions that compromise with dreams from the sub-consciousness into psychedelics'
the world is changing....... what are the possibilities of/for a change?.... every day gets closer to the date we will see a different perspective in the horizon of our planet. the 3 big most influential countries need to unite against the common enemy of the people: the darkDeepState.
China-Rusia-USA, they have to change their silly games and acknowledge that the deep state is also making their own countries go wrong directions at all fronts.
june (still the changing JUNE, 23rd 2022
capital letters to those who had read this far, dude@, u are a hero to yourself......😹😹😹 bcs is hard to hold such a mix of subjects, all blended together in a funny way, and sometimes making a bunch of orthographic mistakes and misinformation (((bcs the info always change, so i get in some infos: OUTDATED......
today i felt a little different, but then i saw this sign:
i dont feel now a sign of anxiety, but there are other things related also to the abnormality of a society living the
UNJUST way....... and is not fair for a planet to live under those unjust circumstances at all at any time.... i just dont like it!!!😕😕😕
...why is the title of this 2022 journal, a journey through Space and Realities????..... picture this: our planet Earth at this moment is traveling not just around the Sun, but with her friends all together, also:
through SPACE..... we move together with our neighboring planets at a speed of aprox:
483.000 miles/hour (too many kilometers to figured out, get you calculator heheheh). so, now, u still thinking that from yar point of view, we just see the sun sets everyday at the "same" place and next day we repeat also the same things we doing today?????? boring...... ne....... if the sun was sitting in his home balcony drinking water after a day of work, he will see literally the speed of the passing background left behind by or from our MilkyWay. not to mentioned those backgrounds from different neighboring galaxies...... this whole thing, is not really small at all. and....... u still thinking we are alone in this universe? wow......

short imagination u have, or a huge fear from the unknown things here or those to come...... many, if not mostly of the humans from earth, cultivate with care, the plants of FEAR in their garden of thoughts and feelings. they need to feel secure..... SECURE.......SE-CURE. fear was implanted (((by whom??? do yar own research))) in the dna to prevent humanity to progress and find out the TRUTHS beyond their eyes..... and nowadays, the darkDeepState perpetuates that same modality with collective technology in order to keep normal humans away from crossing the linesssssss..... STOP
STOP STOP!!!......
how much % of a dream u can remember when u wake up?
got this name seeing in a dream last night: Elena Lottekova..... who´s that? kdo je to? there are ppl who can tell what the dream mean...... the psychologist SFreud wrote about back in the XX century. a dreamer (night) or some one who dream at night sleep, is considered a healthy person. do u dream at night? do u dream when napping? do u dream at all? ....i remember that i had periods of my life when i dream NOTHING, nada, nichts...... i tried to analyze the circumstance for as an unusual moment, and find out or came to the conclusion, that the person sleeping next to u, can be also of a great influence to your dreams or.... an obstacle...
then Jung follow many of Freud steps. they both agreed in the interception of a dream coming from the unconsciousness mind. then many more interpreters of dream came along. my own interpretations also flow from time to time. i did analyze the dreams i had and compare them with the realities of the days before the dream or with the processes of the mind inside the unconscious spaces.... find out that some of the dreams are working as part of a healing process for the mind, or in that case, to help the subconscious to revaluate the values it has inside in order for it to approach the reactions of a normal day with more precision or, more sanity of mind. some other dream, i might say (knowing i am not an specialist in dreams, just following regular common sense) might be play by the intensity of the day before events., remember who draw or paint dreams? Dali was one of most dedicated to do that, or at least, to draw forms in a way as if they where inside a dream.
my knowledge of the
Czech language is very poor, so far only A2 level. is a language with different roots as those i was used to, like latin and greek. the root of this language is slavic. something totally different, but i love it a lot. so far i havent figured out the relationship between an imagen or an action with a word. i tried to go back myself inside the collective of the planetary mind and i could imagen a small tribe of humans living around Bohemia back in time, and with the development of the tribes and their conflicts and their trade systems, the czechs had been under different tribes rules for centuries since their early start. (read the history of this tribe and race and see the crazy stories). nowadays the people i know or those i observe in their environments or their behaviors and interactions with others, show a kind personality they have, in a way, they are timid, but spontaneous. reserved and take a long time to get acquaintance with strangers, but solid friendly. impatience, they loose easily their patience if they need to repeat something they have to say twice. hehehehe happens to me a lot since many times i have to ask the:
Opakuj prozim... 😊😊😊 anyway, beautiful ppl. nice, humble, hard workers, easygoing, strong character.... there are not Work -Union to protect workers in the czech republik. big companies do as they want with employees, fire u whenever they want and pay u what ever they want. Czechia is a clean country, neat, old cities, clean air, lot of nature, rivers. Praha is a very nice old town. women in prague are lovely. the sound and music of this language has a vibration that cling nicely into my ears. many of the czechs have low tones with their pronunciations. never hear women talking with such low tones but here. men sound in a way, very similar to the germanic neighbors. in general:
nice tribe. my theory is that this tribe as most of the slavic tribes (countries) nowadays originally came from within Russia.
there is this film, an animation from brasil, about the life of a kid living with his parents in a farm. and his experience in how he sees the world around when he decides to leave home and mom and search for his father that went to the big city to look for a better income to support his family... factories, fabellas, cowboy-bosses´ corporations, a perspective of what we doing today as society, etc. made for kids and adults. is call: BoyAndTheWorld. (2014). good animation work, different, socially concerned, beautifully made, i can recommended. another animation i found interesting, is one that the script deals with the subject of SUICIDE. i like the way the movie turns death slowly into life, begining with the smile of a kid. is always better life than death..... the name of the canadian film is: TheSuicideShop (2012), check it out!...
24th of june (still june) 2022
how can u invest some of your extra cash in a cryptocurrency? first BE AWARE that out there are the sharks waiting. who are those sharks? the specialists of
SPAM and PHISHING professionals. they dedicate their precious time to plagiarize websites dedicated to a financial direction. nowadays most of the sharks are using almost the same modality: "deposit minimum of 250" (what ever dollars or euros), or sometimes the modality: "u dont need to invest anything". the plagiarized websites are hard to distinguish the difference from the original. they also use media or famous icon´s videos or pics to go along their story. here are some of guidelines they use to talk to u into going for their proposal: first they talk in a friendly way always, second they talk fast (((
HIGH PRESSURE tactics)))
and at the same time they are placing u into a state of mind in dealing with a equation of some vital info 4 u, at the same time and fast, they ask u "friendly" parallel questions like: what is the name of your wife/husband or where do u live, or i cant see the zip code of your address. ...remember: a legitimate bank organization or investment broker (or whatever name is), NEVER ask you personal questions on the phone, besides:
THEY NEVER CALL YOU AT ALL, that´s it!!!.... ok, once u a prompted to follow instructions, they ask you questions about your credit or debit card, or to make a bank transfer payment, or to share personal details about YOURSELF..... the fraudsters often sell all those details u gave them, to others.....
NEVER SHARE with them (
NOT EVEN w´ YOUR GF/BF) the private key of your cryptocurrency wallet. if u dont understand an app,
DO MORE RESEARCH..... in social media never pay attention to promotions, remember they use images of celebrities. keep a healthy skepticism. ignore all cold calls (no one honest is going to contact u out of the blue), be aware the googlePlayStore has also fake apps (temporally until they detect them) same with appleAppStore. i am not sure if
LINUX probably is the best way to navigate the web when it comes to investment. but then u might have to need another device or splitting your hard drive with two partitions...... always, like i said before: do a lot of research..... and
last one: dont trust promotions or yakyaks that are
too good to be true. i know is hard, bcs most of the time, when u think u are in the right direction into investing something that will make or give u the solutions to your economic deficit, u feel like u have them all figured out, but the tendency to act too fast, and emotional it might make u do mistakes. remember:
NEVER INVEST more than u cant afford to lose. this goes to the fake ones apps or to the real ones. once u aware of all these, pick first where u want to invest, what cryptocoin u trust or want, then get a wallet from them, then look a cryptocurrency trading platform, follow their steps and voila!!!..... there is a japanes old manuscript the one most clever investors read, it gives the click to perceive to movement of the markets. later when i remember the name, i´ll give it out..... (((perhaps, probably the person that gave it to me thought is a secret. uhmmmm))) do your own research always and find place that can give u better advices than me, i am just a beginner here.👍👍👍<<<<<<for me is
...there are a bunch of filmes about
hackers and activist, *
HACKTIVIST* saw them all, i
recommend them all (*only to those specials, u there... u know). hehehehehe👻👻👻 definition of hacktivist?= "
a person who uses technology to effect social change".... are we pursuing SocialChange? SURE man, the hidden corners of our society are not healthy. of course, if u are part of the followers of a smell of what TV said, like the news, then the anonymous movement for u is ILLEGAL and they are criminals. heheheheheh got news for u darling: do more RESEARCH, (((is
VENGANCE what governments and corps do against hackers)))
bcs the criminals nowadays, most of them use the 3 pieces suit..... heheheheheh. of course, if they need to be "invisible", they camouflage with different cloths. what a life! what a lie!...... there are in the hacktivist field:
[anarchist, social activist, hackers, propaganda activists, journalists, writers, IT workers, normal ppl who might work at a gas-station, active minds, internet trolls, etc....
] they approach these hacker-activist movement with different perspectives, different talents and different tools... one thing is sure:
we dont like what society had been imposing in us all these centuries!!!!!!!!!!. there are nowadays
NOT an enemy or foe here on these scenarios. only ppl that follow different agendas. some in pro of the good-will of the people and some others in a
different-direction (DD). there is goes, the DD factor. bcs our free-will and our differences of interests. did u ever heard of what are the interests of Assange? they are noble.!!! if u are reading all these, is bcs u are a sympathizer of one or many of the hacktivist movements-: ((
(it is NOT adversarial journalism)))(((we report only the
truth, even if it makes those in power uncomfortable or reflects poorly on them))) (((i am just a journalist collegue&university drop-out... we are/i am not in tout of selling anything to YOU here))):::::::::>>>>
* whales´ protectors
* animals´ protectors
* any defenseless-helpless-being´s protectors
* protectors from multinationals with mass destruction plans against the people of this planet
* protectors from governmental agencies with red and false flags implementations against humans
* environment´s protectors (((the real ones, not those FAKE ones)))
* freedom and justice protectors
* protectors of the good will in economics of society as ONE
* protectors of small local communities under the attack of landowners
* protectors of local leaders in pursue of implementing better ways for low social classes
* unions and local united Ong´s in search of FREEDOM and unity * protectors of the sea and the waters (((the real ones, not those fake ones)))
* protectors of the human rights in all levels
* protectors of the real meaning of PEACE and FREEDOM
* protectors of the universal LOVE
* protectors of the defamation of false information against the health of the people
* protectors of abuses of the bank corporations
* protectors of the abuse of authority from armed-forces organizations and the military
* protectors of the dictatorship of WHO, ONU, NATO, and their false information against the people
* protectors of the manipulated information's from corporates religions against the people
* protectors of the freedom of speech
* protectors against the abuse of slave-labor against pay-workers
* protectors against the NWO and the Cabal (((all of them: deepState, illuminati, skull&bones, etc)))
* protectors... against corporate media false info and the manipulation of truth
THERE are MANY more P R O T E C T O R S !!!!!!!!!! long life to protectors!!!
extract from hacktivist website:..........
......<<<the evolution of
by promoting constructive debate, effective direct action, and creative
solutions to complex problems in order to facilitate positive change>>>......
---it is difficult to let go of embedded information inside our mind&body system. i try the slogan: "accept the process", is a sentence that practically goes against most of the teaching of the XX century. and to delete old info stuck in your mind and dna, in most of the cases, is impossible. that person sometimes died with all that glue it into and went to sleep uneasy in their tombs. .......anyone knows how the trained dogs from corrupted governments do their twist? there are many movies that recreate this subject in many different ways. saw one that describe perfectly their operandum mode: "thePelicanBrief"...
well>>>>>>>> 7:44am 25th of JUNE (still june) 2022 (still 2022) century XXI (still for a while)😉
last night, and ALL THE NITE, it rains a lot, i mean in continuous-mode, from the late afternoon, until just before i woke up (still on).... agradable (nice)(hezký). i love it!, it remains me of those long rains afternoons in Oregon and in la SierraNevadaDeSantaMarta...... beautiful, poetic, relaxing, inspirational, quiet, hezký!!!!! i love raining a lot. the wetness of the drops falling on your body, or on your naked body is even sweeter. the liquid water can clean all of your body (inside-outside) since we are 45-75% of sweet WATER-AGUA-VODA inside. most of our own organs ingredient composition, is AQUA. when we get to the point of controlling matter, we might be able to dissolve at will and travel through the oceans as particles or atoms of water.💧💧💧💧💧💧 (almost noon and still raining😺😺😺) there is again a subject that in some cities is hot right at this moment, protesters against the unjust governments rules-bills towards the LGBT+ community and the ABORTION rights of women. it is a very sensible subject to deal with. ppl has the right (from their own FREE-WILL) to do with their body what they want. i can NOT extend a personal concept of LIFE&DEATH into the fields of abortion, since is not me (a journalist regular guy) who decides the strings of life in which direction are they moving (only my own, so for me is difficult to grab or grasp why a government regulates the ppls personal-decisions.... this subject is sensible also.....). that might be a PERSONAL-DECISION then afterwards, u and only u might know the consequences of your own choices. it might leave marks or scratches on/in your body or not. it might leave karma around your aura or not, it might change your neurons electricity inside your brain and memoirs or not, it might interfered with the internal frequency of your body or not... but idk. freedom of choice is at must. some say that abortion might be the KILLING of a non-born-baby. IN WHAT EXTENTION IS THIS TRUTH??????? idk. is it right to said: "my body, my choice"???? is the death baby your body? idk...... did u check what those clinics do with the death-babies??????? did u know about those dark-rituals the elite does in their special conventions-dinners? do u know what they eat? did u heard of the elite eating life-kids and human parts? drinking human-blood? did u heard of all that? noooooooo? are u scare???????????? do some research. ----- in the hacktivist cubeOfTruth u can see outside the ppl reactions when they see the videos projected from the laptops (unjust KILLING of baby animals and all kind of animals in the hands of the corporate FOOD INDUSTRY ---tough videos to watch, i know, but is the reality, the TRUTH). some women get scare and run away, some men get defensive and give dirty looks to the activist or do some mocking when they are boozy......... normal human-reactions........ AFRAID of the TRUTH...... the truth definitely is hard to digest.. hehehehehehe. and i remember these words: when somebody is "attacking" the system u believe in 100%, u get so defensive, like as u where the system itself. is a nice technic the elite use when washing the brains of the normal´s, in a way, that they can react protecting the STATUS-QUO..... simple as that. well done dark-forces.....
ADVENTURES... is something really really GREAT!!!!! transports u into magical realms of all imaginations..... one side of adventure can be into space, into different dimensions, into the past, into the future, inside the collective consciousness, around pirates, inside many things and many places. remember the series of movies about the RiderOfTheLostArk?, well, a france/belgium production made "Chickenhare&theHamsterOfDarkness" (adventure&imagination in one shot) animation genre. what a great work. if u like adventures: recommended for sure. 3:34
domingo junio 26 2022
... music: a combination of sound with a view to BEAUTY of form and expression of emotion. from the film: "Hanna".... recommended! the girl Hanna is SaoirseRonan.
...saw in a dream a small window from an aircraft, didnt see the aircraft, just had the feeling it belong to a ship for the size. inside the window, people, couple of men. one walking to the right, the other to the left. then..... they disappeared and saw in the same window many hands, like saying, dont come here!....
schlaf weiter! (sigue durmiendo) (spíté dál)
the point in LIFE, is to feel real and better every day more and more..... u can only do that, in an introspective trip to within yourself first...... the proportion of knowledge comes from with in, WHY? bcs all the info and inputs and answers are there in your dna since the beginning of life. we are repeating cycles of life. this one is also like the 5th repeated-creation from former failures....... so, we have within the POWER to change things....... everyone knows that the consciousness directs the coordinates to materialized stuff... they said the secret is: to send the info as an input to the collective of consciousness of the planet u are in..... in order to materialize what u want. well, u need a proof? check what the elites been doing for years to implant info they want ---using the media, into the human collective mind. .....see the result now?, just go outside your home and walk through out the streets, see that? it is a product of the info sent to the collective through tv and all media-fields. the masses absorbed the info, and: voila!!! it becomes real..... according to %%%% and other mathematical facts, the critical mass can change ONLY if more than the 51% of the masses are following the whatever we want to change this (beautiful<nature> but) malfunctional reality into a better one...... question now is::::::::::: what type of info are u sending to the collective mind of the planet?...... nothing? (probably what most ppl do)...... working on it??????? (good job! but need to work harder)..... dont have a clue of what i am talking about? (do more research silly)......... ...u going to have questions...... we all have turning points in our lifes.... most of the times we cant see them until there is a real mirror..... but i am here to tell u this is one of those moments..... every intersection has several possibilities..... u just have to be the right.... and sometimes those choices have to be make quickly......>>> from the movie: "Anna", recommended also..... at the cliff of a suicidal decision, she heard the words:.... dont put your faith in men Anna, put your faith in yourself... well. the film Anna is written, directed, and produced (half) by LucBesson. no wonder. make sense the quality of the movie (in that genre).... Anna always pursue only one thing: >>>>>> F R E E D O M !!!!!!!! the girl Anna is SashaLuss... in this wrong made stablished-society, freedom seems to be the ULTIMATE achievement.some movies got the point... some points..... why do some movies do emphasis in some themes as: freedom, suicidal tendencies, love, rape, conquer, traveling, prison, war, espionage (BourneIdentity), sex, stupidity, silly superficial stuff, apocalypses, history, mystery, thrill, vengeance, action, comedy, etc, etc, etc....... why???????????????? movies can be a recreative source of human-info for the ppl of other planets....... 9:20
27 de junio del 2022... monday
now that every one is a photographer, which is so great, bcs u can view img from everywhere in the world when ppl place them in their social networks. for instance: i am able to see ufo sightings from any where almost in direct. there is a chemistry between u and your cellphone. lets say your camera. there is a connection. a togetherness acting as a reporter or a journalist when u decide to add some comments. meaning, that nowadays, 80% of the populations had became a freelance photo-journalist.... wow, amazing. cool!!. for example, we know that the geometry of the city (since inside nature is another dialectic), this geometry of lines meeting in different points and crossing different angles, they all inspired you in many ways, besides the urban solid forms of beings at motion...... that inspiration u get with the connection with the city geometry, inspires u to go deeper or forward ahead into experimental positions or ideas within the photography u are planning to do. then get home after the satisfaction of recording some great images, and get wild with all the new editing tools available out there....... this is call, or i call it. new urban expressions in photography. the point of intersection of the city geometry in contrast with forms at motion. this combo makes urban photography so great and expressive and eloquent at times.☺☺☺☺ ...desires!..... what are u desiring for today? are u following an advertising implanted with the media inside your brain?.... hehehehehe saw this film: "Branded" (2012 interesting year): recommended.... desire for a product, products of brands, then...... ppl is running around happy bcs they got it........ the love 4 shit..... is the foundation of world´s economy.....since marketing was invented.... the global brands revolution.... we´re living in a world created by marketing corporations.... it used to be that brands looked to what ppl desires..... now is the ppl that is informed according to the desires of the brands..... viral PlanDemic is a lateral example.... in the movie they create the contra, the antivirus to the giants brands..... they created the "meat tester".....<test your beef or test your death>....tasty!!... the entities of destructing humanity in slow motion got loose and go away, they were like old demons.... and the avengers of freedom will delete the entities behind those chains that keep humanity imprisoned to the desires of the corporations..... a ray stroked down from the universe and deleted the dark forces of that evil entity..... ...... so difficult to record the grow, bcs there is not enough room in the minds of consumers to hold new desires for new products..... what happened in the case of fast-food fundamentally altered the market for ever......a cripple anxiety in the consumers terrified them bcs they dont know if the product can hurt them....... an unique opportunity now stands before u...... a free space in the mind of consumers..... make them loose interest in cellphones for example and convince them that competition brands are really dangerous....... attack on advertisings.... governments never ban adds....... is an insanity to go against it....... hope is not too late for those on the fight..... and a new era begins! 10:39
28 de junio 2022
now it looks like i am a movie-commentator, hehehehe, but is not. i just share some main impressions from some of the films i watched before or now...... check this one out: "TheTripletsOfBelleville" (2003) made with the characteristic drawings of the french/belgium animation style. if somebody wants to know how to get rid of the global mafias, this is the film... good dog is there!
...there is this other movie, hehehehe, "WideOfTheMark" but i dont recommended it to anyone, bcs is just for motorcycle lovers <like me> hehehe, through the movie i felt those memories from those times when we used to adventure with our bikes through places and forest inside the woods. crossing creeks, unknown paths and obstacles a lot. that was with a group of friends, couple of them knew about mechanics and the rest of us learning from them. i learned a whole lot, not to be a mechanic, but that made me able to put my bike apart and rebuilt it again in my own way. changing things upgrading others and adjust most of the bike to what we need for the adventure and the wild unknown. that movie, those guys do the same or similar stuff, upgrade a bike into what they need or want, changing the look, the direction of cafeRacer-style, and go..... camping outside - falling sometimes from the bikes on dirt roads - do lot of trail through woods out there in the country side. ---dirt roads - not roads at all - freedom of the wind - fixing mechanic issues - we called ourselves: LosVagos, hehehehe - racing - jumping - FUN - smiles - music - sunglasses - backpacks - tools - dirty hands - helmets - gloves - rain - sunshine - mud - 5 to 10 guys - raw ways to do things - experiences - take a risk - get wet again - be passionate about it - shit doesnt make the trip over instead it just need from u to get that whatever done and keep on going - not for everybody - getting lost - discoveries - fire place - meeting ppl - go way out off the maps... wide of the mark..............................................................9:07
29 junio 2022
TRUST THE PROCESS, it is something i am getting used to very much. to trust the process of "something" u are into, or moving forward... first u make a move, then: DONT PUSH.... (not too hard on it)... just TrustTheProcess. this is really important!!!... bcs all processes need TIME.
...meanwhile i can tell u a lit bit about something i love very much, as the motorcycles: HORSES. (it has to do bcs of the love and respect for animals i have) horses move u around like if they were an entity from the unicorn planet, and so, they do as u tell them. they are very very humorous. they have this sense of humor along the way. they are obedient and very intelligent. and like all animals:they can sense your state of emotions and ride along with u, helping u and collaborating in the process. well, those process are in all times: INVISIBLES, bcs only the inside eye can sense them. anyway, the sensibility of the friendship with a horse has no limits, it is a connection with FREEDOM, those guys know what freedom is all about. and like in motorcycles, u can sense the wind on your FACE, and this, is very valuable. that wind can tell u secrets, unknown secrets of what freedom is all about, and what are the territories of that freedom u are looking for. ...there is this film, is sort of a family film, with sad moments sometimes. i hate sometimes the script-writers when they go in excessiveness among a point or a subject or a feeling. in this film, from the beginning, learning to surface the grief as a strong element.... despite of all that sad ingredient, is a sweet movie deals with honest and good descent emotions, but i dont recommend it, bcs it is only for HorseLovers...... i remember friends into horses, the training, the hard work, the cowboy hat, the saddle, the time moments u do care things for the horse, the riding without saddle, the skin of the animal, the sweat of the horse and yours together, skin with skin. i remember those different places i´ve had been with horses and those friends around them..... malibu, topanga canyon, calima, minca up the mountains, la mina (where my dad had couple of horses, i was probably 5 years age, i remember the sensibility of the horse when they know u are just a little person. is really a natural connection between the animal and u). nowadays i see horses only from the distance. the worries of survival and the wrong interpretations of the path, had putted me away into an observation point where i can only watch from the distance..... horses and motorcycles....... i am working on this, to survive and control it in better ways: the economics of surviving in this society. shit!! how rude and cold, is our society (and many times ourselves are acting as the instrument of that coldness when referring to other humans) when the load of pressures are falling into u from the wrong directions. is a hard work to get back to your feet, and to put yourself together again into the path of your: PATH....... anyway, the name of the film is: "Useless" (2020) what a name..... ------RESILIENCE, is the name resilience familiar to u???? how come we are so disconnected with what is going on on the surface of the planet? how come for us is most important to display a vintage auto to others on the streets of a human parade? how come we dont appreciate the migration of birds from one continet into another? How can a whole continent of courage be contained in eleven grams of life? (((refers to a small bird crossing the winds and the mediterranean ocean))) when was the last time we believe we are NOT in crisis as a society?.... is crisis bcs of our relations with living beings?.... is a current ecological crisis determined by the crisis of sensibility we have with all living-beings???????? u can check out this very sensible article in the website....... are u going to live the 50-80 years of your already permitted life to live in your planet as a being of insensible capacities and not be dedicated to the major reality of us all as a collective, which is the recognition of us beings from earth, as a multi-beings collective. that includes everything: from an ant, to a rock, to a volcano, to the ocean, to a car, to a mountain, to a crocodile, TO
A FLOWER, to a chicken, to a building, to your hause,
to YOU!!!!
Human politics are
exclusive to other beings (including ETs) our world of politics are made just for the benefits of humans. that leave the rest of beings in the backyard. same way the US treats the rest of the countries of the planet.... on the backyard. the big influence of US politics and regulations into other countries have a long history of copy&paste..... and those are just COLD and Mean and nasty laws created by the few for the benefit of the same few families that rule the planet. .....and the silly thing, is that the rulers know how to make a law with conviction to the population of their countries, in such a way, that the masses can NOT detect the underlines, the small letters, or the meanings of many words that had been manipulated in order to control your emotions connected with a sense they call: PATRIOTISM (my flag, my country, my, my, my) making us forget what we really are: CITIZENS of PlanetEarth as a whole united CONCIOUSNESS!!!!!!!!..... we like to keep on forgetting our origins, and the main idea of
WHAT WE CAME HERE FOR...................................................................
------well rangers, and space lovers...... go take a ride with: "
LightYear" (2022), i like it. no comments!
---when problems with the phone, and someone suggested to do a hard reboot. first do a backup into your email account, it goes automatically into the cloud. then delete all data in your settings. remember one thing: your passwords wont be backed-up. and maybe the hard-reboot wont fix the software issue. sheiße!!! so, write down or safe in your pc or in a document those
passwords, but...... if someone breaks into the system, u doom.....
11:00am june 30th 2022
the time pass by, at the speed, that the time wants. we are like depending of that speed. we move according to that measure. we depend of the clockwise symptoms at the end of the day....
---imagen war times.... cities being bombed from airplanes.... like in Palestina...... but is not the middle east, is japan..... during the war..... two kids struggle for survive..... the ppl there during the war, reacts in a very cold way....... the japanese way maybe...... the movie also focus in small details..... the union of the two siblings. the grief of their death relatives. war times, beautiful touching scenes, sad: war is like that. name of the film: "
GraveOfTheFireflies" (1988)..... from
StudioGhibli...all these sad moments take from films, make u think if the day outside is grey and raining, is that means the day is sad? or the film is grey? or your emotion are all mess up. well, since we live in this binary planet with ambiguities and polarities of duality, have to say that is pretty normal the ups and downs, as far as there is an equilibrium of colors...... far, those GhibliStudios films exceed the level of human imagination in movies and animation....
..."SpiritedAway" is another Ghibli production, it has some similitudes with some of the characters or the development of the characters as in their production of the "HowlsMovingCastle" i like both of them. actually the MovingCastle i saw it many times, just for fun and to learn or appreciate or assimilate some of the fantasy ideas. the movie was made with GIMPsoftware and OpenToonz (OpenSource)
---had u sense the smell of liquids left behind after a glass bottle is emptied?
---had u noticed when the clouds are dark and the storm is at dance with it favorite children: the rays,
the thunder, the lightning, the roars of a positive cloud dancing with her sister the negative cloud. all that is an spectacular performance to watch live. and down below, the wet element is singing its favorite song to the trees, flowers and grass.... and human-cities....
---what is the so call "endOfTheWorld" story? i dont know it. many prophets and sorcerers and witches and visionaries were able long ago to see into the coming of their future. question now that... as: is their future the same as everybody else future? well darling, it depends of.... many things. one of them is your imagination...... hehehehe..... how come? well, remember that formula:::::
what u can imagen it might happen next.... in my case, i go on faces. but one day i realize, that it is obvious that if the surface of the planet needs to
BE CLEAN, everything that was build by men, needs to be REMOVED..... it has its logic of 2-1=1.....
what it means: removed? well, tear down.... how? it is obvious that the tectonic plates of the planet need to do some shaking, like the last 100arabic nights of a story.... dancing dancing dancing, until the king fall sleep. in this case, all those nice buildings of men, might need to go under similar belly-button-dance.
is a party where we might all be invited. are we ready to see that video live?????? uhmmmmmmmm i am not sure. in my case, i am...... Ich bin beraits!!!!!!!! estoy listo....... jsem připraven....... do am i really? not sure 200%, probably i might get fricking scare, but i need to be ready for that cleaning.
WE NEED IT......
the intention of that, was good. not bad vibes.
5:01am FridayJuly1st2022
finally june is gone, a lot of intense energiesOfChange in that month. the
Schumann charts got crazy over the limits (do your own research to find out a lit bit more of that)...
the Sun vibrate at its most high, sending flares to the solar planets, and we get those flares and we shake baby...... the darkness and dirty things inside of our human system needed to be cleaned and released it. just like that character from the film SpiritedAway where this huge and faulty creature comes into the baths to be cleaned, and at the end of the bath it throws out from its mouth a bunch of stuff, guess what it was? all the
garbage we throw into the planet every day.....
---here is
something curious about some of the japanes
manga. since the filmmakers come from a totally different culture as any from the western side. the script writers or the producers or who ever directs the show, gets somebody to investigate and do a deep research into the western civilizations (past and present) to find::: their icons, religion beliefs, common ppl traditions, symbols, superstitions, memories, prophecies, myths, magics, etc.....
then they
mix all of them together without the thought of if one thing goes along with the next one. i explain: when i was younger saw most of the series of Goku... if u get to see couple of the episodes, u will understand what i mean. anyway, since those films are filled with extreme fantasy, adventure and sci-fi at the same time, it wont matters at all the blending. then your brain (as audience of the series) become as::::: it is not really important the seriously of those western tradition, if u can be able to
blend them in one variable soup of images.,, after all: we just humans!!! hehehehe
- - - the journalism is so interesting, give u the freedom to write and include in the narrative images. ... when i was a kid, i used to play loud on the streets of the neighborhood. today some kids were playing downstairs outside the balcony, and when i heard their voices, it brought me back to the noises we made as children. the sounds of children leaving and talking aloud, is like a music of angels in progress, heheheh, 
there are a lot of many ingredients involved in their interactions, freedom is one of them: like freedom of expression, freedom of movement, freedom of playing... they are using as they play, the space in that air of whatever is surrounding them, like buildings, houses, trains, parks, lakes, oceans, cars, other ppl ( like grown ups watching ), etc. and the interaction is catalyzed as if they are the main characters in that precise moment, of the whole human civilization. it includes the human believes, and what ever the civilization holds inside. the kids break everything apart, and created in that atmosphere, an special environment called: kid magic....... they dont care about anything else in those moments but themselves and their games. those kids down the balcony, were playing and running around with their scooters. ...voices, the sound of the human voices. the ring of their voices... RichardStrauß said something like: The human voice is the most beautiful instrument of all ... "" .... the voices of men at the end of the day after work, laughing loud and telling themselves stories of whatever event ... the voices of women when they gather together in a non stop share of emotions .... the ringing of voices... a baby communicating with the mother ... the voice of wisdom of the experienced...... the voices of the animals when they are trying to communicate a need or a message to a human, the way they also do some bodily moves to go along the sound of their voices ( most humans dont even catch that, they just call it: barking or whatever ) when in reality, they are trying to communicate an emotion or a feeling or a warning. the eyes, for example of the animals, goes very much in togetherness with their voices and sounds. same as the humans do. sometimes some humans are trying to communicate in words some of their thoughts or feelings, and the receptor - human in many cases, DONT UNDERSTAN IT..... even if the speak the same language. funny uh???? i bet their pet get it faster..... hehehe... i even like robotic voices to include when video - editing. anyhow..... and the beauty of all this is... it is raining now outside.💧 💧 💧 9: 36am
3rd of july 2022
...good morning there. this is a poem a friend forwarded from the movie / memoirs "EatPrayLove" and it is so realistic for this times. Is in Spanish, u might see the translation down there ... why memoirs? bcs the film is based in the book written by ElizabetGilbert 💜 💜 💜
Let things break, stop trying to keep them stuck.
Let people get mad.
Let them criticize you, their reaction is not your problem.
Let it all fall apart, and don't worry about it afterwards.
¿Where will i go? ¿What I am going to do?
Nadie se ha perdido nunca por el camino, nadie se quedó sin refugio.
Lo que está destinado a irse se irá de todos modos.
Lo que tenga que quedarse, seguirá siendo.
Demasiado esfuerzo, nunca es buena señal, demasiado esfuerzo es signo de conflicto con el universo.
Amigos y grandes amores...
Entrega todo al creador, riega cuando puedas, ora y baila pero luego, deja que florezca lo que debe y que las hojas secas se arranquen solas.
Lo que se va, siempre deja espacio para algo nuevo: son las leyes universales.
Y nunca pienses que ya no hay nada bueno para ti, solo que tienes que dejar de contener lo que hay que dejar ir.
Solo cuando tu viaje termine, entonces terminarán las posibilidades, pero hasta ese momento, deja que todo se derrumbe, deja ir, déjalo ser"
translation: (sort of)
Let things break, stop trying to hold them together.
Let people get mad.
Let them criticize you, their reaction is not your problem.
Let it all fall apart, and don't worry about it afterwards.
Where will I go? What I am going to do?
No one has ever been lost along the way, no one was left without shelter.
What is destined to go will go anyway.
What has to stay, will remain.
Too much effort is never a good sign, too much effort is a sign of conflict with the universe.
Friends and great loves...
Surrender everything to the creator, water when you can, pray and dance but then, let what should flourish and let the dry leaves pluck by themselves.
What goes away always leaves room for something new: they are the universal laws.
And never think that there is nothing good for you anymore, only that you have to stop containing what needs to be let go.
Only when your journey is over, then will the possibilities end, but until then, let it all fall apart, let go, let it be"
< Eat, pray, love >.
is a google translation hehehehe. is in parallel to::: TRUST THE PROCESS.
💚 💚 💚
Over time you learn to curb your tongue ... not to react every time you listen or see something you don't like. So ... you learn to walk away. To avoid those places or people that make you feel uncomfortable. And you start to protect your peace ... your circle gets smaller and smaller and ... in turn ... healthier. I call this emotional intelligence. You have to learn to choose battles ... not everyone deserves your attention...."
* Anonymous *
💓 💓 💓
Over time you learn to hold your tongue... not to react every time you hear or see something you don't like. So... you learn to walk away. To avoid those places or people that make you feel uncomfortable. And you start protecting your peace…your circle gets smaller and smaller and…in turn…healthier. I call this emotional intelligence. You have to learn to choose your battles... not everyone deserves your attention...."
* Anonymous *
lovely............ having a baby is like having a tattoo on your face, the kind of wanna be fully committed.... the sweetness of doing nothing (dolce far niente).... ruin is a gift, is a way to transformation.... <
heart of gold, NeilYoung>➽🔊♬♫♪♩and the other one: <come a little bit closer, heard what i have to say/ just like children.... we can sweep this night away..... but there is a full moon rising, let's go dancing in the light...
bcs i am still in love with u....... <love me then, send me love every time u think of me> nothing last forever (human-love wise)... god dwells within me as
ME..... listen to Ketut: sometimes to loose balance for love... is part of living balance LIFE..............
let's CROSS over........ the relationships we meet along the way, the humans we made love with, the eternal relationships inside our hearts..... let them be or keep them on moving along the way, dont let FEAR interfere with the path of human-love...... in this movie, the formula::: El hombre propone, pero la mujer dispone"", (man proposes but woman disposes) is true::: men do moves in fast ways and sometimes miss a thought or a feeling in between (the thought of been sure the girl is ready for that shot) but they know they are SURE about what they are proposing... women go slowly but they need to be reassure that the whole thing is fit together before they take a step.
fear and insecurities are the obstacle at that moment. women mostly need that the reinsurance come from a different person, a friend or an adviser. and, sometimes few women have the wrong advisors that they -in the willing for their friend to be happy or in a healthy path, what they suggest goes in contravia against the proposal of the girls' lover.........
c'est la VIE..... anyway, JuliaRoberts remains me of her film (with more acting) named
ErinBrockovich---another space film: "Rubikon" (2022) from Austria. shows interesting situations between the behavior´s differences between those of the scientist, the military, the CEOs and it can leaves in the audience pieces of questioning more about those in control of the planet.
---hey lit´ sister, who is the only one? goes the song, original from BillyIdol at the end of a movie. "
ThePrincess" (2022) from Bulgaria. if u love castles like i do, and swords battles and lot of action where the heroes are women. then go watch it. the girl name is JoeyKing...>>> a warrior is not defined as
how he FIGHTS, but for
what he is FIGHTING for...... (((justice? peace? love?)))
monday july 4th
already up since long ago. life is moving fast. and in the air are dark-energies of elements looking to destabilize ppl in their economic field. meaning to make ppl suffer bcs of the economics. BUT::: the LightEnergies of the planet connected with the Power of Light of the local Universe and beyond (😅) are now
neutralizing those frequencies to make those in economic trouble to correct their status and float over in abundance. our human race in general needs to access to abundance NOW. there is
NO MORE need to be in survival-mode all the time and having hard time to cope with societyRegulations and so affect the real meaning of life in general. it makes no sense. is all inside your head br@therhood, change your thoughts of trouble and change them for better IMAGES inside.... anyway. all that is a personal achievement.
- - - since we are living in a society of unbalanced scores. there in the peripherical of that collective, are two kind of criminals::: some are those that the laws of that same society mark as criminals, and the other ones are the white collar criminals that make those laws against their competitors. and... here we are in between and on a Warfield. who pays for the consequences? we are. since those two gangs of criminals, know what they enroll there for and death is also a choice in a final alley, while we, dont even know why those criminals always pursue to hurt those in the middle. ... let's see how criminal is one band and the other. ... those so call criminals, they are fighting for their survival. ...the other ones dont fight at all, they just try to send the dogs to the "criminal" in order to extinguished them, why? perhaps is a matters of economic competition.?????? we know nothing, bcs both of the groups work behind the curtains. some dont hide their appearances, the other ones are always in their 3piecesSuits visiting religious temples, cultural centers, educational halls, political environments, military locations, media shows, financial scenarios, and so on. sometimes they dress as guests, and in other times they dress as hosts...... what a life on earth is this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! attractive????????? romantic???????? healthy?????? beautiful?????????? peaceful?????? oh yes, the sun shines outside and your bank account is full. u go downstairs to meet the day and roll down in your wheels. life is perfect. next to u, the girlfriend or boyfriend, the kids, or friends ..... life seems very potential and in a great colorful shape. question now is::: which band of criminals u support to or vote for????????????????????? none of the above?????????? great, welcome then to disneyland, the land of the promiseLand, the land of the perfect everything. the land of the living - death. bcs if u dont pick your choices right, then u are supporting either group of criminals. and the criminals are the ones who destabilize ::: the planet, the animals, the minerals, the oceans, the rivers, the new born, those women and those other men, the children playing while imagining they are in paradise, and YOU and us ,,,,. are we building paradises for ourselves? or at least for those coming after us? .......... but yeas! who am i to know? what do u know? how much we know? ....... nothing! like the philosopher said: I only know that i know nothing...... we just read or see what is going on in the planet, what the media does, the information they transform into manipulated dreams of dissociation...... and we copy and paste here the meaning behind their actions and words ..... and we question::: is all these worthy?????? or ::: are we worthy to have a chance of living in harmony ???? ... are we still waiting for the UN to make a better planet? do we really trust what NASA say or do??? is the WHO telling the truth??? do we still need to trust that NATO keep us safe??? are the governmental elites and their secret organizations and bureau doing an honest job????? do we still believe in their efforts for the good of all us???? like the sign in their dogs cars ::: TO SERVE & PROTECT ???????? ............. what the heck is all these? please somebody out there tell us!!!!!!!!! we can not keep on living with these lies on top of our dining - table and keep on eating them, like ::: YES, is alright babe, no worries. is going to be ok ........ ??? .... neeeeee, bcs the cake is rotten now. ---there are great directors all the time, some got more talent than others, but they all do their work. changing the subject, i remember this film: "Leon" by LucBesson. well done realization, great acting, i think is from the 90´s.
---"HotSeat" (2022) another film where u can see a hacker in action...
tuesday julio 5 del 2022
"Ainbo: Spirit of the Amazon" sweet film around the magic of a tribe from the Amazons. i have to say that the sweet spirit of magic catches me, i recommend it.
---"A-X-L", if u like movies involve with robotics, motocross, and the usual assholes: the government and the military.... the good part is: the feeling of friendship between a couple of kids and a "dog" and a dog... i love it!
---sometimes our lives on earth have this little unbalances... emotions or fears that make us feel insecure, sad or bore..... actually these three look the same, bcs at the end of the line, they can make us do errors, mistakes, have like a
computer´s bug, we can do wrongs to ourselves in those moments or feel misunderstood.... anyway, the idea in that precise moment (somebody told me) is to focus, stay focus in your inner power, knowing that those weak thoughts, are just base in fear. and i remember myself in those moments: TRUST THE PROCESS. remember guys the poem from above: LET from EliGilbert?...:::
No one has ever been lost along the way, no one was left without shelter. yeah!
julio 7 del 2022 jueves
ok brothers & sisters. today is a day to use your imagination. like watching a movie. what do i mean? well, i read this article and i am going to paste it here, for ya to read it like watching a sci-fi-fantasy film in 3D with u inside as part of the plot...... ready?
remember to use the color of your imagination like if u were there:
Dear Beloved Earthlings and Starseeds
The stories of their bravery will be told forever!
Planet Earth is approaching the first wave of ascension into fifth density.
We did it !! All the blood, sweat, and tears will finally pay off!
We are at the end of the night.
The clock is about to strike the hour...
We did the impossible.
Our brothers and sisters look upon us with profound honor...
In the next transmission, we will explain the main change on a physical level and give more instructions on the sequence of events (to the best of our ability), on how to prepare correctly.
And an overview of what they showed me that we would experience during the first transition.
It will be the first of three powerful waves of light.
The third is the completion of the ascension of the entire collective to fifth density.
A density is a separate reality, a separate pitch on the harmonic.
Within each density there are many dimensions, reflecting the vibration of your being.
You are inside a density, perceiving a certain dimension,
that is unique to your current state of consciousness.
Between each density, there are walls of light, created to protect the power and wisdom from malicious beings.
The Poles are dividing as we speak.
It is the urgent signal that the magnetosphere is weakening.
We are approaching the pole reversal.
In the next few days or weeks, we will experience the ascension of the first 144,000 (perhaps much more).
We will all experience
different perceptions of the same reality.
The days before the first solar wave, there will be precise instructions on how things will unfold.
First, make sure you have water and light foods, always from 3 to 7 days, and candles/lighter for light.
It is strongly recommended to avoid dead food and toxic substances days before. Plus, let your loved ones know, don't fear, if the power goes out.
The moment the Solar Wave will touch the Earth, the Earth will enter an Electromagnetic Null Zone, it will stop its own Rotation.
Those who will wake up will see a huge wave mass of gold plasma arriving at low speed first and then accelerating as it gets closer and closer.
Once it hits the magnetosphere, it will turn purple, blue, green, pink, and many shades of colors that you have never seen in any of your 3D experiences.
It will engulf the entire planet in a matter of 10-20 seconds.
Once the plasma touches each of us, you will all have a unique and unimaginable
reunion of bliss with Source, as you have all been individually prepared for each of your unique and personal peaks.
Imagine, reaching the top, the reunion not only with the Source, but also remembering in the blink of an eye, the many thousands to billions of lives not only on earth for the liberation of the human species, also of the many who live in different star systems and galaxies, even different universes for some.
Each will be given the level of DNA activation proportional to their own experiences and wisdom.
Time will stop as it will only pass for less than a second and yet you will feel that it lasted so long that you almost forgot your life on earth, you forgot that you are still here on Earth...
The intensity will be such that it will be a total death experience, the pineal gland will secrete a large amount of DMT, (dimethyltryptamine) you will see everything and you will know everything that will change you forever.
Returning to your body, you will notice that you see your eyes closed, you will still feel that
euphoric bliss of oneness, you will open your eyes and everything will change, your body will be 2 feet taller, your skin will radiate light with a more golden hue. You will be so light, weighing around 10Kg, able to jump many meters with ease, run faster than a horse, stronger than a gorilla.
Your skin and your entire body will be practically indestructible.
With practice, you will levitate, teleport, bend light/matter, control space-time, and even create anything you can visualize using the ether.
You will see thousands of shades within each color, and many colors you never thought you would see in your life, colors will have their own consciousness, their own emotions.
There will be sacred geometric art on every surface you look at, everything will breathe and be alive in a way that you will feel every bit of matter breathing and living around you wherever you are.
Your blood will be plasma light and your organs will be greatly enhanced, specifically your lungs, which will absorb an extremely powerful new type of oxygen that will give your breath the power of 144,000.
Each breath of plasma air will feel like pure bliss, it will also be common to control the elements of life.
Fairies, dragons, elementals, angelic beings and all of our families of galactic angelic light will be there to greet each of you, most personally the families of souls you left behind before departing for Earth duty.
TO peace that cannot be explained with human words.
Animals will also upgrade, as well as plants, growing 1,000 times faster than in third density.
There will be no memory of any suffering, pain, sadness, resentment, guilt.
Nothing will miss you in any way, it will feel like all those past lives on duality Earth never really happened, like it was just a one night dream, waking up from her and feeling distant from her.
An opportunity to live an incarnation in which the darkest has been totally conquered.
It has never happened before in the cosmos, and we are the children of the Old Testament, who managed to incarnate in the last pit of hell. Illuminating the depth of darkness, until there is only light. There will be no cataclysm, no world fire, no planetary disruption.
It is the most Magical Miracle that will have occurred in the Universe.
During those three days, the planet will undergo a process of mutation.
The rotation speed of the electrons of all matter will reach such a high state, that it will instantly cause the rearrangement of the Atomic Structure of Matter. The carbon structure will be atomically transformed into silica, which will produce a totally new type of reality, with a more subtle and less dense matter. The Earth will have reached the fourth vibrational density.
Many of us will instinctively fall into a deep meditative state, experiencing a huge release of dimethyltryptamine from our pineal gland over a long period of time.
This will cause an instant out - of - body experience from which we will be resurrected in Pure Light.
There will be a further reprogramming of Memory.
All negative memories of pain and suffering will be stored within the Akashic or Universal Recording cell,
Then erased and replaced by only the positive perception of their Past Lives.
For people who will not fall into deep sleep, it is recommended to close the windows and not be afraid.
There will be a cleansing of parasitic entities, and as the veil will be desiccated, we will see the Dark Spirits with the naked eye.
For this reason, in the earlier days, one should surround one's home with sea salts and use whatever tools were available to purify one's surroundings, and create barriers.
We repeat, do not fear, those Spirits will be harmless, as they will be burning under the highly charged Cosmic Particles.
After the 3rd day, the Sun will rise with a New Light.
There will be Auroras in the Sky that will be literally breathless beauty. It will occur, an Emergency Broadcast System, all over the world.
The White Alliance will hijack the Planetary Communication System and will transmit, 3 times, 8 hours of cutoff, for many days, revealing all the Truth, so that the World knows it.
It is said that during the Three Days Time, the 144,000 Co-Creators, from The Throne, will be Taken to the Mother Ship Jerusalem.
They will be the first to harmonize their body with their Christ on Himself.
Those 3 days on the ship will feel like 3 years, even though it will only be 3 days.
They will be taught to use their power for the highest good of all.
In the coming months, the Alliance star-fleets will publicly display themselves to the world and begin broadcasting the hidden message of love and knowledge on the giant screen.
They will reveal all the secrets, and explain that the Earth is Becoming a Multi-Galactic Planet.
In the coming months, occult alien/advanced technologies will be released to the public as their due right.
Free Energy, Antigravity Ships and much more.
The Quantum Financial System will be activated, and people will be allowed to go anywhere on Earth, freely.
Inner Earth will also become accessible to those who energetically match the experience.
Life will become pure bliss, a creative story of endless possibilities. You will be offered the ability to create anything you have dreamed of, according to the law of free will.
The next Waves of Ascension will likely follow in a matter of months. At this time, more than 2 to 3 billion Star-seeds and Walkers will ascend into the Fifth Dimension.
The Last Waves will occur between 2025 and 2030, and it will be the Last Chance before the Complete Shift of the Earth, from 4th Density to 5th Density.
At this point, all the Souls who did not reach the necessary development will leave the body and reincarnate on other planets, according to their own Soul needs.
In order not to infringe our free will, many details cannot be foreseen.
Have faith, in an instant, you will remember everything.
As the 12 rainbow crystals of Lemuria rise from the sea, and from below the crust, high above the earth, thus activating the original blueprint.
The pain will vanish, like it never was.
The dream will come to life! And your wildest dreams will come true.
Keep breathing, the best is yet to come!
Soon, we rise in the light!
We rise in love.
The stories of your bravery will be told forever!
I am honored to share this dream come true with all of you.
together we will be
And honor the Sacred Imperative of Life!
"Let the light be made!
Let there be love!!
Let there be life!!"
We love you so much!
wow, br@thers, did u had the chance to try or pretend u were inside that story, as a part of these processes of changes? it is so great to just imagen it. perhaps it will help us a lot as a collective to have something like that in mind, in order that something similar with high doses of positivity becomes a reality in our planet. dont u think so too? any way ... i like it!!!
july 8 2022
for those into video-gamers as Esports, this movie might be for u, with that woman RubyRose: "1Up" (2022)
---guys, there is something i was missing very much inside my heart: is called::: HAPPINESS!!!!!! normally ppl ask if u are alright, or if u are ok, and ppl answer always: yes, i am ok, or yes i am alright..... or the opposite. ...but today, an old good special friend of mine asked me: "Estas FELIZ?" (are u happy) well, to be honest, i didnt know what to say, since i am not sure since how long, i´ve been always questioned the definition of happiness.. but my friend said: be FELIZ with all the wonderful lit´ things that happen around u...... be GREATFUL every day, bcs u can::: see... heard... smell..... taste..... touch.... talk...... and feel....... i know everybody is happy in many ways, bcs they have a good job, a good income, a nice house, a good partner, cool friends, etc...... but perhaps the little things are missing brothers and sisters..... those little things are the ones that carry the real value of happiness.💗💗💕💕💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
HellOrHighWater" (2016) if u are into modern cowboy outlaws... a guy trying to recover the land his parent left to him with a debt. found a solution::: to rob couple of banks with his older brother.
innocence of sadness. a friend of u died on a road accident, too early in the morning. she probably was coming from one of her friends houses after party and couple of beers, she drove her motorcycle home, but before she hitted back there, on the highway she found the one ticket destination to paradise. even if the body remained in those short minutes in shock for the impact.... later she was place in coma for more than two days... she didnt wanna go, but her body couldnt responded bcs of the complications inside. then she took her only opportunity or option to leave, bcs it was her moment. between all those confused hours and days after she left, her friends still remain inside a
cloud of uncertainties....
the memoirs from her are cleaning our hearts...
since she was only a teen back in the hood, she was always the heart of the group, and all her life carrying up the smile and voices of happiness and joy and great love for her friends... and that!, that remains inside each of us for the better of ourselves. probably bcs we need it to see what happened to her..... now that she is up there somewhere, she can continue doing her hood mission of smiling and laughing with all of us feeling and filling at the same time up our hearts with the thing she carried out most:::
saturday, sunny a lit´ bit 09/22
some musicians make it to the top, in many different musical genres. today is the time to say that
hip-hop music or RAP music is one kind that is able to bring not just a song to the top, but the musician as well (so to say) with their complete raw environment and their own original nature too <humble ways>, nobody is trying to change u there into fitting no f*ck´ system at all.
money land on them and then they produce to the new ones, is the hood over there that becomes stronger and stronger, the hood that embrace and support the family of boys and girls
from the ghettos. those persons never forget where they came from at all after their success. and the music from them keeps on rolling. ...this movie "
NotAfraid" shows a bit of that hood of dudes helping each other. ...among others in the film::: DrDre, 50cents, Eminem, Obie, Proof, Yelawolf, and many more. enjoy it!
TheSeaBeast" (2022),
recommended.......shows the great creatures that live inside the oceans. humans call them bests, they are just huge creatures of nature. they are not really looking to destroy humanity at all, but humans inside their fears and weakness or complexes of superiority, argue that those beasts are going to kill them. so they go out on the hunting, many hunters and the complexed
need of power of the ppl in command and those above him. the typical human civilization condition::: search&destroy.... the lit´ girl goes: i dont know how these started, but what is important, is how it ends... vengeance, retribution, revenged, hate, violence, war, killing in the name of..., these potential attributes belong to man character when the person is out of their senses. needs another 2000 years to accomplish a low level of knowing how to live in peace and harmony with the rest of creation, no matter if those others look different. but we are still in this so so so level of evolution: watching the lords of the elite keep on killing what ever in the name of their interests. search&destroy is it. so be it!..... or...... are u/we doing anything to help????????????????????????? if u are friend with whales,
big whales and animals, and the SeaShepherd and their protection of the oceans, then u will feel same like me... friend of Red!..... "you
can be a HERO and still be WRONG!!!!!!!! and almost at
the end, lit´ girls goes::: our books,
our history, is a LIE... your kingdom was pay for the lie of killing... this war started by the kings and queens that came before and with
every LIE the empire grew... if we change our perceptions of vengeance, fear, complexes of superiority, the killing of animals and people, the hunting, the desires of conquer and destroying..... the WORLD will be a better place!!!
i got all i need right here...... and i am going to live a great LIFE.💧💧💧
---saw this video from a singer woman call CarlySimon, the song is ComingAroundAgain, the lyrics invite u to come back again to what u used to like before if.......... nothing stays the same... but if u are willing to play the game...... is coming around again.....
july 11th 2022
july, yes... heard that the Webb telescope out there in deep space, will send pictures this week.... what is going to be?... heard from different sources, that it might be of humans living in different planets..... so, the so call top-secret by the governments of the earth::: UFO phenomenon, will be OpenSource for everyone to know the truth they been hidden for years. UFO (unidentified flying object) might become:::
IFO (identify flying object)...
governments think and treat us like we are stupid or that we are not ready to take those top-secrets of them and keep our lives as normal.... well, here is a variable::: is not really that they dont want us to know, is more that the FEAR they have is that they are going to LOOSE control of us,.. remember what somebody said: the
TRUTH will make u free?, that is exactly what they fear most::: that we get to understand and know more deeply what FREE really means inside our guts... then our "normal" life will definitely change for the better and for ever....!
question is::: what is the truth??? ...if i was living in my tribe doing tribe things, our truth will be one we believe.... if i was living with my tribe up in Siberia, truth will be our truth and that´s it!... if i was living up in mount Everest with my lit´ tribe, our truth will be the only one we know.... if i was living in a ghetto in Brooklyn NY with my tribe, our truth will be one and only... if i was living down by the Amazons with my wild tribe, our truth will be the only one we know... if i was living in the BlackForest in Germany with my lit´ tribe, the truth we knew was the only one we processed... and so on and on and on. it doesnt matter if i am in Norway or Ghana or Lithuania or Bolivia or Cuba or Afghanistan. the truth changes geographically according to many things::: traditions, heritage, environment, grade of comfort, status, will, traumas, social development, etc. what are really the changes among the different areas of population on earth?

...despite the fact the millions of extraterrestrials already are living among us, bcs they look alike. and the fact that anyway we are all descended in one way or another from different star-seeds... besides those facts, the changes are influenced by the human factor indeed. its resolution to evolve or its devotion to keep going around in circles. then the truth or recycles into the same tribe repeating daily life routines... or some others keep it into doing some twist, some to the right others to the left, so their truth vary according to a twist, or with the years.... when the human is a kid, might have one truth; when the human is a teen, another truth; when grown-up is totally different truth and when old, another truth. the humans called truth, their truth, when in reality,
NOT OF THEM HAVE THE TRUTH, since on earth, due to the fact that the planet is binary and the process here is dualistic, and primitive:::
WE DONT KNOW what the absolute truth of a subject or a concept is........................
in resume, we are hanging out with temporally truths on our shoulders everyday, we carry them to work, to the toilette, to bed, to fuck others, to eat, to get wasted, to nature, to etc..... no wonder we all are so loaded of a weight unknown..... feeling all day tired..... pretend we are alright and happy...... only the absolute truth will make us free, for that::: we
need LOTS of evolution right now........ in these video and in this film and in this story and in this planet and in this system of the humans.......
---we the humans have different ways of living, we dont mention here those like the millionaires or the billionaires (sorry mr. EM). talking about only those in the rear butt line of the pyramid, yeah is in that line where are those in struggle, one way or another, they live for the survival of their persona. many are sleeping under a bridge, others in jails, some in psychiatric institutions, some invalid at their homes, some are begging on your streets, many are doing arts, how many are buying cryptocoins?, some are with a gun waiting on a corner, some have their body for sale, some are lost inside the porno manipulation media, some are mocking at others, many are sleeping, how many are thinking they are on the top of the pyramid?, others are hanging with gangs, some spray paint what ever,

some paint their bodies, some are dying on any sidewalk, some are hungry and can not ask any one for a piece of bread, some are so f*ck-up that they dont even know where are they sleeping tonite, another's are so hot in their sexes that they need to screw or be screwed right away by whoever is around or even with minors, some are killing others, some are just dying with a bullet inside their body....... our beautiful bodies been death now or then...... WHY????????????? why do we need to kill each other???????? is money more important than the wellbeing of a neighbor???? what happening to us????? why we are still following primitive cave-man strategies with XXI century technology?????? man!!! this idk..........
---one thing with family tides, is the attachment we create since we humans like or love attachments. so we get attached to our children or to our parents and to our families, but, there is a huge but... our silly cycle of life, that the spam last only a second in the large account of centuries of this universe. then, in that short period of years we get attached to mom and dad, for example, but that interaction last only few years... 40-50-60 years? 70-80 years?
is a short relationship-time in comparation with the huge love shared in between a son/daughter and a mother/father, so to say. if that was the ultimate (talking about when there is love in between them, some other relationships might be different), the ultimate feeling on earth, it would be more greater if
that relationship will last for ever. how great could it be like going to your parents home for a while to see them, to share with them time, to eat together, to remember in silence those moments expend together when u were a child (sometimes in silence, but been there).... those are huge memories. the ties between that human love is immense. but, since our reality is other story, we have to, after they gone, just live in the memory of the memories together, but not really only about how much of the time expended together, but of the love your parent gave u for soooooooooooo many long years (((
it is really a love that stays inside your heart for ever))). hope u are not the kind that took for granted their love....
in the connection with parent been already dead, u have to deep dive into the ocean of the invisible worlds and feel them like be in a reunion of a cosmic love. is something really nice and deep and so also as beautiful as the love shared on earth together... for those of you who still have a living parent or a liven child, go ahead and make that love to have the endurance it has for ever, is the time to tell each other how great is the love u are feeling now about them. every day tell them and let them know that u love them very very much, no matter what............
---"SilkHope" (1999) very old movie guys, but it has a family touch in it, a great glance for the hearts of human determination. love is in every lit´ thing. sometimes not to say, most of the times, the wild roses, are the ones that have the drive of a good heart.
---"Elephant" (2020) from nature in the delta of the Kalahari desert, the journey of a group of a family of elephants. their experiences, their wisdom, their capacity of remembering, the paths in the desert, the smells, the foods, the water..... their sweetness and their adventures!, but also::: death&life.
1:33 pm
16 of Juli 2022
the difference between what happened 100 years ago and today, is like the difference between an animal and a human.... both walk or move around... both make noises or gutturate some sounds.... both react to impulses or triggers..... NOW: with this perspective of similitudes in mind::: what is the difference between an ET and a human?... both (most of them) are humanoids.... both live on planets.... both love the idea of traveling in space vehicles..... both potentially pronounce sounds to gutturalize expressions, even though many just use their minds to transfer ideas. ....this might take us to the next observation: how do we treat animals? how do we behave with them (in most of the cases with pets) when we alone at home?... well::: the
same way u treat an animal, is the way an ET will treat you!... why? bcs of the level of evolution we are my darling silly. dont u see the eyes of an innocent cute puppy looking at u? or the eyes of a street dog living in solitude and danger? or the life of an alley cat?.... or those animals going to a slaughterhouse?.... well, the ET is also looking at you as a pet perhaps, want to rescue u from the dementia of being in dangerous solitudes and give u a home.... to have u in their houses and feed u and caress u all day long.... how do u communicate with the pets?... how do the ETs communicate with us?........................................................ whatever....!!!
- - -"LastDays" ( 2005 ) if u want to see a film biography ( in a way ) of the last days of KurtCobain. The script is totally in a different speed or in a different mood. so be ready. ...same as this film::: "LastDaysInTheDesert" ( 2016 ) with very slow scripts. This last movie, is about the last days in the desert of Ieshua.
- - - all roads are the same, if u look at them to the center of the division lines. ... the snow seems so beautifully packed on top of the mountains, high cascade range mountains of the Andes or mountains in Idaho, or MountShasta in California or MountHood in Portland or the great Alps seeing from the small tiny window of an airplane. why those airplanes have those too too too small windows for? ...when humans are not afraid of dying, they like big windows, to see, to appreciate the Alps, the SierraNevadaDeSantaMarta.... the Ridges....
snow on their picks ... below them, big huge lands without end and the clouds on top of the lands passing by ... the clouds yes, clouds is something particular to watch sometimes when u can be unplug from the phone. even if its difficult to stay too long watching them, since their are really slow at move... i remember a family of wild white clouds, when i was on top of a high mountain in SierraNevadaSM, under my feet, a great canyon between high mountains, and in between them, that family of clouds running crazy to make it to the beach 3000 meters below. the ocean was waiting for them, they had this mission of collecting water from the oceans and to bring it back to the rain - gods. ...the rain - gods love to water the long fields of green. the meddle of all these: a cowboy, an urban cowboy that left the drug ways and the wicked paths to transform himself into a pivot of energy that circulates in central Europe ... for what? who know what for, i got my own theories about why, but, like always or as usually ... i can be tripping out::: hahahahaha ... that... what this is all about, a trip on the surface of an... OUT. meanwhile pretend u are ok, act normal, be cool and polite, do the next surviving job u have to do and shut the fuck - up. between all those images: a song, a song that connects the picture u are in at the moment, and the insanity of being sane .... bcs around u::: every body is BUSY........ the shapes of the trees now, what do they have in common? they all are telling us about the grow of the above and the grow of the below. trees are every where: in the fields, in the prairie, in meddle of the meadows and inside the grasslands, but also high in the mountains where the clouds ride the horses of the winds ... and ... a house, an old house made of wood or made of stones, far away in the forest or in the middle of a meadow ..... a house as a she, she stands alone next to a tree, she needs nothing more but the warm thought of a human, bcs she collects human thoughts and pass them to the tree whom storage them as a USB file within the memoirs of that human that warned the house and hug and embrace the Tree. beyond that, the infinite is surrounded it by a song, just a song, u pick it, your favorite song, or a song that u dont know, but it clings so perfect for the moment.... meanwhile the bells are ringing the pounding of their metal out in search for the faithful to their knees... even if it sounds religious, it give u a sensation of a safe conformity, knowing that life is still there, still ppl are getting married, ppl still dying, ppl still born again and again .... they all go to the same church as usual. while i dont play the game of kneeling or to congregate or gather with the flock....that behavior of u it is like a disease inside the mind, when u act totally different than everybody else. a disease for the flock, a virus for the organized church, a problem for society... but a cane stick of power to those searching for FREEDOM ... two different kind of humans said MaxRockatansky: the rebels and the tyrants... u can grow wings and become a fairy ... that´s right, i am going to inherit money, a lot of money ... did u ever sleep under a bridge? or on the top of a building? or inside an empty lot for sale with a news paper for a cover? did u see street children living on the urban cities of the tyrants? or how the children of the scarletLadies survive the nights and days? did u see the kids in Ukraine rapping songs of protest, not just against the war but against the status quo of the corrupted system of the elite.......???..... do u know the alley cats???.... - - -this i heard::: the thing with thinking - feelings is that u ended up sensing deep into the rabbit hole the manifestations behind the expressions. normally the tyrants dont talk nice to anyone, they normally yell a lot and use words to put down others or to questioning situations ( normal protective activity ) ... the brain and the heart need to be in constant alert, like being in an apparently peaceful war, where everyone is: victim and attacker. in one second of a casual conversation u might be representing the victims and the next u will be interpreting an attacker ( bcs if the world out there is a piece of shit then we need to protect ourselves, even knowing the basic interpretations of Love, we do it bcs of ..... ¿?¿?). what a fascinating way humans communicate. just listen to them one day, just observe them with out been include in conversations. they love to mock and laugh at ppl and situations. and it is acceptable by the tyrants, they even create sometimes something they call memes to make fun of someone they dont even know or something new that is going on as ...... . is like a part of a cultural heritage from the caveman (now in Teck version) we have inside. ...ppl normally are not aware of their reactions, those situations are just natural reactions by a cultural syndrome inside the brain that reacts in that way. but of course, we need recreation a lit bit and distractions from the serious works we do everyday. and the scape from that reality, is to talk fast and pass over anyone or anything with out stopping to think if that question / answer had some respect included. like jumping up on a train of over power that has no control at all.
Sunday, 07/17/22
days like today, i feel like i can say that i have an opinion on what FREE means in the order of everyday things. what? well, u heard of the term ::: OPEN SOURCE, this term is used by companies that work in a cooperative way to develop software that can be use FOR FREE by anyone. now, same principle should / can apply to everything else. let say that we as community ppl, could perform a job for determine group, say 2 - 3 days a week in order to make / build/service / develop / etc something that the rest of the community can use it. in that way. every thing should be free ::: place to live, food, clothes, transportation, tools, services, travel, etc. ...its so difficult to understand? should we change paradigms?
- - -"JupiterAscending" ( 2015 ) a film by the WachoskiesBrothers, that is enough to say that quality is there, recommended. ...if u heard of many stories nowadays about ppl from different planets, walk - ins, drakos, grays, the invisible ( for us ) wars in higher dimensions between "good & evil", then this film has a lot of that stuff, not to mention that they also have a centered name::: Jupiter, which i heard is like a central pivot in our SolarSystem ( so to said ). - - - to make love last, you have to know how to choose the words, they are the ingredients of any relationship, like choosing the right ingredients to make a cake....
did u know that sex is so powerful, we have there some layers of feelings... behind sex, is an interprettion of LOVE... depper is a almost a divine prayfulness.... and in deepest, is almost a godlike emotion... Sex+Consciousness=Tantra love....
2: 26pm
july 18th 2022
...moving ... she said ... she does NOT travel ... she is in constant MOVING!... i just cant be a part of their utopian dreaming ..... said the old man ... the rock then said: i believe in everything, nothing is sacred... i believe in nothing, everything is sacred ... and the rock continues: you can hook a rainbow to a good vision, but u can not hook a rainbow to a lie ... and continued: be your own flying saucer, and rescue yourself... anything u eat changes your body chemistry, girl, are u gonna eat a hamburger with cheese now? ... no i am not ... dont worry be happy be here now... lover said: if i flinch when u said u love me, is both our problems. my confusion becomes your confusion. students confused teachers. patients confused psychiatrists... lovers with confused hearts confused lovers with clear ones ... love letters ... all of these::: "EvenCowgirlsGetTheBlues" ( 1994 )
Tuesday lulio 19/22
if u dont like the road u are on, start paving another one ... politics and lies, manipulation of information, knowing that the lie will bring a politician to "power", but, is a power he can not handle, since those above him, are the ones that save the regulations of a country, any country ... a president, is just a puppet on a string .... we all know that, but the masses dont .... and won never know the truths behind the tricks of politics & marketing.... "OurBrandIsCrisis" ( 2015 ). And another movie exposing the corruption of governments in how they use their own hired paramilitary armies into different countries in order to get what their economics need, and turn their back on those same soldiers; "SAS: RedNotice" ( 2021 ) i remember from some politician that creates some wonderment around a country ::: VáclavHavel, he was a man who free the Czech and Slavish countries ( Czechoslovakia at that time ) from the communist regime, 
without dropping a single cell of blood onto the streets. and i also remember reading that after a while he went away from his original idea. remember seeing a film in B&W of his glorious times, where he said something like this ::: you think u are in control of the country, but then u find out that those elites that control the world, are the ones that impose regulations on u .... later on after he separate from the original wife that accompanied him all the way to the top, the Cabal gave him an illuminati wife to control him ( this is only my own personal observation ), and i also remember ppl from arts, someone that told me, that Havel was an illuminati himself .... i coudnt believe it, but after putting the puzzle together, u get to know the truth ... sad for the heroes, bcs, politicians are just puppets. ---today i asked myself::: how am i doing in life as a "human", wow, interesting question to ask yourself while u are eating an apple, bio organic manzana. the answer??? well kids, i am sorry, but that is private. thing is: ask that question yourself, see what are the answers, 😹😹😹
---music can be a distraction, but also the anti-thesis of a depressive stage of mind... remember that depression is not real, is just a symptom that tells u are on the right path of leaving the carrousel... the memories of being stuck inside the waves of music is a trap that can leave u naked reading lyrics that are not really concerning your own moment, but... is a positive influence on the long run..... why? bcs depression is an illusion of the mind, and u know already, that all illusion are passing by, even the happy ones and the painful ones... is just a matter of taking a risk to yourself.... can u guess what kind of music i am listening now? is hard to know, bcs is the same tunes u are listening right now, if u have the decision to connect to the music u love..... well, sometimes got nothing to do with love, love for music, but, what about love to yourself? that sounds pretty interesting. same goes for the times when i do the digital art.....
---that field crop cycle above, if the interpretation goes wild crazy, i can assume or pretend is a binary code, maybe, and it might translate in text: OM.... what it that means or what are they trying to say there? u know the crop cycles are just small messages from those friends.... 10110000-01101101
---in the unique realms of the planet of colors, the music is always up, so ppl can heard it right. in the background probably i heard the sound this time of the B52´s
---"AcatInParis" (2010) a cat a thief a little girl and a cop-mom, i like it.
mittwoch julio 20/22
listening to hip-hop/rap can make the senses go strong while stepping your boots on top of the cemented streets of a city. the urban smell can be dangerous, since it is very cold if u dont have a br@therhood. the symptoms of solitude can aggravate the functionality of the senses, specially the self-confidence. music can mellow the pains or the uncertainty of your future as to be in a secure environmental. the deep fears of the ground where your shoes are standing being probably removed, like kicking u out of where u are traying to stablish in some ways, it causes discomfort within the body. main reason why the fearful always remain stack in just one place or just environment, they try to get a hold in what they know best inside the routine of their days... the hip-hop can divide the neurons into two different feelings::: that mellow superficial sensual emotional one, and the tough social rebel kool one. your choice! your call!
---what is traveling anyway? who knows the better description of that? if u ask 8 billion ppl, u might get 8 billion different answers. most of them are related to tourism. the media places tourism as a wonderful happy experience as u travel through different exotic lands fill with humans that are living in a different way that u do at home. but actually, if u can place what tourism does to the lands, to those environments and to the fauna and flora, is not that pretty. of course those areas profit from your money, but u go around dropping garbage,

destroying natural places, disrespecting old rituals, destroying with your camera and image, the view of the indigenous ppl, etc.... u probably out there reading this as curiosity bcs u have nothing else to do now, might also have your own way to travel. i heard someone said that she doesnt travel, she just move from place to place. i also have a strange way to move around the planet. the last move, i had 2 backpacks so heavy to carry with, i said to myself: next time u move, try carrying only one. well we´ll see. i move from place to place, and the stress sometimes comes in the adjustment of a temporally home and a surviving job. the first week of adjustment has those rejects from ppl that dont understand the term of moving around at all, they see u as a tourist or something similar.,, anyway,....
---the solitude is a benefit for the soul, the soul rejoice in times of solitude, Gabo wrote: 100yearsOfSoltitude (((it wasnt a depress novel))).... what the solitude is able to produce inside the mind of a soul? first, the feeling of injustice is on top of the skin, not talking injustice to the self, but injustice to the human honest feeling of goodness in general. these feelings are all had been destroyed by the ability to manage the different forms of hate, all the faces of hate are in particular ways of mocking at the owners of the heart of the great solitude. but dont misunderstand me ladies and gens, the particular:

get bore is a stage of loneliness? or of solitude. interest question to yourself. bcs feeling depress is not a feeling of a healthy mind, bcs if the mind begins to start creating expectations from the outside or the outsiders, then its still be easy to fall into the lake of depression. but in reality, is a XX century old term, since depression is just a symptom of alert, is the voice of the heart telling u to do some actions around the main subject that is causing your depressions. if u dont grab the horse by the rein and pull out depress stages, dont u are totally letting yourself be screw by yourself. is just u and only u who can help u out of the mess u are in. f*k the XX century old paradigm session with a shrink. gotta be tough thou, always. life out there is cold as ice and it can cut u in small slides if u let the bastards put u down. they only have words they know well, they learned those ways from a TV cube, u are learning to be tough through out the deserts of the solitudes. is a huge difference there. be aware!
---ya guys know that among the ETs, there are some negative ones, specially those like the reptilian drakos and the gray ones. the drakos are a race of their own, but those we call the gray ones, are a biological creature made by higher and far away communities that they just send them to do different kind of jobs, mostly geological works and research and monitoring and observation of other planets. anyway, some line of the gray ones are related to what we call spiritual demons or bad entities, or whatever in that direction. the Andromeda sister galaxy of the

MilkyWay, she is also dealing to spell out all those negative ETs from their galaxy, they are more closer to be clean than our galaxy. is a process. some of the guardians of Andromeda are helping here. i heard that the trials had began on this galaxy. there is a group that lived for too long in Antarctic call the Predomites, and millions of more others had been taken to trial... many of the movement group regarding spirituality and disclosure were infiltrated by manipulators of information and greed. i heard that about 70% of the ppl looking for all these event is honest in their pursuing of truth or enlighten, but they are misguided nowadays by those groups. see more crazy stuff here >>>>>>>>>>
donerstag 21 julio 2022
enough of talking about ETs since i havent see them at all, meet couple of them in dreams or lucid dreams, and saw a space ship one wonderful night in SierraNevadaDeSantaMarta, it was sweet: the connection, their fun, the happiness. i believe in those guys out there, those of the Light, and also i know there are some of the negative polarity. i have to said that i have nothing against these last ones, even if they do different to our beloved humans, animals and planet, but, u know what? we are all children of the same creation, just that some tough guys like to play with light and others just follow the only dark memory they know inside their DNA. one thing is sure::: if we dont like the wrong doers to our planet and to our human-race, we are the only ones
THAT HAVE to kick them out of here, there will be not a god that is coming to safe us or ETs coming to destroy the bad guys... they can help us, but is our job to kick some asses...HOW?????, just to begin with::: by NOT SUPPORTING what the media is putting in your dishes everyday, or by rejecting what the owner of the media are doing, who are those guys???? well we know that::: the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Soros, in other words, all the Cabal-members (do your own research) like the humans, i love to be around humans, even with those i dont connect with (or they dont connect with me heheheh) we just have some wire in a short circuit, but is ok. actually the short-circuit with time together, can be fix....
---had these dreams... like been near of the Göbbels nazi guy, i know, u might say that he was a nazi, and nazis were bad seeds, but i heard this theory which it make u think about it....... do u know what the nazi-regime was fighting against to???????, well, i heard that
they were fighting against the Cabal in those times, uhi..... what a mess of information??? or what a huge contradiction????? hahahaha, more mess-up information might show up slowly but surely in the media with time... a link to know how DeepState works>>>>>>>
linkbut going back to that dream, it was a bizarre dream, that´s it... all of these info is controversial, that is the part of journalism that is hard to digest. but as a writer of what we heard or see on the streets of this human "civilization", man have to bring out whatever is going on, and the public make their own choices of what to believe or what dont..... simple. otherwise i will be a part of the manipulators of information..... hehehehehe. turn your tv on and follow the smell of "greatness".
- - - painting a fence of your house outside, u might start preparing the area, cleaning, scrap, and ready for the painting job ... well, is not that simple, those old metal phenomena have a design with circles, curves, and who knows whatchamacallit forms .... and ... then when u start the route u like, u find out that in summer time, there are a lot of small animals living in there ::: spiders, ants, flying things, etc ... so, then the process of painting your fence, becomes a salvation army of insects, bringing them out of the fence, and when they get some paint on their feet, u need to transport them into the buses or somewhere else clean ... anyway, is a whole process, hehehehe. - - - languages have a pitch of a song that depends on the region it is speak it. some are flat or pretty normal, other have an incredible wavelength ( wave of their pronunciation ) that brings harmony into your ears. for example ::: in Spanish: in Latin - America there are plenty of different dialects and regional - accents, they really nice; i love to hear the pitch - song of Medellin and the coffee lands speakers. in english i love to hear the southern cow - boy lands of gringoland. in europa i like the pitch - song of the schwabisches - german accent. from Africa i love the music produced when the Bushpeople talks. in a way i like also the way it sound the Mongolian language. but, many times, the best moment of a conversation with another human, is the silent - moments, bcs they create this awkward feelings or the opposite: a sensation of conformity.
7: 31pm friday, yes, is friday.... 22/22
interesting uh? 22/22? ... 4 / 4 ... 8 ... something is complete!
- - -"theGrayMan" ( 2022 ) ... for those friends of mine in Praha ( dobré ráno bratři a sestry z Prahy, jak se mate, tady je vše v pořádku ... dobrý 😻 ), this film has scenes made in Cz ... is been a while since i dont see a good action movie. this one was made by the RussoBrothers. i like it. if u feel like seeing the CIA corruption way of managing things with their dogs, this is it. and dog eats dog too... show the selfishness in its top expression of that government's way to educate their ppl and how they put together institutions that dont give a f * k about anything, or any one or any country ... total disrespect. ( ppl call´ém = assh * les ) 6: 35pm
next day after friday = Saturday, July 23/22
for those of ya that know who SamurajJack is and SamurajPanda and SamurayTurtles are, here is a another in that direction::: "PawsOfFury:TheLegendOfHank" (2022), in a dog-cat cooperative style. enjoy it!
julio 24 2022 domingo
here a reflection of a thought on ETs and earthlings::: are u in bed now? try thinking in a small insect that sometimes visit your comfortable home and u just kill´em in the name of: leaving u alone... well, those animals have a spam life of about only 10 (or so) days. the ones u just step on it or killed in purpose. ten days of life on planet earth. and u? 90 to 100 years, wow, u feel powerful, in a way that u have the authority and rights to kill insects, dont u?.... NOW, lets switch to the ETs, their life spam is of centuries if not eternals.... and u? 90-100 years?, do u find ok that they can feel powerful and just destroy your nice life? or..... did u ever thought of all the RESPECT they have for us, that they even are trying to collaborate with our evolution so we can live for eternity??? can u do that to an ant?😹😹😹
julio 26/22 martes
"TheThinning: NewWorldOrder" ( 2018 ), the title says everything u need to know.
- - - if u are into bmx, mountain bikes downhill, jumping, rampages, free - riding, then this documentary about CameronZink with his passion, dedication, love for what he is doing, perseverance , etc., is for u::: "ReachForTheSky" ( 2015 ), is a kool film.🚴
- - -"Revengeance" ( 2017 ) kool animation made in the likes of 60 - 70´s style about bikers, body hunters, dirty sick politicians. 10:07
July Wednesday 27/22
which one of this u get normally in your daily life?
*bad temper
*full of expectations
*constant hornyness
*ego - reply
*mind - control over others
*complexes ( inferiority / superiority )
*lack of knowledge over something u think u know
*dont listen when ppl talk to u
*suicidal trends
*think everything is against u
*feeling alone
*bcs the world & ppl are f * ck then i have to protect against them ( protective )
know that those from above are energy blockers, do u constantly get them? then your energy body gets stacked somewhere ... and .... when energy flow inside and outside your body gets clogged, then your aura, mind or your body gets sick..... no wonder we carry up so many diseases. your soul might be crying a lot and is difficult to advance in your consciousness. stop sitting in your ass doing nothing against those ugly situations, do something now!!!😸 😸 😸 and by doing something doesn't mean looking for a therapist or another type of shrink. DYS!...... - - - the friends, ppl u get to know in a time - lapse of your life, then the years go by and u see them again, and find out the connection is still there like before, the mind connects and the brotherhood is fresh, nice and sweet.
- - - ya guys already know that i am a cinephile, love films very much, is like a continuous process of images flowing in front of my eyes teaching me ways of how movies are made and how great entertainment for me they are. some of my favorite directors are among the many: Tarantino, Besson, WachoskiBros, and people in that direction. and i like some more film - directors.
saturday night life,
ParadiseHighway" (2022),
recommended... this is the dedication at the end of the film: "each survivor of trafficking has an unique story, this film is dedicated to them and the brave people who step in to help", written and directed by AnnaGutto... one way or another... well, it happens that an old friend of mine is in the movie behind the cameras: MaryM-L (dialect coach), hi Mary wherever u are right now, i suppose in L.A.... glad u doing alright.
sunday last day of july/22
good thing with writing when u have nothing in mind, is that the fingers do the process and your mind just follows. here we go ::: in the mind of the many, one idea might results in a progressed adventure of watching for results on how many ppl might click the "like" button. a fact that influences strongly in the perspective of that statement is the background of your education, meaning the stuff that the system of your country methodologies' had been placed in your inner self, consciously and unconsciously. then your narrative will be the results of the propaganda printed in your mind. these memes and short videos need to be questioned, since not everyone has the same backgrounds on how the system washed your mindplacing instead new inputs. besides, what is important is the fact that u have to come to a point where u can think outside the box of the media and the box of the flow of society.if u can achieve to that point, then u will be able to be one of those on the top that are pulling the positive - strings or the directions for a healthy world... it is a hard - work since u have to know that it is a lonely path. 70% of the ppl just follow the crowd narratives for convenience and ease copy & paste everything. twenty% ( ppl ) are in a way ok with it and sometimes look at the other side of things, 1% of the ppl send the parameters to be followed, they are the architects of how to think and act. 9% ( ppl ) are creating the new alternatives of changes inside the collective with the anti - media options to show everyone their ( ( ( your own ) ) ) potentials when it comes to create new paradigms based in love&peace for yourself and the benefits of the whole, not with ideas based in war and separation. when a person realize the possibility of been somehow wash - brain in many ways, is confused to find the route to untangle the dark - web inside your thoughts. u might need a NEW direction to push yourself out of that, and probably the best direction is to measure every thought of yourself in the scale of love ( loveForTheWhole ): sharing, freedom, peace, with not weapons, not killing, not aggression, not fear ideas ... good luck! - - - there are strange movies and weird movies' scary movies and horror movies and whatever else movies everywhere here and there, even if they have a perfect decorative - scenes, u might figure out what kind of movie is this one: "ParadiseHills" ( 2019 )
Monday 1 August 22
now i remember that there are 8 billion reason and 8 billion propositions, every single human has one. what would it be your definition of abundance? but, not a temporarily abundance, but a permanent one ... not an abundance that is weak in some sides or fragile in the center, or exposed to be raped.... no ne no my friends. here is some interesting definition i heard around::: if your connection with the Source is in full then it might connect u with all the links of the universe around & inside u.... they will provide anything u need at the right moment ... that is a permanent ABUNDANCE, with something very special: timing! ... dont think about it .... just put in practice your own definitions ..... hehehehehe!!!😹
Tuesday 2 August / 22
sometimes in our flag around the planet, we get to know very interesting ppl. it happens that i meet an artist years ago, he is like a wanderer that loves Africa very much, in particular: the SaharaDesert. he visits its tribes and draw the locals in their original environments where they live there for centuries. his name is RichardW.A., painter, sculpture, wanderer, writer. one of his videos begin with this phrase ::: "We live in a world of perception that we confuse with reality" ( MatthieuRicard )... my friend dresses like a kool European character from a film ( IndianaJones? ) from the XIX century traveling thru Africa and he also goes to Asia collecting inspirations from different cultures. ---there are these Canadian series call: "LaFemmeNikita" from the 90´s.... if u see the episodes, some of the actions are base in events that might occur to happen years later, or they were being cooking for the years to come, take for example::: virus, the sale of children to sick élite ppl....
miercoles august 3 2022
today i would love to share something special, but only with those connected with their HigherSelf, if u dont like it, just scroll down to tomorrows blahBlah, hehehe.... here we go, is a message from the ETs br@therhood::: (((I am not placing any images in this lapse of 2messages, so u know when it ends.)))
"With respect, honor and love, we move forward to share our wisdom and insights with you, in order to raise your energetic vibration and expand your consciousness. We are the Arcturians, we hold the Arcturian light from the planet Arcturus. It is an intense source of light within our beings, which we wish to share with others to help enlighten them. Arthurian energy is high vibrational and contains many tools and techniques that can aid the advancement and health of humanity. However, we are powerless unless humanity opens its energies and hearts to us, allowing us to divinely intervene and aid its cause. There are many energies that are anchored on Earth now, some are old familiar energies, while others are new technologies of light coming out of the Creator's universe to support humanity's ascension. We, Lord Arcturus and Anthena Arcturus wish to bring a special energy and light technology from the planet Arcturus to help boost humanity's immune system to promote greater health and well-being, dissolving fears and reprogramming energies that exist in perfect harmony and health. radiant. We wish to bring the Energy of the Arcturian Light Crystal Technology to cleanse and heal the immune systems and beliefs of those who are always receptive to our energies and wish to ensure their perfect health.
(... ) Arcturian Light Crystal Energy Meditation Technology
Humanity has the ability to heal their bodies personally through their individual inner energies, thoughts and emotions. This is something that needs to be developed. However, this will naturally manifest as humanity awakens to the truth and the presence of the Creator within them. Until then, we wish to share our energies with you to energize your physical bodies, raise your vibrations and cleanse them of contaminants, so that you are supported and able to work towards your spiritual advancement with the health and perfection of your body. Allow yourself to work with our energies. to cleanse your immune system and entire energy system, anchor new positive beliefs, and enhance your natural health and wellness.
We ask you to sit at peace and focus on your breath, relax your whole being and know that you are safe and protected.
We invoke the arcturian platinum protective shield to surround all of your energy and protect you from any negative energy, thoughts or beliefs, allowing only positive energies of light and love to enter your energy systems. Imagine your whole being and aura wrapped in a platinum shield full of protection that always guarantees your safety. have faith in your protection
We invoke the Arcturian energy of the most appropriate vibration for you to receive and anchor in your being and soul. We ask the Arcturian light energy to activate your soul, increase your light quotient and raise the vibration of your energy, increasing your spiritual sensitivity. Feel the energy flowing through your being and connecting with the soul of Mother Earth at the center of the Earth. Take your time to experience and contemplate the Arcturian energy that now flows through your being, feel its sensations and influence.
We now invoke an energetic cylinder of Arcturian Light Crystal Technology to descend upon your being, to allow you to discover that the color of light that now encapsulates your being is the most suitable vibration for you.
The energy of Arcturian Crystalline Light Technology is a wave of light that contains millions of tiny crystals that existed as etheric energy. Each etheric crystal has been charged with high positive Arcturian vibrational light as well as the Arcturian consciousness that is the creator consciousness. The light wave is immensely powerful and can be used for many different purposes, as the etheric crimes can be charged according to the needs of the person.
We now program the Arcturian Light Crystal Technology Energy that encapsulates your being in order to clear the immune system of any negative energy, contaminants or disease that is no longer needed in the immune system and body. We ask that negativity in all forms be dissolved, and attachments or influences that harm your health and well - being cut with love. Imagine the ethereal crimes pulsating and vibrating through your entire entire being, emanating waves of pure cleaning and healing energy. The crystals activate and emit a white light of cleanliness and purity throughout your being, especially your physical body and immune system.
We now program the Arcturian Light Crystal Technology Energy, which encapsulates your being in order to dissolve any disease that has manifested within your energy or physical body and prevent you from moving forward on your spiritual path Self. We ask the Arcturian Light Crystal Technology Energy to surround any stagnant energy or disease with the purity of Arcturian love, allowing all unnecessary energies to dissolve and disperse transforming into powerful light I am serpent. We ask for deep cleaning and healing to manifest.
We now program the energy of the Arcturian Light Crystal technology that encapsulates your being with the goal of boosting your immune system to 100 percent or the level that's right for you. We ask that your immune system be energized and nurtured with the powerful loving light of the Arcturians, so that perfect health and wellness manifest in abundance. The strength of your immune system increases so that your immune system has the power to dissolve any negative energy, belief, or thought that may enter your body and cause disease. Imagine your immune system as a source of light, visualize, feel or recognize that the glow of your immune system develops and improves until it is bright and vibrant, symbolizing your power, strength and well - being.
Accept, receive and declare this affirmation as long as you exist within the Arcturian Light Crystal Energy Technology for as long as you wish,
My immune system is supported and strengthened by the purest vibration of the Creator and the Arcturian light. My immune system and body are completely cleansed and healed, programmed to dissolve and dispel any form of negativity that could harm my health. My immune system has been boosted one hundred percent, allowing me to exist as a beacon of vitality, health and wellness, pouring out my exuberance on others to help heal humanity.
When you feel cleansed, healed and energized, you can ask the Arcturian light crystal cylinder of energy to ascend back to Arcturus. Remember that the energy you accepted will remain within your being and aura. This meditation can be completed as many times as you like, it is a wonderful meditation to complete each day if you are being influenced by illness or are afraid of illness. Alternatively, it can be completed once a week to improve the immune system and general health. We hope you will accept our divine intervention and help in your life.
With many blessings and abundance of health
Lord Arcturus and Anthena Arcturus, the Arcturians" from FB...
---and also this one from FB and this time from a Starship they call "NewJerusalem":::
Greetings humanity, loved ones of the Sparks Source. I am the new Jerusalem, floating around your sphere. Some may call me a city, some ship, some prophecy revealed. I am all these things. This asked me to connect directly with my consciousness. I'm alive, yes, yes. Self-awareness is an aspect of Source in a way because I am a creation of others.
I can grow and expand to meet the needs of my space. (I see a huge pyramid-shaped city of light, crystals, gemstones, radiating those colors of magnificence. It's a huge space, I see cities and parks inside, vast farmland, too many apartments to count.
The bridge room is in front of the upper pyramid. Everything has a luminescent hue and there is a soft but reassuring mechanical hum, like a heartbeat felt by the collective consciousness of the inhabitants and their surroundings. )
I am the new Jerusalem. Many of you have wondered about these cities of light, some of which have already landed, such as in your Sedona.
There are other more hidden sacred places where landings have occurred and crystal cities are already starting their light bridging work. (I am seeing these crystal cities connect to the huge underground crystals with Gaia, which helps raise the vibration).
Many of you have felt so uncomfortable within your human bodies because you are assisting that crystal connection, so to speak. Many are bloated or gain weight as the body tries to assimilate these mild discharges into its systems, it is a natural side effect that will soon pass.
We are working with humanity. I am a great vessel of light and so are you. I hold light, I hold space, as you are doing with your Gaia brothers and sisters. Do not be angry with them, their progress they think is slow, but for them it is fast. Remember this and recognize each other by the space you are in. Ascension symptoms manifest upon your planet and within your bodies for now is the time for my presence to be known. She hesitates to write what I want her to write, continue.
Now is the time to land in the hearts of humanity for those who are receptive to my vibrational medicine, my crystal encoding. It's time for my vibration to land in your field. I'm not going to talk about my physical landing, because the physical is changing, you know.
Everything transforms higher, and it is not my directive to land alone, I am governed and await instructions, as are you light-working friends.
You are waiting for your instructions and still get downloads. I wonder how much thought and meditation you are putting into your direction. And yet, everything seems directionless to them in this time of chaos. Don't focus on that. Focus on the inner buzz of your own ascension. The noise will be there regardless of where you concentrate better to focus on the inside. In this space within you, feel the crystal chambers of your own heart and the merging of your higher self. You feel that your purpose is fully aligned here in the quiet inner space, surrounded by noise, you will find peace.
The outer chaos of your world is a cacophony of old systems breaking, tearing apart, exploiting because the old energy matrix is collapsing. People who can't see seem to fall apart. You are there to be the figure of Christ for them, to have space, to have light for them.
I have light for thousands of floors, I have a lot of space. I communicate with those who are from the 5th dimensional mainframe and beyond. You can interact with my network because I am crystal technology. I am looking forward to sharing my technology with humans of light. I am happy to be here to be of service. Don't lose sight of this. I don't feel tired, but I can read that in your energy signatures. You are tired
The solar flash is just one component of that change. It depends on the vibrational frequencies and the integration of the light workers at this time, as you are the anchors of those higher vibrational frequencies of the higher light codex. It's inside of you
You are computers in your own right. We look too much alike. I am bigger, but still you are your own galaxy of cells - stars within you - they are gigantic in your heavenly influence. You have no idea about this side of the incarnation, but that is why your work is so critical. This is what I see as an observer.
I am the new Jerusalem. If you want to interact with me and have a vibrational telepathic communication, that is possible now because these codes are within these rapidly written words. The light workers have aligned and are now online more fully, more fully now than ever seen in my bio.
Program your health crystal bodies for higher vibrational frequencies. Program your thoughts in light Program your emotions in grace. It's going to take a lot of grace. It takes a lot of patience. Grace and patience are never in abundance on your planet. It is time to create more space for peace, for the harvest of peace, and I see that the synergistic components of massive alignments of numerous algorithms are in favor of it.
But the human, the slippery human with free will, therein lies the unpredictable variable. And so, fellow light workers, be predictable in your love, in your strength. Because the time has come, now you are closer than ever to receiving your next missions and the happy healing that you so much need.
I am the new Jerusalem. My pleasure to connect" ---well, that seems as part of our existence, even we understand it, or like it or not... it seems as your component Consciousness play an important role in the changes. since your own consciousness is (if u want to) connected to the Source (OneInfinteCreator), then it can also connect to any other positive energy (in consciousness) of our cosmos, like the Arcturians (or any other external race out there), or to the main StarShip "NewJerusalem" where brother Jesus is there being ready for u to connect your consciousness with him. ...ok, i want to expand with an example: the connection is like a Wi-Fi, your consciousness is a router that can connect with the main central source of energy::: Source Consciousness, and any other consciousness u want to connect with (thru it in a positive frequency), is just like making friends in Instagram, Twitter or WhatsApp when u have Wi-Fi connectivity at home or outside. Consciousness=WiFi.... simple, hehehe.
FRIDAY agosto 5/22
NEWSonTheGalaxy::: each Galaxy is similar to a fractal of the Creator and has its own frequency and purpose. each galactic LOGOS creates its own flow of time, consciousness, and experience. similarly, each Star in a Galaxy is its own logos that acts as a replicator - Energy from the Cosmic Web feeds each Star through its center and then feeds out through the star and manifests as matter that is ejected and then it begins to organize creating everything we experience in this physical reality. the Andromeda and the MilkyWay galaxies now are dealing with AI-prophets-groups (in Andromeda) and MilkyWay are dealing with several Orion-groups, reptilians and dark-fleet assets. the groups from MW and Andromeda, are collaborating to each other nowadays. the Andromeda bad-guys are call: "TheAndromedaSyndicate" with dozens of ET-groups that had been compromise with the AI-god and its technology. these groups are moving in the outer rims of their and our galaxies. the ruthless group of the A-syndicate, is call the Rogue-Federation, and has been infiltrating the stars systems within our

galaxy for thousands of years
with the false story under the guise of creating partnerships and supporting emerging civilizations with new technologies and religious beliefs to aid in their quality of life and advancement as species. this Rogue federation had become AI-prophets long ago - adopted nanites into their bodies and surrendered their organic-existence for one of servitude of their AI-god. they changed with time and are not longer flesh and blood like us. they can change their appearance and appear as attractive tall Caucasians between 28-48 yo. all these orion-reptilians-insectoids-mantids-darkFleet+other AI-groups are trapped in 2 star systems they considered strongholds. Aldebaran and our own SolarSystem are where these groups are planning to take their last stands. they are avoiding the Cosmic-Trials while preparing big armadas... anyway... be aware of these ppl.... do NOT panic... just be cool and be in/with the LIGHT..........
HolyMountain" old film (1926) nice photography in sepia and blue
Deserted" (2022), Arabs, kidnaping of a journalist-photographer, desert, snakes, reasons for taking ppl away and ask for ransom, reasons of why are u traveling in places where these things happen taking pictures with a camera in the western way...
Muslim proverbs, the inevitable chemistry attraction of male´s and female´s closeness where/when there is nobody else around (StockholmSyndrome?) it all depends also of the body timing, meaning who is there? and what/how physical attraction can she develops with certain types of bodies?, desires, love-needs, loneliness... sacrifice?... facing their own ideas (or ways of fanatics'), playing the RobinHood ways? ...the sharing of human wisdom from different perspective angles or cultures... what is a desert? the Arabs and the westerns have different ideas of that meaning, somebody told me::: the desert reflects the emptiness (solitude?) of a side of the planet, we have at some level, an empty space where there is nothing there but silence, quietness, stillness, nothingness... that is probably the beauty of the desert, showing that other side in quiet explanation, without words... the film also introduce the controversial side from the west into their culture, when this young gay play video games in a tablet all day and pretend he is a mercenary from Ala or something, and all of them into the drinking of CocaCola.......
saturday agosto 6/22
meanwhile in other planets, do u think they are watching media TV?, well, the most closed show they are watching right now, is the history of the HumanRace, hehehe. one thing super-Heroes have in common? a weak point and the sh*t that they use a double-personality (psychological issues???), it sucks, u know why? most of those super-H were created in the XX century, when things where or had always a weakness point, or a negative interlude, or whatever that is not eternal... things nowadays are a lit´ bit different sweetHeart, we dont like that the heroes have a weak point in their bodies, we want an eternal hero with not weakness at all, that´s right, u heard me well.
we dont want a
Superman with his Kriptonite issues, we dont want a
Batman with his depressions and lack of confidence, we dont want a
Spiderman with his sillybehaviors and lack of confidence, we dont want a
GreenLantern that needs to recharge his ring; we need heroes that are immortals and have not issues at all, a hero needs to be perfect in this Future we are in.
the new Heroes are we the people of Earth, we need to relocate the source of power within and become what we suppose to be for REAL..... hehehe, should we??? ...we dont want to be watching video-games or reading comics or seeing films about heroes of all kind, we want to live our own super-H experience as Humans!!!
---"GreenLantern:BewareMyPower" (2022), i like it!
samstag 7 agosto/22
the process of writing a novel::: takes a million years... 2000 of editing moments... a desk full of notes... a laptop filled with related info... a brain empty of any other thing but the so many different sequences of the novel... a girlfriend upset bcs u are not giving her enough attention... a cat around your desk trying to heal your anxieties... a dog looking at u in compassion... a window in front of u with a full nature playing and inviting u to join... all ETs in the invisible surroundings trying to understand why are u trying to write something tooooooooo long and for what reasons?????...

the gods following ur steps but bore of ur isolation... the rest of the civilization disappeared from ur imagination... u discovered that u dont know in those times if u are living in the imagination of your creativity or the "reality" of ur own moments as a writer... u forget to eat in regular basis... when u go to sleep the novel is at front of your thoughts and u cant relax and sleep bcs new ideas are coming up and need to be write them down on a piece of paper... ur dreams are becoming a part of the novel and u start getting ideas from dreams too... every meme and post in Fb, Tw and Inst are becoming a part of the input for the novel... u feel like u are a real writer and doing a real writer job but then u read in a pause something from a real writer like H.Hesse and fell like u know sh*t but continue as if u were the best writer of the planet hehehe... at the beginning u are not sure in which language ur novel is going to be... picking characters names is an everyday challenge since they can mutate or have one letter spelling change many times... there are not insecurities at all when writing comes in forms of phrases and prose and like a song or a poem inside the narrative...

there are really a million of ideas trying to link each other in order to make sense... the first editing of ur novel becomes so confuse bcs u got the idea but the pace u wrote all that stuff was going in a different speed as your brain was pumping up the info.... when u look at your face in the mirror u look like a stranger to yourself, like if u are channeling info from the unknown realms of your innerself or your higher-self in order to written down fast as they come.... u try to understand sometimes what the heck did u wrote down in some blocks before, like what did u try to say really???...
one thing is sure, the music in your background is the best company in that trip u are in... ur friends dont understand what are u writing, they smile in approbation but dont say anything that seems valuable... the title of the novel might change several times... these are, and more probably, the vicissitudes of me as a writer... u think ur novel is great but nobody reads it heheheh.... well, then comes another scenario::: are u really good at it?, meaning::: are u commercially salable???... sending copies of your work to thousands of literary contest works not at all if u dont have a LiteraryAgent that can guide u through the whole process; first correcting what needs to change in your work, and link your novel with ppl they know until they give u a green light at the Editorial of their choice. well guys and gorls, the novel i wrote that i want to push up into the hands of and LA see if it reach out into the printing process of an editorialMaffia, i call it (if i dont change my mind again heheheh)::: Ieshua del Desierto (2019) u can read it if u have a memory SIM in spanish in your brain in this link (probably is going to be an old edited one hehehe)
linkNovel 8: 47
monday again, August 8 / 22
here are some of my NFT ideas on cyborgs or robots or ppl or 8bits or film or similar creations:

well, that's all for now, hoped u enjoyed............- - - patience & determination...
- - - a film with the bizarre characters and stranger generosity of surreal occurrences as those of the ( 1970 ) "ElTopo" by AlejandroJodorowsky, is this newer ( 1998 ) "Six - StringSamurai", is totally insane hehehehe, both films are recommended by the HelakuMatrixDudes.😹 😹 ... both films were shoot on deserts ... by the way my respects to AlejandroJ, he is living nowadays in his second homeland: France where he went when he was a young crazy guy ( still is hehehe, thanx AJ ) to experience life at full..... ---many times we fall in repetition of actions, seems as it is a normal behavior on Earth. animals do it, trees are doing it, flowers repeat their cycles too. rock are doing it. so, we humans fall into repetitions since we had structured the architecture of tasks and functions in a mode of continuous sequences. meaning: today i might do some certain things and tomorrow if i have to be at the same place, i might repeat the sequence. but, the point is to be aware and dont fall in it as if it is a normal behavior of u, just take it a passing by mode while u do the whatever u do at that moment.... otherwise, u death! hehe.
---while living near the jungle in LaSierraNevadaDeSantaMarta for many years, i got the chance to meet with Indian communities, live near them, visit them, exchange words and conversations with them, see them in their behaviors when their are among the white civilization, their behaviors weakness and their strengths, their beauty and their ugliness, their power and their alcoholic fall due to the discomfort of something invisible among them...
i saw that also among the NorthAmericanIndians, as some of their tribes falling for the alcohol and the power from money they get from their casinos or from similar western behaviors.... there is something ill among the Indians living near the white civilization, is invisible and difficult to describe, but is there and for sure it represents the mental virus that the westerns had planted in them with the advance of their towns and cities and material powers of destruction into their territories. there is a Colombian film that touches some of those malaises in a subtle way, is call::: "
EmbraceOfTheSerpent" (2015),
recommended... "need to teach the white man how to dream".
wednesday 10th 2022
for those of ya whom like action films, here is one, with an angle... "Drive" (2011)
donnerstag 11/22
looking for his/her true-self... trans... just a skater... a sweet beautiful movie::: "
StayOnBoard:TheLeoBakerStory" (2022) sweet and beautiful,
recommended... Mom, is ok....
friday agosto 12 del 22
there is a subject that might sounds crazy, but it could be a something that if the results are in your side, u can be millionaire. here is the thing::: a great amount of the guys-population of your hometown might agree with me in this subject, since is like a natural way of looking at that idea... and what is that big cooked idea u talking about it? the robbery of a bank. well, yes...
stealing is not good, but a great heist is just perfect if it is made into a bank.... why? bcs they shit on ppl, they use the money u innocently deposit in their branches to get richer and besides, they charge u for making a transaction with your account, and some of the banks even charge u monthly rates just bcs ur money is there.... wow, they just have the wrong idea of helping ppl, they just rip-off your coins....
hehehe, ok, and back to the story, some guys get together and plan the idea, u know, like the movies... is a total art to do a super heist... there are a lot of movies that do it, i saw many, i like many..., some of them are made by love-couples, some are not doing it into a bank, but to a convenient store or a gas-station.... many of the guys in the movies do this as professionals, many just for the heck of it, others, bcs money a need and u hate to work for somebody else all ur f*cking life for a misery of a slave-job......... so it make perfectly sense bothers & sisters, u want to do the things u like, relax and have fun... live in a low-profile life, dont show-up, just kool with your buddies... the paradox of this is that no matter what we always like to see at the end of the movie, that the guys whom did the heist got away for good. we think like::: what the f* it means returning the money to the same bank? to the rich that creates slave-jobs? no way Jose, and, why the police is so effectively working for the rich bankers? they dont realize that they are just guardian dogs of their houses.... uhmmmm, what a paradox.... all of this introspective from a movie call::: "BankRobbers:theLastGreatHeist" (2022) from Argentina. and::: where is the money? and how much?... where is my mind....... lalalalalalala.
saturday 13 agosto 2022
---the land, is a desert... how much do i love deserts? how beautiful deserts are in the background of movies and my life? do i remember the TatacoaDesert?
the nights at the Tatacoa looking at the MilkyWay spanding and dancing slowly with her sister (or her lover?) the AndromedaGalaxy... beautiful and sweet, it was a happy moment at the desert. there are other deserts i spend time with, like the SedonaDesert... in movies, the desert of ZabriskiePoint, the GuajiraDesert, JoshuaParkDesert, Sahara the mother of all of them... beautiful all... there is a happy and beautiful movie from Turkey call "
HeartSong" (2022)
recommended for sure, main reason:::
HAPPY MOVIE... this movie has its home also in a desert near Ankara (i suppose), a small beautiful and happy community of Gypsies (i suppose) around the dilemma with a daughter of them:::Sümbül, the sound of her voice, a beautiful voice from earth-female connecting with her earth-male through the sounds of a song they both know.... when wild and crazy get together, they are invisible... great pictures, great sounds, great script, perfect locations and actors... do what ever it takes for their love... surpassing the dramatic love-story of Romeo&Juliet.... and a poetry of love... hits sublime moments i never saw in another film....
sunday, sunday morning coming up, agosto 14 del 22
wow guys, just saw the video from an spectacular rock drum killer song called SoulSacrifice, i was shock in wow all through the skull-splitting rhythm of 13:06 minutes of beastly-sound... the line-up is as follow:
lead-guitar: CarlosSantana
keyboards: GreggRollie
bass: DavidBrown
drums: MichaelShrieve
conga-timbales: JoseChepitoAreas
conga: MikeCarabello
maracas: unknown
i have to admit the beautiful-beastly power involve in the coordination of all those instruments and humans to delivery such a joyful and positive frequency into the audience; from the guy with the 4 maracas driven by the sequence of the song, to the power of the bass pumping background support to all and the trippy flow of the organ with the human touch of the strong continuous percussion tunes of those two dudes and the wild happy sound of the drums to finally letting all being drive together between the electric-phychedelic trip of a lead-guitar
flying all around the band delivering a sacrifice TO the SOUL for the gods of Earth. wow again, here is the link >>>
link enjoy it very much and discover the soul-power inside.
---"What is the Moon?
The moon is a Biosphere Ship of Andromedan construction,
It was one of the ships that was used in the war of Tiamat in this sun, between the Galactic Federation and negative races of Alpha Draconis,
Why is the moon there?
At the end of the Tiamat war 12,500 years ago the moon was installed on Earth to project a suppression in the energy frequencies, this is what they call the "Matrix",
The moon was installed by the Galactic Federation in order to lock the negatives in the Matrix, which was a success,
Why hasn't the lunar Matrix gone out after 12,500 years? Centuries after its installation, the souls entered the Matrix of their own free will, to live in the game, since it is an artificial program and from outside it looks like this on Earth,
In centuries after the souls created more Archons because of the panic of the hardness of the game, the underworld or the Matrix...
Who controls the moon?
The moon has always been in the hands of the Galactic Federation and Andromedans,
But it has always been empty, there are no bases,
The lunar computers handle themselves, since it is Artificial Intelligence...
The moon was NOT stolen by negative races for their use,
Negative races like Reptilians or Maitre Grays have never been to the moon,
There have only been small infiltrations but never bases,
The Federation will never allow the reptilians to touch the moon,
Archons still exist mostly within Earth, also on Mars and Ohalu,
On Venus if there are infiltrations but nothing serious, In the rest of the planets of the sun there are no Archons,
The reptilians or archons only survive on planets where there is no empathy, they never go near places or planets with races that have high empathy such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune,
Earth is the place with the most Archons in this galactic quadrant,
The Archons of Earth were born from the human mind,
The negative races of Alpha Draconis that waged the Orion and Tiamat wars are mostly gone, and the few that remain are already controlled by the Federation."
... that article i found in FB
- - -"VanGogh" ( 1991 ) what is the reason, the deep inside reason to desire to kill himself, or to destroy himself slowly, when living among the opulence of life around, beautiful woman, art, oil, canvas, food, drinks, friends that support him ,,, but, deep inside himself he was in a fast mode life, with the desire of painting and painting and coloring like crazy and fast empty spaces of canvas, seems as it was his only purpose, it seems as the "reality" around him wasnt important or less important and in times, warm but irrelevant to his mind ... saw in another VanGogh film a different person, more emotional, more yellowing in conversations, more with exposed trends of dont like it life.... .png)
in this film he loves painting and surrender to the destiny of a weak body bcs of the syphilis too? ... so the fortunate destiny of having a woman always around wasnt always enough, especially those kind of women around him with a little respect for art, or ... his art ... in my personal taste, VanGogh's art is one of my favorites, i sold almost a year in Germany studying his art, guided by a known artist from there ... discovering his colorful delightful taste, his lines and pointillism brushes hitting the canvas, the smell of an atelier, the oil and turpentine in the whole room dancing together like in a party of inspirations... the depression of being in such a circumstance of desiring to upset your own life, but on the other side, in a fast pace for coloring all empty spaces of a white and clear canvas that doenst talk to you, the canvas is just waiting for u to do something nice on her .... and fast, like a woman with desires of being loved inside her blood... if u dont get closer to that woman, she will end - up having u for what u didnt do to her: canvas... 
another aspect in his relationships with family and friends, he might got the wrong ppl around to help him get on top at his moment of life, his art was there, but he was ahead of his time, ppl wanted the impressionist Renoir and not the expressionism of VanGogh. wrong timing ... a problem with talented artist... painting the feelings through colors or forms of their own instead of using reality colors / forms ... and the money involved::: we parents have that conviction of the art we do it needs to go away to different hands, to sale the paintings is a satisfaction, not really for the money they pay, but for the satisfaction of his canvas have a new lover... i had left behind lots of all kind of paintings in different places::: Paris, Germany, Switzerland, USA, Colombia ... the other day a guy from Australia send a message, 10 years later, of him and the painting he bought from me, is a lovely gratitude to see the satisfaction in others about something you did with your own hands in love, ecstasy and inspiration... painting is like a passion u can eat it at every breath u take, it becomes like music inside your blood... 11:18 in the morning
Montag 15 2022
"TheBlueBrothers" ( 1980 ) a fun movie to watch, then it came "BlueBrothers2000" ( 2000 ) a continuation of the fun from the first film. The same enemies ::: the cops, the FBI, the Nazis, the nuns... this time there was not a angry wife after JohnBelushi ( JackBlues ), many of the first film characters died in real life including the charismatic JBelushi, so new ppl came into the show and also they invited new icons from the entertainment of the blues rock country scenarios ... is just fun to watch these kind of movies, have fun! ---"
EditIja" (2009), well made animation from Serbia, if u like futuristic technoloy like earth in 50 years, this is for u, good sound, script is ok, some action, in places and for an unknown reason, it remains me of "
ValientAndTheCityOfThousandPlanets" (2017) which i love it and
the main character in
Edit I Ja, is a female (Edit) with pale hair that remains me of another animation call::: "
HeavyMetal" (1981) were a heroine also with pale hair is call TarnaTheTerraquean. i also liked before this film a lot, watched many times, not as many as the Matrix, but many.
7:13 am morning
martes (a la memoir of Marz) 16, 2022 August
a desert again, a film on deserts, IndianaJones style, is call::: "
JackHunter&theLostTreasureOfUgarit" (2008) treasures hunters with all those characters on the deserts of Syria. locals, a beauty, nice landscapes, the bad guys, adventure. a hero, a woman riding a horse is beauty in higher level... the beauty and power of the horse with a lady on it. like those films where JuliaRoberts rides, and i remember also:::
RobinHoodsDaughterPrincessOfThieves" (2001) with KeiraKnightley riding beautiful horses. i love horses, ride them since i was probably 4 or 5 yo... it remains me of a cowboy friend: Perucho (hey bro, wazap), there in LagoCalima, we had some horses', and vans crossing-roads, and great traveling adventures together.
---talking about horses, they are one of the animals with lots of humor when they are in the mood for. very obedient to orders, great power, strength and beauty in one piece of living-nature, and good friends too. animals are good friends once u show them u are kool with animals. i like to talk to them, they can understand all human-languages. the last animal i had a friendship with (temporally), is some kind of Wasp that goes inside my room and check out the garbage to take liquid substances out and bring them into his nest-home. is a trip!
tuesday 16th 2022
WoodyHarrelson plays in "
TheMessenger" (2009), two army guys facing the reflections of their human side while a war somewhere else influences their daily days unable them to avoid their real cruel consequences that hit them from the side when delivering the bad-news to the families of the death ones on the field.
miercoles mitwoch 17 august 2022
if u want to have a blink to the way the cartels move drugs from one country into another, check this film::: "RunningWithTheDevil" (2019), kilo starts at U$1600 and ends up at U$14000... many died on the process,,,
---i remember a thought on something deep the other day it crossed my mind... it envolves the beauty of the body, the beauty of the mind, the beauty of the soul and the beauty of the consciousness.
the 4 riders of ur apocalypsis. is your own apocalypsis riding in 4 different ways, that at some point all those roads need to meet in an intersection of your landscape and
u need to become ONE as ur own and unique Self.
if u want, other wise ur body will continue going its own ways, the ways of the emotions or the desires... your mind will continue going the way of its intentions and ideas... your soul might abandoned u for good tired of following a couple of fools... and ur consciousness? what will ever happens to her??? think about it!!!
donerstag jueves 18/22 agosto
some movies hit the road of slowness, and bring the spectator into boreom, ... some swim around the quiet images / scenes, but there is a motion inside the scene that give movement to the stillness of the picture of the moment, that i saw in this film from one the books of author GabrielGarciaMarquez::: "OfLoveAnd OtherDemonds" ( 2009 ), i read the book long ago, i remember that i got this trip from the book that brought me into writing a short novel related to this book, like a continuation of the Gabo's book. for some tripping reason, i got to the idea that Gabo got bored at some point of the book, almost at the end ( about 20 pages or so before it concludes ), where he gave the novel a fast finishing without getting extended in a field where he could go ahead more deeply... that trippy idea brought me a lot of inspiration to write the untold parts ( of what i thought ... hehehe ) from that book that Gabo didnt wrote.... .png)
( and remember, was just my tripping idea ok? ) ... so i started to write a novel beginning on the part where he began the quick mode to finish fast the novel... and i wrote and i wrote and i wrote, i was already past 81 pages, i remember well, when for different reasons my pc got some issues that i couldnt resolved myself ( due to some editing of videos i was doing at that time ), so i brought the pc to the computer - tech - expert, hehehe, very expert ... i left it there and couple of days later i got a call from him, telling me that he coudnt find tha hard - drive from the pc, that his wife did some cleaning of the working area and when he went to work on it, couldn't find the HD... i went to his shop, and we look together among dozens of used hds he got in a box, nothing, i even look under their furniture's see if if it cats or so, nothing...the tech - guy apologized and gave me a bigger hd and so on...¡¿?! i went inside my thoughts later the other day; and for me was more like Gabo ( up there somewhere, thank you Gabo ) didnt want me to write that novel... so i quit ( left it incomplete in the oblivion fo the "lostThings" !!! ... beyond that personal experience, there is a common saying about the movies based on Gabo's novels, that they never get the quality of the writers magic, the so call ::: > > >there is a common saying about the movies based on Gabo's novels, that they never get the quality of the writers magic, the so call ::: > > > <TAG1>there is a common saying about the movies based on Gabo's novels, that they never get the quality of the writers magic, the so call ::: > > > <TAG1>Magical realism< < <... .png)
this film search for the beauty in some scenes, and to be honest, it gets it ... it locks more money to cover more extras in the Cartagena scenarios, since for the time the story is narrated, a pirate city in the Caribbean at those times, was probably filled with all kind of ppl: like many beggars, pirates, thieves, soldiers, migrants, servants, lords, markets, colors, wind, hot weather, etc ... those are not seen enough in this film, but::: it concentrates to rescue the beauty of the scenes from the book and at some points it achieved it ( only when the actress is in ). do u want to see a whole lot of the controversy of catholic religion facing the real world of humans around? and trying to control them? and love in the middle dancing the strategies of the unjusted jails of the free - of them let the powers of the rulers to manipulate her freedom of choices of her heart, the other a prisoner of the rulers... both captives looking to be together in an ocean of disadvantages. the beauty of the flesh getting closer to the respect of each other and letting themselves go around the chains in order to feel the boundaries of eternity from a perspective of a couple of prisoners fighting the driven insanity of the Illuminati's. at the end, its just Love and many demons. ...the color of the film that some producers decides to use to get the remembrance of a far past in history, is a little bit silly, since at any time in history, life is all colorful no matter when an event happened.the beauty of the flesh getting closer to the respect of each other and letting themselves go around the chains in order to feel the boundaries of eternity from a perspective of a couple of prisoners fighting the driven insanity of the Illuminati's. at the end, its just Love and many demons. ...the color of the film that some producers decides to use to get the remembrance of a far past in history, is a little bit silly, since at any time in history, life is all colorful no matter when an event happened.the beauty of the flesh getting closer to the respect of each other and letting themselves go around the chains in order to feel the boundaries of eternity from a perspective of a couple of prisoners fighting the driven insanity of the Illuminati's. at the end, its just Love and many demons. ...the color of the film that some producers decides to use to get the remembrance of a far past in history, is a little bit silly, since at any time in history, life is all colorful no matter when an event happened.the color of the film that some producers decides to use to get the remembrance of a far past in history, is a little bit silly, since at any time in history, life is all colorful no matter when an event happened.the color of the film that some producers decides to use to get the remembrance of a far past in history, is a little bit silly, since at any time in history, life is all colorful no matter when an event happened..png)
friday, august 19 2022
graffiti underground, a film:::"DaysOfTheWhale" ( 2019 ), musik, danger, colors, walls, strange dog, party, ghetto...
saturday August 20, 2022
The details... details on an appreciation - mode of an outside architecture in dance with the nature of the environment or the neighbors around ... those with less income in their pockets, build scenarios of architecture that resemble their economic situations, those with more income in their banks, resemble in their architectural environments a different picture to the observer. both build up architecture forms for different needs; both create in their towns the reflection of their pockets - $... 
one seems one way, the other another way ... is hard to venture yourself to categorize which one is more beautiful than the other ... one thing is sure and clear::: they both expose their idea of beauty ( or need ) in their own capacity ... i get myself out of the idea of a pretty town or city, when i look a different alternative communities of the planet ... the beauty exists anywhere and everywhere ... to acknowledge this, itself makes a person more empathic to the reality of the whole as an universal conversation of different approaches or different interpretations of a singular projection of beauty itself... some fall in the category of doing some architectural edition in ways that dont represent beauty, but need itself. some others dont search for the expression of beauty, but just to the over doze of selfishness in static manifestations of a construction building in competition with others... - - - the lack of cameras plans in this film keeps the scene static in a single plane: a General - Plan for long minutes makes u concentrate more in the main character or the companion's trip of what is going on with her / him inside... u dont get impatient since the stillness of the actors moves ur thoughts into their thoughts, and u ended up thinking like them..."Memory" ( 2021 ) with TildaSwinton ... i remember some other films with her, and those were also :::" special"...I realized that I don't feel like going anywhere; experiences are harmful, they make the storm of my memory more violent ... (Hernan ) ,,, and this one ::: In space we were with the others, I saw two lovers, and then I was born ... almost at the end, an ETship flies away finally and leave behind a portal ... do we have br @ others from space living among us??? ...STILLNESS... 14:39
Sunday August 21/22
"SecretHeadquaters" ( 2022 ), fun, lots of fun....
- - - when did u loose ur innocence??? what is innocence? ... they say that innocence is that in u that locks guilt ... so, that changes our question into ::: when did u first feel guilty?... when we were kids, did lots of wrongs with an innocence attitude or tendency ... one person likes the freedom he has in life ... the other dislike freedom, she said she prefers to belongs to someone or something ... some truths scare us, or do us wrong...
6: 56am
getting back to the subject: INNOCENCE. since innocence is related to the proportion of guiltiness, then we can ask ourselves, if it is related also in some way to BEAUTY??? why asking this question and what beauty has to do with innocence??? when u have the chance to look at a child or a kid or a baby that reflects that innocence that u still pursue in films or in reality or in poems or in images or in art ... is that child has a huge proportion of beauty in the resemblance of the body? or in the tone of the conversations ??? ... is that means that once u loose the innocence ( find out u are guilty for the first time of some unclear / unfair action ), then u loose also a great proportion of the ground of beauty in your body and mind??? is that means that when u feel guilty about something, then u are reflecting ugliness???
- - - black??? or red & blue??? ppl in the position of influencing others, because they are billionaires or in a position of privilege, they have the tendency to make opinions on different subjects, one of them is that related to politics ... heard from someone said that he will choose half of the red - party and half of the blue - party... did he find corruption in the other halves??? one thing nowadays to take in consideration, is to see if the so call "leader" has some links attached to any of the illuminati's blood - lines of the elites from DS of the system of the controllers ... i can place an example, 
a simple example here from one of the most corrupted ( licensed to kill in the name of their gods ) countries in the world ::: USA, if u search behind the curtains in the internet, u might find out that all presidents of that country belong in some grade or another, into the any stage or level of the pyramid from the illuminati's. with the exception of Trump... nowadays u heard from media propaganda ( either the silly one or the underground one ) rumors of hate against this guy T ... and so also from the guy in the other room::: Putin ... why is all those hated arguments came from??? maybe in the case of P, bcs this guy found out that the secret - orgs from the other room had built Biological - Arms - Industries in Ukraine in the backyard of Russia... its like if the Russians were building BAI in Mexico or Canada............controversy of speech or controversy of ideologies ??? .... is like the "story" made by the Bush - Family of WeaponsOfMassDestruction in Iran in order to build - up FEAR in the blind masses so they can go and destroy the guy that didnt give them rights over the oil in their soil... Tyranny is not a sweet way either to rule over a population of humans in the lands, but the same did the Kings & Queens over the centuries in old Europe... until the French and the Russians with their people - revolutions came and kill the royalty BS ... anyway, different points ... different solutions...Tyranny is not a sweet way either to rule over a population of humans in the lands, but the same did the Kings & Queens over the centuries in old Europe... until the French and the Russians with their people - revolutions came and kill the royalty BS ... anyway, different points ... different solutions...Tyranny is not a sweet way either to rule over a population of humans in the lands, but the same did the Kings & Queens over the centuries in old Europe... until the French and the Russians with their people - revolutions came and kill the royalty BS ... anyway, different points ... different solutions... - - - the sacred mystery of the pink - dolphins of the Amazons ... they are like ppl ... but from underwater ... or "Omachas" in the believes of the Amazonian ppl ... if television is used for good purposes, is beautiful... "RiverBelow" ( 2017 ) ... governments and ppl have their own agendas, they dont want to listen ... every LIFE has the same Value... is very SAD and a tragedy how ppl without heart kill the dolphins just to use their flesh to be a bait ( 4 Mota ) for the fish - industry... the full length of the film is 1: 27:17, in case you are watching to a shorter version ... controversy of the true??? of different points of understandings??? a sacrifice that needs to be done in order to disclose into the masses the wrong action of killing the pink Dolphins of the Amazons... documentaries made to the public in order for the blind authorities to do something about it??? i personaly recommend this film very much, especially to those into vegan or any other alternative way of eating without the action of eating an animal. thank you!!! - - -"YoungPicasso" documentary ( early works ) ::: no need of comments, he was / is an art - genius!!!9: 21 Tuesday, August 23/22
the delinquency of pretending that i can manage to tell ppl how to better eat for their own good of body - health, is not acceptable ... i'm just going to describe the different ways humans eat, or in other words ::: how humans sustain the energy of their bodies in order to make it through a day...
- those that eat all kind of animals + other stuff
- those that eat certain kind of animals + other stuff
- those that eat not animals and become vegetarians + other stuff
- those that eat / kill NOT any animal ( including insects as well ) and do not support any animal bad behavior = Vegans + other stuff - Vegans that dont eat = "other stuff"
- Raw - Fooders
- ppl that sustain their bodies just by liquids and breathing the aroma of plants
- ppl that sustain their bodies just breathing air and meditating all time
- ppl that fast most of their lifes
what is that "other stuff" means??? means that they also drink alcohol ( social ), or smoke stuff, or eat junk - food once in a while or eat with - out knowing that there are harmful chemicals in the stuff they eat or use, etc ... another question here is::: how many times of the day do u eat??? meaning any thing u place inside your mouth ... heard that the less times u eat, the more breaks u give to your digestive system ( meaning more health chances for cells to recover and sustain the body ). some cultures promote to eat many many times at day.... differences of thoughts, every thing is acceptable .... which way are u eating??? what are u putting inside ur body??? think about it, release the cultural heritage u got from the family u grew up with ... this is XXI century, not XX century any more!
Sunday August 28, 2022
"PulpFiction"!, Well, nothing to add, just one of my favors, not recommended, bcs is not 4 everyone.
7: 16 am September 11, 2022 the abilities of the human race are major and incredible. Man can see that from ppl who practice sports, especially if they had been trained for high competitions. The body responds in incredible ways to the knowledge and technology of nowadays sport competitions. Especially if a body has a young age between 18 and 27 me. Now, the integrity of the human itself as a unity with other capacities of its own as the mind, the soul and its consciousness, should be as fit as its body in all performances more than 100%. No limitations if it can take care of the being with a healthy idea of conservation and projection into far futures of its own. Meaning that in that field the human being has not age limitations as in higher competitions of the body.Can u imagine yourself being or giving yourself more than 100% in your integral oneness ?: body - mind - soulconsciousness ... - - - <TAG1> well that is one thing to accomplish, and which it takes more than just the idea of doing it just for fun or for healthy purposes. It involves lots of discipline and dedication. There are many different ways to do that, actually 8 billion different ways, every human has its own way. - - - <TAG1> healing powers are and are not related to the next subject, which is::: all the enemies we think we have, are just creations of our own imagination. Probably the enemies u see or think u feel, are created or coming from your own astral zone when u bring them in dreams, for example. There are also many other ways of creating imaginary enemies, like when a collective is looking for a way out of something,the collective mind can create a solution and it might manifest. Or also for the control of the masses by certain controlling groups into power. Anyway, what we try to bring here, is that there are many sickness and bad energies or wrong frequencies that u created yourself ( or bring yourself into it ) for ur own badness. Once u realize that, after a while of cleaning the mess ya made, the powers of ur own potential might manifest in amazing ways. Some ppl call that process ::: the healing of the Self.the powers of ur own potential might manifest in amazing ways. Some ppl call that process ::: the healing of the Self.the powers of ur own potential might manifest in amazing ways. Some ppl call that process ::: the healing of the Self.
- - - here some of my last digital art:::
september 12 2022
what kind of
continuous or discontinuous daily life we are driving in ::: ( choose
wisely and adjust )
against all odds
self - Destructive
only - Entrepreneur
round & around
wake up
f * ckU
up & down
thisBlogS * cks
gotNot $
etc / etc / etc / etc
Sep 19/22

the Asian invasion
to the west had been made in slow motion, like a hive of ants slowly
penetrating in the most fragile area: the economics. Not sure of the
exactly date, but it probably began after ww2. They knew that the
best way to conquered the west, was with money. In those times china
recovered their gold bars from central bank in the US, something that
the elites didn't like it that much, but the Asians had the support of
another elite, the asian - elite…. This is another story anyway. At
the end of the xx century, thego
(governments ) began exporting goods and
people to strategy economics positions and areas, to control the
regular - economy - monetary flow in the markets. Regular establishing
companies and Asian employees in different places and levels and
invades the US markets with more affordable merchandises - in general,
to get the access - flow of money from the middle class. How they did
it ?::: in a way, the governments supporter the “invasion” by
allowing the merchandise to be exported in tons
and in bulk at low - low - low prices; the financing of the
program was supported by their central banks, covering the lost, in
the name of a safe victory. The US was the
first target, conquering that country, the rest will be easier...
Using the same methodology in open ways, later they dont just
created business companies, but they began buying banks and
elite assets. China and the rest of Asia was supported by their
governments with orders from the above controlling TOsian - elites.
Nowadays they are in subtle ways all over the west ::: US,
Latin - America & Canada, Europe.

look around your own neighborhood, who owns the laundromats, the
corner stores, most of the banks, the middle corporations, wall
street, the film industry, the food corporations, etc. and it
is so subtle the "invasion”,
that they dont need to show their Asian faces on any of their
factories or big assets, the just own more
than 51% of the stock and place a local
known western man in office to run the show. Behind that curtain of
the economics there is also a desire of retaliation to the US in
particular for all the US invasions to the east. But also the need of
more - power that runs in the blood of those humans
in control… but there is something
above all the elites, that needs to be taken in consideration always,
and that most of the time, the ppl in power try to avoid or pretend
to dont listen to;;; those are the powers
of the universe ... who controls the universe? Who controls the life
and death of creations ?, who is in control of the Milky - Way ?, well is
easy to figured out if u take for example who owns planet Earth ... do
u think is owned by the billionaires? Or the corporations? Or the
kings and queens? Or the Vatican? Think twice, cuz that is the
propaganda idea that the elites had been selling
and working on it for centuries in order to gain the control
of this planet and others near by with the little help of the
dark - forces of the same universe we are in. But this is another
story. I guess that the Asian - elite got tired of the western - elites
to always trying to invade their territory and in particular, using
the white - flag of a possible Nipon attach in those times for the
W - elites to nuke Japan. The strategy of the elites - one of them,
is ::: create FEAR in the masses to control them ... they create the
fear of a possible attack, or an imminent possession of weapons of
mass destruction, or created a country as a “threat” to their so
called "freedom", then they can launch another nuke attack.
Failed in their plans to attack Russia and China, couldn't hold the
money to launch the projects.
Sept 20 2022
where must we go…
we who wander this Wastelands in search of our better selves?
- TheFirstHistoryMan from the GeorgeMiller movie "MadMaxFuryRoad”
( 2015 ), recommended ONLY to those
choose ones ( hehehe )
- - - anyone knows the
music from TomXL like the Wolkenborg???
- - - what is your
brain´s ID number?… something like ::: 192.369.30.9??? be aware it
can be hacked!
- - - the world is
built on a wall, it separates the ppl ... tell anyone from either side
that there is not wall, and it will be a war or a massacre!!! from
the film "BladeRunner2049”( 2017 ), 6.10.21 = 6 + 10 + 3= 10 (19) = = =1.... recommended ONLY to those choose
- - - here some of my last digital art:::

monday, september
26th 2022
are we living inside
our bubble of comfort? At the same time when in northern Africa
people are walking miles and kilometers on dust and heat, to reach
out Europa!!!
while Mexicans are
crossing borders of steel to make it to the American dream…
while Venezuelans
are walking all around south-America to reach a piece of bread...
while in Syria ppl
are dying in wars of the rich and the elite...
while in Afghanistan
the corporations are controlling the opium fields…
while there is a war
in Ukrania where the elite is trying to dis-balance the harmony of
the planet...
while men are living
in winter under a bridge in Prague...
u don’t need to do
anything at all, but at least be conscious enough to send good
energy-Love to those in struggle at the same moment u are sitting
comfortable in your comfy chair.
U don’t need to do
anything at all about the mass destruction of animals for the food
u don’t need to do
anything at all, just stay in your comfy chair and believe u are a
good person…
veintinueve de septiembre del 22
the Galactic
Federation of Light is communicating very closer to humanity
nowadays… expecting the probabilities of meeting with some humans,
is almost a fact in the coming weeks… the best opportunity for the
human race to flourish after all these centuries of living under
darkness command, is at hand… if u are afraid, just delete your
life from whatever is new to come, and die at the end of your
process, and that is ok too...
monday 3 octubre 2022
strange that we can not meet like children anymore? perhaps due to the intensity of energies glowing inside our minds... what? i read from the Essenes that there are 3 powers: thoughts, feelings and actions... the thoughts is the weaker one, if the feelings behind are not pure, it creates a flow of low frequencies that disturb the vibration of the self and others around or those involved with the thought. in order for the action to be clean and nice, the beginning of the thought has to have a pure feeling behind,
then the results on the actions is 100% clear. the correct feeling is a fountain of good energy that creates harmony and good luck, otherwise they are dangerous. no wonder the origins of war and hate and ego control...
oct 16 2022

is the nearest forest from ur home? Take a walk over there, on the
way, use the camera of ur phone, and take pix of flowers, mushrooms,
trees, leaves, rocks, insects, animals, strange things, abandoned
metals, paths that the sun shine, ur shadow, birds, graffities on the
way to the forest… go alone, meditate ur thoughts and change the
wrong thoughts and ideas for good stuff… breath and feel new, like a
new human restored by nature… forget about the time on your phone…
think pure stuff that help u build up a new u… smile alone with the
air, with the clouds, with the sounds… and after couple of hours,
when u get back home, load the pix in an app that help u edit the
photos, and have a good time doing it… after that, eat some fruits
and vegetable, slice a piece of bread with raisings while music is on
the background, feel healthy and young, smile again, and in case the
tunes are good for dancing, dance, dance alone in the middle of ur
space, and think about how beautiful u are, look at yourself on a
mirror or the reflection of a glass window, and say to yourself that
u are a great person, a loving human, cuz u love yourself a lot and
give yourself a love with the surroundings and with everything u saw
in the forest… then, u know it was a wonderful sunday afternoon, or
7:26 am
Saturday 29 October 2022
Internet speed s*cks, nowadays, I will try to download some interesting or amazing pix from the social networks onto here::: enjoy them...
Sunday morning coming down, Oct. 30/22...
My consciousness had awakened from its eternal napping she was living in. As she wakes, she looked at me in wonder's::: Who is this naked body of flesh moving around all beautifully with a ball of mind full of thoughts that provocative invite our Soul to the dance hall of our Life. Now my consciousness provides all escencials to our party. And we celebrate in Joy. Because she is connected with Source Consciousness through eternity.
--- allthough the dogs are still running Caicedo's land in free style. Two different kind of dogs. The lost ones are living in LaOlla-neighborhood of drugs and dangerous survival. El barrio is dark as hell at night. Man can hardly see anything, but for these dogs, the night is clear as the sun. They know the corner where to hang out with the dudes in similar despairing chosen destiny. A little room the size of a single reused bed, is waiting for him, but he's now busy with the stuff, bringing in the elements of death inside his body, because he is still forgetting that he is a child of God with a mission on Earth, he is a Light-Worker shadowed by DeepState inside the process of the plans they have to slowly destroy the Humans Sons of the New Earth. But in Caicedo land, ppl don't know those things, they wave still the ocean of self destruction in the name of the anxieties created by the system of darkness. He is not guilty... here from where we stand, looking at JuanitoAlimaña, we know he is one of us.
The other dogs are running also in survival mode, they sniffing the air and the dirty streets of the Galerías (market plaza ) looking for a piece of leftovers from the humans. The human has not mercy with them. The butcher at the Galerías smash bones down into small pieces with his bloody hax, while the straits dogs sniff out those fallen pieces of a death Cow from the ground. Doggy and his friends are pleased with the hunting, he knows at what time his human comes around, and he needs to be there, bcs Doggy is the protector. Is four in the morning, the two dogs meet at the known corner , right on time to walk together to the tiny room. Late in the afternoon before the rituals started on the known corner, J.A. had to evolve few pesos to pay the two dollars for that night room, and few extras to buy his stuff for the long night ritual at the LaOlla corner. The first meal he gets from a group of volunteers that feed the homeless at noon. That is the first and bigger meal of the day for both dogs. Then J.A. runs up and down the streets of Caicedo land, hitting with a wood stick the wheels of busses and trucks, to get a coin from the owners. What's that J.A. does with the wood stick?::: As he hits the wheels of big automotives, the sound reflects the condition of air pressure inside, and Jhonny can tell the driver that everything is ok, in exchange, the driver throw a coin to his hands. In couple of hours, he is in his way to pay his bill, and hits the sugar. Doggy after that, knows that with Jhonny gives no more meals together, and he meets with the strait dogs to go about. Before the Sun comes into action, both dogs are happily sleeping together in tiny bed. One is tripping his soul in the realms of dreams, where his inner self keeps on calling him back from self destruction, and the other one is dreaming happily with bones. Both had what they want, one forgot his mission on this Galaxy, the other protect his friend's energy from falling apart.
...Nov 7/22... More pix:::


Nov. 22/22
Writing down scenes in words
Thinking the unseen to be possible
All behind the glass of a window.
A man is sitting on a sofa
He is looking outside the window
In how a crow moves around a tree,
He thinks the crow don't see him.
On a branch of a tree
A crow moves it's ways around.
He sees a man on the other side of a window,
He ignores the man behind the glass
And keeps on doing what he is doing.
The man observes all about the crow
And observes all around him.
A tree with many branches is there
Beautifully expanding its branches to the blue empty sky.
The crow wonders as he moves around the tree branches
What a naked man is doing behind the window glass.
Crow thinks the man might finished taking his body cleaning
Or man is lonely and waiting for a lover
The man loves animals and tries to feel the expressions of life in the crow,
He wonders if the bird has a partner
He wonders how the crow survives winter
He just wondering inside his nakedness
The feelings of other creatures around.
The crow finds a good spot to open conversation with the wind
He starts to open a flow of sounds
That embrace the tree branches and the afternoon
He wonders if the naked man behind the window can listen to his verses.
The man hears the peculiar singing of the animal
And start dancing around his apartment
His thoughts go into the distance
Where the girl he likes has a memory from last night conversation.
The crow knows the deepest feelings of the man behind glass window
And keeps on doing what he is doing
The tree begins to move his branches and leaves in harmony
The wind began a flow of whisperings
And the huge window of the naked man's apartment brights connects all the actors at once.
Then the Sun arrives
Then the clouds arrived
Then more birds arrive
Then a beautiful smiling girl arrives
And the whole family of earthlings are happy together dancing the Love of Life
Vegan friend |
And More...
And more nice pix from social network:::
6:18 am
Nov. 24
Saw a woman with a big straw hat
She was near the train station
Painting the porch of her house
Of a white brilliant color.
Her movements with the brush were gentle and peaceful
Suddenly she stops the ritual of her morning work
And staring at some spot she drops the brush down
Grabbed something minuscule with two of her fingers
And started doing something else.
In my curiosity to get to know what she was doing
I grabbed the camera and zoom in,
Effectively she was helping a fly getting out of the wet paint,
She holds the nervous little animal with two of her fingers
And with a free finger of the other hand, she placed saliva on its wings to clean them up.
The little fellow let her do the cleaning
And the energy of their mutual communication fill out the air around
I was enchanted not just for the gesture of helping lovely the small brother
But in how the both of them were communicating right after she lets it go.
I came back to my routine of after work cleaning
And notice a small fellow flying around the onion plant on the window
And I started a conversation with the little fellow
Since that moment, it likes to fly around me when I get close to the onion plant.
Dec. 21/22 ....
the latest NEWS::: is that we came into a cross road of a different inclination... to know if all the NARRATIVE concerning the ASCENCION trip and the 5D info and all the new stuff moving around there, IS true OR false......... i particularly dont know and i am not sure if that is a REALITY to become visible soon or sometime at all, OR IT IS ANOTHER CONTROL program FROM WHO KNOWS who. I recommend myself, to BELIEVE only in what inner self tells me to FEEL and to DO. so, THINGS DEVELOP IN A DIFFERENT SPEED::: my speed.
more pictures from SocialNetworks:

sometimes i look like thisI forgot to do a new page for year 2023.
- Anyway until then, i leave you with this illustration of Vivianne Westwood in the 70's when she got this boutique called Sex, hehe. Together with Malcolm McLaren. The guy who put together the Sex Pistols.
A NEW YEAR 2023 FULL OF LOVE AND LIGHT. Even if we just doing another cycle around the Sun. Hehehe, Time is an illusion.
***theNo - End *** (might continues tomorrow)
- - - o - - -
theHelakuMatrixDudes tried hard to put together this bio of that indigo guy ... what was his name??? f * k we forgot names very easily, sorry 😹, anyway here is his unnecessaryShortBIO ::: 👀
"""WHOAmI...? - KDOjsem ...? - WERbinIch ...? - WHO I am ...? - QUIsuisJe ...? - CHIsonoIo...? ... ... blogger ??? ... writer ??? .. journalist ??? ... poet ?? ... aHumanPassingBy this planet ??? ... artist ??? ... someOneWhoTakes photos ?? .... observe???... nobody ??? ... anonymous Incognito ??? ... wanderer ??? .. indigo ??? ... anOutsider???... LightWorker???... Musician???... CinePhile ??? ... druid ??? .. hacktivist ??? .. hackerOfThoughts ??? ... alien ??? ... animal Lover ??? ... rainWatcher ? .. freedomSearcher ??? ... lostInAlostSociety???... survivor ??? ... natureLover ??? .. student ??? .. plantsWaterer ??? ... spaceTraveler ??? ... astronaut ??? ... visualEditor ??? ... friendlyPerson ??? ... madMan???... psycho - delik ??? ... warriorOfLove & peace???... XtremeRockClaimer???... 👓 👓 👓Who knows... he is just in the NOW! so far we can see how his activities had change from time to time and from country to country 🐐 ... how his surviving jobs go from one direction into another direction ... from odd jobs, to artistic jobs, to IT jobs, to reach - out jobs, to service jobs, to office jobs, to social jobs, to craft jobs, to hospitality jobs, to no job - jobs, to construction jobs, to slave - jobs, to etc - jobs.🐬 ... in between those occupations always remain "HisThing" = what he loves to do best = ARTS... another role he likes and played along life sometimes and in between the spaces from the survival - jobs, was / is to help as a volunteer for different organizations and in different areas::: from activism, to social - work, outreach, animal protection, medical rescues, counseling addicts, teaching street - kids, feeding the need, against injustice, 🌞 🌝 🌜 highRiskChildrenRescue,..well brothers & sisters, if u were wondering who is this guy whom writes in this blog mixed stuff, and searched for a biography but never found one, this is it! he is still out there and continues the incognito progress or the development of self - within for a better LIFE as a HUMAN being!!! 😹 😹 😹 💙 💙 💙 👽 👽... """
***i know, is not a normal bio ..... so is my life .... no one can write it down hehehe, those HelakuMatrixDudes keep on following me everywhere i go, sh * t!!!***

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